

囊炎(bur-sigh-tus) is a condition that makes the area around a joint or bone painful, red and swollen. It can affect both adults and children.




  • red or swollen
  • 热和酸痛
  • 痛苦 - 通常会带着沉闷,疼痛
  • 如果您尝试按下或移动它,敏感和痛苦。






Bursae also help to reduce friction. An example of this would be your shoe rubbing your foot. This creates friction, which is absorbed by the bursae instead of your bones or tendons.

Your body can also create a new bursa if it thinks a certain joint or limb needs added protection from friction. For example, if your shoe keeps rubbing the same area, or you regularly lean on the same elbow, your body will create added cushioning there. This will either be with an extra bursa, or by increasing the fluid in the bursae that are already there.

What happens when you have bursitis?

You get bursitis when you have inflammation inside a bursa. This increases the amount of fluid in the bursa and makes it expand. The area around the bursa then becomes painful, swollen and hot, which can stop you being able to use that joint or limb properly.



Jobs and hobbies where you use repetitive movements or activities can make you more likely to get bursitis. This includes:

  • carpet fitters who kneel a lot
  • people who lean on their elbows to work or study
  • 那些花了很长时间的人站着或走来走去。


You can also develop bursitis if you have:

  • 痛风或者another condition that causes hard crystals to gather in or around your joints
  • 不断回来的伤害
  • an infection in or near a joint
  • 炎症状况 - 例如rheumatoid arthritis(Roo-Ma-Toy-D Arth-Ri-Tus)增加了您获得它的风险。

囊炎in the shoulder, hip, knee or ankle commonly occurs due to a problem in a tendon. If this is the case, your treatment will probably be focussed on treating your tendon problem, which can often make your recovery slower.



In most cases, you can reduce the pain and inflammation caused by bursitis by reducing the pressure on the affected area. You can also try the following:


Apply an ice pack, or bag of frozen vegetables, wrapped in a damp tea towel to the swollen area for 10 minutes at a time, every 2-3 hours.


If you have bursitis around your knees, using a thick foam cushion or knee pads can help reduce the pressure and make kneeling less painful.

If lying down is uncomfortable, try to avoid sleeping on the side that hurts. A pillow placed behind your back can stop you rolling onto the painful side and should help you sleep better.



Comfortable, properly fitted shoes or trainers and protective insoles can help relieve the pressure on swollen bursae in your feet. They should also reduce any rubbing that is making your bursitis worse.

Physical therapy


  • 向您展示练习以改善运动
  • 建议您如何减少任何可能使囊炎恶化的摩擦。

行走病也可以帮助减轻受影响区域的压力。您的医生或辅助和改编专家,称为occupational therapist,可以建议您如何选择正确的手杖。

您的GP可以推荐您physiotherapy职业治疗, or you may be able to refer yourself.



You can also find an occupational therapist who works privately on theRoyal College of Occupational Therapists’ website


非甾体类抗炎药(NSAIDS)such as ibuprofen could help your pain. Apainkiller, such as paracetamol, could also help. These can be bought from supermarkets and pharmacies.




有时使用诸如NSAIDS, rest and support, doesn’t work.


  • 您的温度高或感到炎热和颤抖
  • 肿胀区域上的皮肤坏了
  • 您无法移动受影响的关节
  • 您的关节有急剧的射击疼痛
  • you’ve tried to treat bursitis yourself, but it still hasn’t improved after a week or two.


Your GP should be able to diagnose bursitis by examining the affected area. They may ask about any:

  • 最近的任何伤害
  • 任何联合问题的历史
  • your job or work practices.


If your doctor thinks your bursitis is due to an infection, they may recommend aspiration. This is where a needle and syringe are used to get fluid from the bursa. This may be done by your GP, or you may be referred to hospital.

The drained fluid can then be sent for testing in a lab, to find out what infection you have and the best way to treat it.


Your doctor may advise you to try a course of strongerNSAIDS或者止痛药治疗您的疼痛和炎症。或者,他们可以将您引用physiotherapist,谁可以评估您的状况并设计一系列的伸展运动和加强练习,以治疗您的特定问题。



If your doctor thinks your bursitis has been caused by an infection, they will probably prescribe you antibiotics. If you continue to get bursitis in the same place, even after treatment, you may be referred to hospital for intravenous (in-tra-vee-nus) antibiotics or surgery.


  • 血液检查以寻找其他疾病,例如rheumatoid arthritis或者痛风
  • 扫描以寻找其他原因,例如对肌肉的损害。

What can I do to stop bursitis coming back?

囊炎can be treated, but it can come back. To stop this from happening, try:

  • keeping your weight down. If you’re overweight, you’re putting more pressure on the bursa
  • preventing infection by cleaning any cuts properly
  • 使用填充的泡沫垫或额外的填充物来降低关节的压力 - 例如,坐下或跪下时
  • 穿适当安装鞋子并用鞋垫保护脚
  • protecting your joints from any knocks or bangs
  • 定期休息一下您的工作或将Bursa承受压力的活动。

If you have more questions about your condition, you can speak to one of our trained热线顾问免费使用0800 5200 520。

你也可以和我们聊天virtual assistant或在我们的网站上查看有关可以帮助您的囊炎改善的事情的更多建议。这包括footwear,职业治疗,physiotherapyexercise