Hip pain




Ball-and-socket joints give the most movement of all the different types of joints in the body.



Inside the capsule is the synovium, which lubricates the joint with synovial fluid and keeps the cartilage healthy. The cartilage sits between the bones of your hip joint to stop them rubbing together and reduces any impact when you walk or move your hip.

With all this support, it is unusual for the hip to become dislocated, even after a high-impact injury.

When to see a doctor

Most of the time you can treat your hip pain yourself with simple self-help treatments. If your pain is extremely bad or hasn’t improved after two weeks of regularly taking止痛药,您应该去看医生。

You should see your doctor straight away if:

  • 您跌倒或臀部受伤
  • 痛苦越来越严重
  • you’re having difficulty with daily activities, for example walking, going up stairs or leaning forwards when sitting
  • 您感到发烧或不适,或者一直在减肥。


Most of the time there is a very simple explanation for hip pain, for example if you’ve overdone it while exercising. In this case your pain is usually caused by strained or inflamed soft tissues, such as tendons, and it often clears up within a few days.


如果您的臀部关节有问题,您可能会在腹股沟,腿部和膝盖的前面感到疼痛。有时,膝盖疼痛是髋关节问题的唯一迹象 - 这称为引用疼痛或辐射疼痛,很常见。

您可能会在臀部或臀部的外侧感到疼痛 - 尽管这也可能是由于下背部的问题而引起的。


If your hip pain hasn’t improved after two weeks you should see your doctor.

It’s a good idea to make some notes about your condition before you go, so you can be sure to discuss everything that’s bothering you.








CT(计算机断层扫描)扫描通常可以very helpful to work out if the hip joint has an unusual shape. CT scans use x-rays to show sections or ‘slices’ of the hip, which a computer then puts together to form a 3D image of the hip.





如果您的医生认为您的疼痛是由感染或rheumatoid arthritis,血液检查通常可以帮助您。





Your doctor may prescribe strongerNSAIDS, such as diclofenac, naproxen, or a higher dose of ibuprofen, to help ease your pain.

像所有药物一样,NSAID有时会产生副作用。如果您要服用处方nsaids,您的医生将采取预防措施来降低这些风险 - 例如,通过在最短的时间内开处方最低剂量。


双膦酸盐用于治疗paget病of the boneosteoporosis。They work by slowing bone loss, which reduces the risk of hip fractures.



They are trained specialist who can show you how to help reduce your hip pain and how to improve the way your hip works in future by using a variety of strengthening and stretching exercise,massage和其他治疗技术。

They’ll work with you to help get your hip moving properly again. Their approach will depend on whether your problem is short-term or a long-standing condition. Almost everyone will benefit from physiotherapy, and they can recommend things such as:

  • 锻炼以增强肌肉削弱,改变协调并提高功能
  • advice on improving your posture
  • exercises to ease or prevent stiffness
  • 练习以增加联合运动的范围
  • 将胶带放在皮肤上,以减少组织上的压力,并帮助您提高您对臀部和后背的位置的认识
  • 软组织和关节的手动处理 - 例如按摩和操纵
  • how to walk when your hip hurts
  • how to use a walking stick or crutch.

It can take a while to get your referral to an NHS physiotherapist. You could see one quicker if you go privately but you’ll have to pay for this. You can find more information about private physiotherapists in your area on the特许理疗协会网站


If you think your work or certain activities might be the main cause of your pain, it’s worth discussing this with an occupational therapist.

职业治疗师是一个专家培训to help you regain your independence by showing you how to change the way you do things. They can also advise you on how equipment or adaptations could reduce the strain on your hip at home, work, or while you’re driving.

They’ll be able to give you advice on how to change your movements to help prevent pain continuing or returning. If your place of work has an occupational health department, they may also be able to help.

You can also see an occupational therapist privately. You’ll be able to get an appointment quicker, but it will cost you money. The皇家职业治疗师网站可以帮助您在您所在地区找到私人职业治疗师。

Your GP or hospital consultant can refer you for physiotherapy and occupational therapy, or you may be able to refer yourself.

Steroid injections

如果您的疼痛是由于臀部或臀部周围或周围的炎症引起的steroid injections可以帮助。

A They’re often given with a local anaesthetic which numbs the area to reduce the pain of the injection. They are usually very helpful in treating conditions affecting the trochanteric area on the outside of the hip.

有时,它们也可以有效治疗Iliopsoas肌腱炎 - 尽管放射科医生需要使用超声检查注射,因为Iliopsoas肌腱非常深。

A radiologist is a doctor who specialises in imaging techniques – like x-rays, MRI and ultrasound imaging – and forms a diagnosis from the results. They can use ultrasound to pinpoint the place that a steroid injection would be most effective.

A snapping iliopsoas tendon can also be treated with steroid injections with the guidance of a type of x-ray, called video fluoroscopy, to make sure it’s given in the right place. Ultrasound-guided injections are also becoming more popular.




Hip replacement surgery

If your hip pain is caused by arthritis and other treatments haven’t helped, your doctor may talk to you about hip replacement surgery. The modern techniques used in a hip replacement make the surgery very safe and people usually have extremely good outcomes after it.

  • 超过90%的髋关节替代人发现疼痛大大减轻了。
  • A modern artificial hip should last at least 15 years.



您的总体健康状况可能会在医院预约之前进行评估,您的外科医生还将与您谈论该手术。您还可以遇到物理治疗师和occupational therapistswho’ll be involved in your treatment after surgery.



You’ll be in hospital longer than your first hip replacement, and it might take longer to recover.


外科手术to reshape the hip can improve your ability to move the joint and reduce your pain and stiffness. In some cases, this procedure is performed using keyhole surgery as a hospital day case or you may stay a night in hospital.


Managing symptoms



Simple止痛药或非甾体类抗炎药(NSAID)such as paracetamol or ibuprofen tablets or gels – from a chemist or supermarket can help. A pharmacist should be able to give you good advice on what could work best for your condition. But don’t use them for more than two weeks without speaking to your GP.

You can try rubbing anti-inflammatory creams or gels onto affected areas, but some hip problems are so deep within the joint that this may not help. A pharmacist can advise you on what’s best for your condition.


Your hip pain may improve with a few days’ rest, but as soon as the pain begins to ease, start some gentle exercise to keep your muscles working and stop your hip getting stiff.


Simple exercises can also help keep the muscles strong, which will provide support to your hip and improve your symptoms. There are examples of练习您可以尝试我们的臀部页面练习

Before you begin, it’s a good idea to get advice from a doctor, physiotherapist or personal trainer in a gym about specific exercises. Start by exercising very gently and build up gradually.

As with any physical activity, it’s normal to feel some discomfort or aching in your muscles after exercising. But you should stop if you get any joint pain that doesn’t go away quickly.



Reducing the strain

It’s generally best to carry on doing your normal activities – but try not to overdo things. You might need to pace yourself and do a little more each day. There are ways you can do some daily activities slightly differently, so you don’t hurt your hip.

  • Avoid sitting in low chairs as this bends the hip more and might increase your pain.
  • 不要携带重量。购物时,请尝试使用手推车,如果不舒服携带篮子。
  • 通过找到舒适的坐姿来减轻工作中臀部的压力。您的工作场所可能能够提供脚凳,背部支撑或其他设备来帮助您。您可以要求进行工作站评估并谈论您的病情。
  • Talk to your line manager or HR department about any parts of your job you’re struggling with.
  • Ask anoccupational therapist或者您的全科医生是否使用手杖可以使其更容易获得。他们可以以正确的长度和使用棍棒的最佳方式为您提供建议。
  • 如果您超重,减肥 - 您的臀部会带来很多体重,因此采取步骤减少这会有所帮助。
  • Avoid standing on one leg – for example, when you get into a car, sit on the side of the seat and swing both legs in rather than stepping in one leg at a time.


有几个补充治疗that some people find relieve their hip pain. Some are available on the NHS, such as针刺。但是没有很多证据,因此NHS并不总是可用。



We have more information about the organisations that oversee complimentary treatment practitioners and what you should expect from complementary and alternative therapists.


We have information on complementary treatments, including针刺,芳香疗法,操纵疗法– such as chiropractic or osteopathy treatments, supplements, and much more.





Your hip joint can become painful, swollen and stiff because OA thins the cartilage that stops your bones rubbing together and causes bony lumps known as osteophytes to form on the bones of the joint.

You can feel a great deal of pain from osteoarthritis of the hip which can restrict your movement and sometimes makes you limp.



paget病of bone

paget病affects the way bone develops and renews itself, causing it to become weaker. It usually affects the pelvis, causing it to grow out of shape. This can often lead to hip pain, but it is treatable with a group of drugs called bisphosphonates.

双膦酸盐是用于防止骨骼质量损失和治疗骨骼疾病(例如)的药物osteoporosis和佩吉特’s disease.



Inflammatory conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis can all cause hip pain. This can be managed with specific medications for each condition.

有关更多信息,请参见我们的部分rheumatoid arthritis,银屑病关节炎ankylosing spondylitis

Hip fractures



For more information see our section onosteoporosis

Avascular necrosis (osteonecrosis)

Avascular necrosis is a rare and painful condition that can affect any joint in the body in young-to-middle-aged adults. It occurs in the hip when the blood supply to the ball at the end of the thigh bone is lost. This causes the bone to die and the ball to collapse, which results in arthritis.


血流的这种损失会导致骨骼和周围的组织逐渐死亡 - 改变骨头末端的球形状,使髋部疼痛和僵硬。它可能导致关节中的球塌陷,从而导致关节炎。

It’s often referred to as idiopathic, which means that it doesn’t have any clear cause. However, it’s linked with the following:

  • Drinking too much alcohol.
  • 长期使用高剂量皮质类固醇,例如泼尼松。
  • 镰状细胞疾病(一种遗传性疾病,可阻止红细胞正确地通过身体携带氧气)。
  • Radiotherapy.


Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI)



In some cases, surgery can improve the range of movement in the hip, but it’s not clear whether this helps prevent arthritis developing in the long-term.




There are a number of conditions that can affect the outside of your hip joint. Your diagnosis will depend on how wide the affected area is.










Iliopsoas肌腱炎is inflammation of the iliopsoas tendon that runs over the edge of the pelvis and helps you bend your leg up. This usually gets better on its own.




Torn acetabular labrum

The acetabular labrum is a thick ring of cartilage around the hip socket. It can be torn if the ball or socket of the hip are misshapen. This can be the result of hip problems in childhood or changes to the shape of the hip as it develops, but in most cases the cause is unknown.


If your doctor thinks you have a torn acetabular labrum, they may recommend you have an arthrogram investigation. This is where a small amount of dye is injected into the hip joint before an MRI or CT scan. This gives a clear image of the surface of the bones, soft tissues and cartilage in the joint.

Other causes of groin pain

Groin pain is very commonly caused by problems with the hip. However, it can also be a symptom of other conditions, such as:

  • 疝气 - 疼痛的肿块,经常在腹股沟中,可能需要手术
  • 腹股沟中的淋巴结 - 通常会在下腿感染中出现这些淋巴结
  • 妇科问题,偶尔会被视为髋关节疼痛。


Not everybody with hip pain will need surgery, but hip fractures almost always need fixation, which stabilises the bone and helps it to heal, or replacement of the ball of the hip. Hip fractures often occur in elderly people, and they can take a long time to fully recover from. People can often be in hospital for a couple of weeks or more to get over the fall and the operation, and many often need extra help at home after discharge.

Hip replacement surgery


Hip replacement is an extremely good treatment for arthritis-related hip pain, and modern techniques make the operation very safe with good outcomes.

Nowadays, many people only need to stay in hospital for a few days after their hip replacement, but it may be helpful if somebody is available to stay with you for a couple of weeks as your mobility and confidence improves.物理治疗师will help you become mobile when you’re in hospital, and they’ll help you practise getting in and out of bed, out of chairs and up and down stairs safely.



您的外科医生会与您谈论手术本身,您将遇到物理治疗师和occupational therapistswho’ll be involved in your treatment after surgery.

The outcomes of hip replacements are extremely good – 90% or more of people who have had a hip replacement find their pain is greatly reduced. Modern hip replacements should last many years – around 80% of cemented hips should last for 20 years.


If your hip replacement becomes loose, infected or otherwise fails, it’s possible to have surgical treatment. Modern revision surgery techniques are developing quickly and most failed hip replacements can be dealt with, which can restore function and activity.

翻新手术is carried out by specialists in the field. You’ll be in hospital longer than for your first hip replacement, and it might take longer to recover. You’ll need physiotherapy after revision surgery to help you gain confidence in your new joint, and you’ll need someone to help you out for a couple of weeks or more when you go home.


A torn acetabular labrum can be repaired by surgical reshaping of the hip. In some cases this procedure can be performed through just a small incision (arthroscopically), so your joint doesn’t have to be opened up. This is also known as keyhole surgery, and it can be done as a day case or one-night stay in hospital.



Research and new developments

Our research has shown that certain occupations, such as farming, can put you at greater risk of developing hip osteoarthritis.

Because of this hip osteoarthritis in farmers and other high-risk jobs is now recognised as an occupational injury, which entitles these people to claim Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit.

我们目前正在为研究提供资金developing new techniques to measure hip shape and abnormalities in babies and children

Children with hip problems are more likely to develop osteoarthritis and to need hip replacement surgeries as young adults. This study will develop a tool to identify children who would most benefit from treatment as early as possible, reducing long-term pain and disability.

我们的研究人员运动,运动和骨关节炎中心are also studying the reasons why hip pain is commonly seen in young footballers.

We're also funding research looking into whether it is possible to predict the success of joint replacement surgery by looking at genetic risk factors.

This study will help doctors understand which patients are most likely to have good outcomes from joint replacement. It aims to improve patients’ experiences of surgery and make their new joints last longer.
