Osteoarthritis (OA) of the spine

What is osteoarthritis of the spine?

Osteoarthritis(os-tee-o-arth-ri-tus) is the most common type of arthritis, and the spine is one of the most commonly affected parts of the body. Osteoarthritis of the spine affects the back and neck.



有回来或颈部疼痛doesn’t mean you have osteoarthritis. Most cases of neck and后退pain只有一小段时间才能自行改善,而无需治疗。


There are 33 vertebrae in your spine – these start at the top of your neck and run all the way down your back, to your tailbone.

The spine is sometimes called the vertebral column or spinal column. Its purpose is to protect your spinal cord, carry the weight of your body and help you move around. The spine is split into five sections – cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum and coccyx.

The ends of your facet joints are covered in a smooth and slippery surface, known as cartilage. There are also discs of cartilage between each of your vertebrae. The cartilage and discs allow your spine to move with as little friction as possible.

Strong ligaments surround your spine and support the vertebrae, to help keep them in place.

Osteoarthritis means that the cartilage of your facet joints and discs has got thinner and the surfaces have become rougher. This can mean that your back or neck don’t move as smoothly as they used to, and they might feel stiff or sore.

Osteoarthritis can affect anyone at any age, but it’s more common in women and people over 50. Injuries or other joint problems, such as痛风rheumatoid arthritis, can make people more likely to get osteoarthritis.


How will osteoarthritis of the spine affect me?

The first sign of osteoarthritis of the spine is usually pain and stiffness in your back or neck.


Symptoms of osteoarthritis of the spine will vary from person to person. The most common symptoms are:

  • pain in your back or neck
  • stiffness, especially first thing in the morning or after resting
  • crunching or grinding noises when moving your back or neck.

People who have osteoarthritis in their neck might also have headaches or feel pain in their shoulders and arms.

It’s normal for the cartilage in our joints to get thinner, especially as we get older. But in people withosteoarthritis,这是人体修复对关节损害的正常过程,可能导致疼痛和僵硬。

当人体开始修复软骨的损害时,整个关节可能会受到影响 - 包括骨骼,肌腱和韧带。



Are there any complications?


If you have osteoarthritis of the spine, you may have other problems that may need treating. Let your doctor know urgently if you:

  • 难以获得wee,或者觉得您不需要时就需要一个wee
  • 你的bladd失去控制er or bowel – the organs that control wee and poo
  • 在生殖器或底部有麻木或刺痛感
  • lose power in your legs
  • 感到不适 - 像发烧或出汗。

Spinal stenosis

Spinal stenosis is a condition that happens when the spinal canal, which contains the spinal cord, gets narrower. The most common symptoms are pain and weakness or numbness in the area linked to the affected part of the spine – such as the legs, arms, neck, back or shoulders.

Spinal stenosis is often caused by osteoarthritis, as the bony spurs that form on the edge of the vertebrae can irritate the nerves in your spine. It can usually be treated with exercise, over-the-counter drugs and类固醇注射s.

Sometimes surgery will be needed to remove the spurs and make space in the vertebral column.

Managing symptoms



保持运动is an important way to reduce the pain caused by yourosteoarthritis. Many people with joint pain worry that moving more could make things worse, but this isn’t true. Keeping your muscles and bones strong will support your joints.



There are three types of exercise you should try to do:

  • 伸展运动 - 可以帮助维持和改善关节的运动范围。
  • 加强锻炼 - 有助于保持肌肉和关节的强大和支撑。
  • Aerobic or fitness exercises, which just means anything that increases your heart rate. These are great for your heart and can also help with back pain.

You should try to do at least two and a half hours of aerobic exercise each week to keep yourself healthy. This is about 20 minutes a day. Start off slowly and gradually build up how much you do.

You should also try to do strengthening exercises two days a week. Try to include the:

  • 武器
  • 后退
  • legs
  • 胸部
  • tummy
  • 后退
  • 肩膀
  • 臀部。

If you’re at risk of falls, it’s important to do exercises to improve your balance and coordination at least two days per week.瑜伽tai chican improve your balance and help your后退pain.

You might need to avoid high-impact exercises such as running and lifting weights at times. These can put more strain on your joints, and you may feel stiff or sore. Swimming and cycling can be good alternatives, as your joints are supported while you exercise.

YourGPcan talk to you about exercises, or they might be able to refer you tophysiotherapy用于量身定制的运动计划。物理治疗师可以根据自己的享受和感受建议最好的运动类型。

Depending on what’s available in your area, your GP may also be able to arrange for you to have水疗, where exercises are done in a warm-water pool with a physiotherapist. Hydrotherapy can also be called aquatic therapy.

It’s a good idea to talk to your doctor or physiotherapist before you start any new exercises. Here are some脖子运动后退您可能想尝试。



You can try to lose weight by doing more exercise and eating a healthier diet, but make sure you speak to your doctor about this first, so they can give you advice. There’s nothing to suggest that a specific diet will help with osteoarthritis, so it’s important that you don’t avoid any food groups entirely.

Helping your joints


改变你的姿势可以减少肌肉紧张。Awkward positions can affect the muscles and tissues that support your spine, and this could lead to more pain. Try to change position and posture regularly, and consider your posture when working, watching TV, sitting, texting and walking.


Aphysiotherapist or anoccupational therapist可以为您提供姿势并节奏活动的建议。职业治疗师也可能会为您提供可以帮助您在家中的辅助和设备,例如长柄伸手和袜子艾滋病。


Coping with low mood and sleep problems

疼痛生活会影响您的心情和睡眠,并且不时感到沮丧是正常的。如果这是影响您的事情,请尝试前往疼痛诊所,在那里您可以学习如何manage your pain. They’ll usually take place at outpatient clinics, and you can be referred to them by whoever is treating you.

Pain can be affected by different things, including feeling low or stressed. There are a number of talking therapies and techniques you can learn, which can help you manage your pain, support your情感福祉并应对您可能会有的任何低迷感。正念和认知行为疗法(CBT)可以帮助骨关节炎。

Learning to relax your muscles can also help, particularly if you have neck pain and are feeling stressed, as this can cause your muscles to become more tense.

Apillow that’s too firm or thick can make neck pain worse. Try tosleepwith your head level to the rest of your body. It’s important to have a mattress that gives your head and spine proper support.

Try having a hot bath, reading a book, or listening to the radio or a relaxation CD to wind down before bed. If pain is waking you during the night, try taking paracetamol or anotherpainkiller睡觉前。与您的医生或睡眠专家交谈以获取更多建议。




Many people withosteoarthritiswill find that止痛药可以在柜台上或从商店和化学家(例如扑热息痛)上购买,这可以帮助疼痛。


非甾体类抗炎药(NSAIDS)can help with pain and inflammation. Ibuprofen can be bought from supermarkets and chemists, but some stronger NSAIDs, such as naproxen and celecoxib, are available on prescription.


Drugs for nerve problems


阿米替林can help relax your muscles and improve your sleep, while drugs such as gabapentin or pregabalin work to reduce the effects on your nerves. These drugs are only available on prescription and will only be given if you’re having symptoms of nerve problems.




A类固醇注射, either in the neck or the tailbone, can help with the problems caused by any of your nerves in your spine being irritated. They’re also used sometimes to treat pain caused by arthritis in other joints in the body. These should work for a few months.



Other pain relief

Warmth on the affected joints has been shown to reduce pain and stiffness. This can be a bath or shower in warm water, or a heat pack applied to your skin. Different heat packs are available – many of which are reusable and can be heated in the microwave.


Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)是缓解疼痛的一种方法,涉及通过连接到皮肤的垫子发送电脉冲。Aphysiotherapist或药剂师应该能够为您提供有关可用的不同TENS机器的建议。如果您患有下腰痛或起搏器,请与医生交谈,以了解数十个,因为这种治疗可能不适合您。

TheAlexander Technique是一种改善姿势的疗法,并通过教授新的坐,站立和移动的方式来减轻脊柱的压力和张力。

Massage针刺can sometimes provide pain relief, alongside exercise. The healthcare professionals treating you should be able to give you information on how to access these treatments.


Osteoarthritis of the spine can often be treated without surgery. But if you’re struggling to manage your symptoms, you might be referred to a surgeon, who will discuss your options with you.

Spinal stenosis that is irritating your nerves could lead to pain, numbness and weakness, which could affect your legs and arms. If this is happening, or if it’s affecting your bladder or bowel, you may benefit from surgery.

外科手术could involve a small piece of bone or a disc being removed from your spine. In some cases, two or more of the vertebrae are fused together, to give the spine more stability.