Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR)

What is polymyalgia rheumatica?

多肌痛性风湿病(Poly-my-al-ger ru-mah Ticker)或PMR是一种相对常见的疾病,会导致肌肉僵硬和疼痛。“ poly”一词的意思是很多,“肌痛”一词表示肌肉疼痛。

It can start at any age from 50, but mainly affects people over the age of 70. More women are affected than men.


Polymyalgia rheumatica can cause pain and stiffness in the shoulders, neck, hips and thighs.

Polymyalgia rheumatica often comes on quickly, perhaps over a week or two. It can start just after a flu-like illness. The stiffness may be so severe that dressing, reaching, washing, climbing stairs or even getting out of bed may be difficult.





Your doctor will make a diagnosis after listening to you talk about the history of your symptoms and by carrying out a physical examination. You’ll also have blood tests to check for any inflammation in your body, and to rule out other conditions.

If you’re over 50 and have the following symptoms and signs your GP will probably diagnose polymyalgia rheumatica, and start treatment straight away:

  • 身体两侧的新肩,脖子,臀部或大腿疼痛,至少存在两个星期
  • pain and stiff muscles in the shoulders, hips or thighs in the mornings that lasts at least 30 minutes
  • high levels of inflammation measured by blood tests
  • no evidence ofrheumatoid arthritis,例如关节肿胀或阳性血液检查。




A condition called anaemia (an-ee-me-a), which is a lack of red blood cells that carry oxygen around the body, is quite common in polymyalgia rheumatica. Your doctor may test for this. However, anaemia can also occur in other conditions.


Guidelines setting out the best treatment and care for people with polymyalgia rheumatica state there should be shared decision making between a patient and their healthcare professionals.


  • 初始剂量的类固醇and a schedule for when this dose will ideally be reduced and by how much, if your condition remains under control
  • 接受教育,重点关注病情的影响。

You may be given a contact phone number or helpline number for access to your doctor or nurses, if you have concerns about any changes in your condition such as flares or side effects to drugs.



Steroids work by reducing inflammation. They can’t cure your condition, but the symptoms will improve significantly within two weeks once steroid treatment is started. Normally, steroid treatment for polymyalgia rheumatica will be taken as tablets.


The类固醇片most often prescribed is called prednisolone.

潜在的副作用可能包括体重增加和状况骨质疏松症, which can cause people’s bones to become thinner and more fragile, and therefore may fracture more easily.


  • 糖尿病
  • 高血压
  • 最近的骨折
  • a peptic ulcer
  • a cataract
  • 青光眼。


After two to four weeks, your doctor will gradually reduce the dose of steroids.

The reduction will be made in stages depending mainly on your symptoms but helped by carrying out repeated blood tests to look for inflammation.

If symptoms return when the dose is reduced, your doctor may have to increase the dose for a short time, possibly several weeks, and then try to reduce it again.


Even when you feel well, your doctor may wish to see you regularly so that you can be assessed for signs of the condition coming back, or side effects from the drugs. Your doctor may want to check your general health and check your blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol. You may also be asked to have a bone density (DEXA) scan to check the strength of your bones.


如果您需要去看另一位医生,例如,当您出门在外或其他医疗保健专业人员(例如牙医)时,这将有所帮助。请向他们展示卡 - 取决于您需要的其他治疗方法,可能需要调整类固醇剂量。

Steroid cards are available from most pharmacies.



像所有药物一样,类固醇可以产生副作用。类固醇的副作用之一是骨质疏松症, which can cause bones to become thinner and then fracture.


Pain relief

Painkillers, such as paracetamol, or short courses ofnon-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such asibuprofenor naproxen, can help ease pain and stiffness. They can be taken at the same time as steroid tablets.

Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs)

There may be some situations where your doctor will want to prescribe a type of drug called a疾病改良的抗风湿药(DMARD),与类固醇一起。

These drugs work by reducing inflammation that is causing symptoms such as pain and stiffness.

DMARDs allow a lower dose of steroid to be used.

These drugs could be prescribed if:

  • 您的症状无法改善类固醇
  • you have unusual symptoms
  • 很难减少类固醇的剂量
  • you get frequent flare-ups of your condition, where your symptoms rapidly get worse.

You may need to see a specialist to be prescribed a DMARD.


If you’re taking a DMARD it’s important to have regular check-ups, blood pressure checks and blood tests to check for potential side effects.


Steroid treatment is usually very effective at treating polymyalgia rheumatica. However, because it can increase your risk of getting骨质疏松症, it’s important to think about other risk factors associated with this condition.

Smoking or drinking a lot of alcohol will increase your risk of developing osteoporosis.

Ensuring you get enoughcalcium and vitamin D,并且您进行一些承重运动将降低患骨质疏松症的风险。




Weight-bearing exercise is good for maintaining bone strength and reducing the risk of骨质疏松症

Weight-bearing exercise is anything like jogging, walking, tennis, dancing or lifting weights, where some force or the weight of the body is impacted on bones during the exercise. This is in contrast to swimming, for example, where the water supports the weight of the body. Walking is usually the most suitable weight-bearing exercise for people with polymyalgia rheumatica.

Sitting for any length of time may cause stiffness, making activities such as driving more difficult. Stop from time to time on a long journey to stretch your shoulders, arms and legs.

Simple measures such as a hot bath or shower can help to ease pain and stiffness, either first thing in the morning or after exercise.

Diet and nutrition

Steroid treatment reduces the amount of calcium in the body.

If you’re on steroid treatment, it’s recommended you aim for a daily intake of 700–1200 mg of calcium.


Appropriate calcium content of some common foods

Food 钙含量
115 g (4 oz) whitebait (fried in flour) 980毫克
60 g (2 oz) sardines (including bones) 260毫克
0.2 litre (1/3 pint) semi-skimmed milk 230毫克
0.2 litre (1/3 pint) whole milk 220毫克
3 large slices brown or white bread 215 mg
125 g (4 1/2 oz) low-fat yogurt 205 mg
30克(1盎司)硬奶酪 190毫克
0.2 litre (1/3 pint) calcium-enriched soya milk 180 mg
125 g(4 1/2盎司)钙 - 富含大豆酸奶 150 mg
115 g (4 oz) cottage cheese 145 mg
115 g (4 oz) baked beans 60 mg
115 g (4 oz) boiled cabbage 40毫克


Vitamin D

Vitamin D is needed to help the body absorb calcium.

最好的来源维生素Dis sunlight on bare skin. However, sunshine in the UK isn’t good enough all year round to guarantee we get the vitamin D needed.

Because of this, and because it’s an important nutrient, it’s recommended that we all take vitamin D supplements in the autumn and winter months. These can be bought from supermarkets and health food shops. You can also discuss this with a pharmacist.

There are some at risk groups who are advised to take vitamin D supplements all year round, including:

  • people who are housebound and therefore don’t go out in the sunshine often enough
  • people who wear clothes that cover their whole body, limiting the amount of sunshine on their skin
  • people with dark skin, because dark skin is not as good as absorbing vitamin D from sunlight, compared to pale skin.


当我开发多肌痛性风湿病时,我才57岁巨细胞动脉炎。I was head of news and current affairs at Channel Four television and a single parent of a child of 12.



Then one morning I woke up and my arms wouldn’t move at all for 20 minutes. Although I was young to get the condition, I knew I had polymyalgia rheumatica, as my mother had it.

It makes you suddenly feel like an old lady as you can’t move properly.

I was given a blood test to check inflammation levels and was put onto steroid tablets. Unfortunately, I wasn’t put on a high enough dose and the aches, pains and weakness got worse.




For two-and-a-half years I had to take steroids and then I was moved onto methotrexate for a year. I put on weight and my face took on a moon shape. I became tired much more easily.

Early on I joined the patient groupPMRGCAuk。I found it really helpful to meet other people with the condition and swap experiences and ideas.



I would say that I should have taken time off work and that I had to learn to expect less of myself and to tell others I had a debilitating illness, so they should expect less of me.