
What is Raynaud's phenomenon?

Raynaud’s phenomenon (Ray-nodes fen-om-e-non) causes blood to stop flowing properly to the outer parts of the body. This happens mainly when you get cold, and it can also happen because of stressful situations.

It most commonly affects fingers and toes, but can sometimes also affect lips, noses, ears and nipples.


You may not experience all four stages every time. For example, your hands may just go blue then red.




Raynaud’s can also be linked with other conditions, such as硬皮病,,,,and less commonlylupus。发生这种情况时,被称为次要雷诺的现象。





These attacks often only last a few minutes, but they can last two to three hours. You may find that moving into a warmer environment often stops the attack.

With primary Raynaud’s phenomenon your fingers usually go back to normal after each attack. Attacks of primary Raynaud’s phenomenon can be unpleasant and a nuisance, but they don’t usually damage your fingers.

Secondary Raynaud’s phenomenon can be severe and can cause ulcers on the fingertips and loss of tissue at the fingertip. However, this is very rare.



We don’t fully understand why some people develop Raynaud’s phenomenon. However, we do know that the colour changes and pain of Raynaud's are due to a short-term reduction in blood supply.

The blood supply to the fingers and toes is controlled partly by nerves connected to the blood vessels. The nerves can reduce the blood supply in response to certain situations, one of which is extreme cold temperatures. This is a natural reaction, to prevent a loss of heat from the body.

People with Raynaud’s phenomenon probably respond too much to cold temperatures and shut off the blood supply more quickly than normal. The blood vessels reduce in size, and so less blood can flow through them.


Raynaud’s phenomenon can occur as a result of using vibrating machinery, for example pneumatic drills, hammer drills, hedge cutters and other power tools. This is called hand-arm vibration syndrome (or vibration white finger).

Raynaud’s may also develop as a side effect of some drugs such as beta blockers, which are used in the treatment of high blood pressure and angina.



If you’ve recently developed any symptoms of Raynaud’s, it’s best to visit a GP to get checked out. It may well be primary Raynaud’s phenomenon, especially if you’re a young woman. If your doctor is in any doubt, then they’ll arrange some tests. These may need to be done at the hospital.


For example, Raynaud’s caused by taking beta blockers can be ‘cured’ by stopping this medication. However, you must ask your doctor before stopping any regular medication.



What tests are there?

There are various tests your doctor can carry out if they suspect you have Raynaud’s phenomenon.

  • Blood tests can show how many white and red blood cells you have, as well as other information that will help a doctor decide if you have Raynaud’s. Blood tests can also help to show if you have primary or secondary Raynaud’s.
  • An x-ray can look for an extra rib at the base of the neck, called a cervical rib. This can cause Raynaud’s phenomenon by putting pressure on the blood vessels that supply blood to your arms.
  • There is a test that involves looking at the tissue from a fingernail under a microscope. It will help doctors look closely at the small blood vessels in your fingers. This test is called a nailfold microscopy, or a capillaroscopy (cap-ill-er-os-copy).
  • 在某些医院使用冷应力测试或热成像,以了解您对寒冷的反应。它涉及使用冷水并记录一部分脚或手恢复正常温度所需的时间。

If you have硬皮病,,,,it’s likely that you’ll get Raynaud’s symptoms at some stage. However, having Raynaud’s doesn’t mean that you’ll go on to develop scleroderma or another connective tissue disease.

试图让诊断早期发现如果你哈ve primary or secondary Raynaud’s.


There are several ways to help ease the symptoms of Raynaud’s phenomenon. Many of these are things you can do in your day-to-day life, but there are also a number of medications that may help.


A number of drugs can be prescribed for Raynaud’s phenomenon. Most of these work by making the blood vessels wider.

Examples include nifedipine and amlodipine. These are in groups of drugs known as calcium channel blockers.



Losartan and ACE inhibitors are more commonly used to treat high blood pressure, but they can also help control symptoms of Raynaud’s. These drugs also relax blood vessels and stop them from narrowing.


In severe cases – almost always in cases of secondary Raynaud’s – some treatments may be given as a drip directly into a vein, otherwise known as an intravenous injection. These intravenous drugs act directly on the blood vessels and cause them to open up. The most commonly used intravenous drug for this condition is伊洛列伯斯

Another family of drugs used to treat severe Raynaud’s are the phosphodiesterase inhibitors (foss-fo-dye-ess-tur-aze in-hib-e-turs), which include sildenafil – trade name Viagra. These are drugs that can treat a number of conditions, including high blood pressure in the blood vessels supplying the lungs and erectile dysfunction. They can help with Raynaud’s because they improve blood flow around the body.




Keeping warm

It’s important to keep your core temperature warm, as well as your hands and feet in particular.

Wearing several layers of clothing works better at trapping the heat than fewer layers of thicker clothes. Wearing warm socks and a hat can really help you.

You should wear warm gloves when outdoors in cold weather and warm your hands before you put the gloves on. It can help to keep the gloves in an airing cupboard or on a radiator, before putting them on.

You may find that so called ‘silver fibre’ products and self-heating gloves and socks are helpful. Your local职业治疗部门能够提供进一步的information.

You can also look out for the many small portable heating aids and hand warmers available online and from outdoor shops.

If you do get cold, you should get out of the cold environment as soon as possible. However, you should avoid warming back up too quickly, especially if your fingers or toes have changed colour and are painful. If blood goes back to a part of the body affected by Raynaud’s too quickly, this can be painful. Moving your fingers or toes around can help.

It can be difficult to completely avoid situations that may trigger attacks. But planning ahead as much as possible can help.


Looking after your hands


You can either use a short-acting water-based cream, such as E45 or aqueous cream, or an oil-based cream that is thicker and longer lasting, such as emulsifying ointment. Older people or children should use a pH neutral unscented cream to avoid allergic reactions. Wearing protective gloves when you put your hands in water can help you look after your hands.


Advice for breastfeeding women who have Raynaud’s phenomenon

Raynaud’s phenomenon can affect women’s nipples, especially when breastfeeding. It can occur during or immediately after breastfeeding.


If Raynaud’s is affecting your nipples, and you’d like to continue breastfeeding, there are steps you can take:

  • It helps if you’re able to warm your nipples up before breastfeeding, talk to your midwife or health visitor about the best way to do this.
  • 尝试减少乳头在婴儿闩锁之前和之后暴露在空气中的时间。
  • 喂食后,切勿让乳头在空气中自然干燥,一旦您的宝宝从乳头上脱下来,用干净的乳房盖住它,然后轻轻干燥。
  • 使用羊毛脂或水分屏障霜来照顾乳头。涂抹之前,请在手中加热奶油。
  • Ensure your bathroom is warm before you undress for a shower or bath.


Keep an attack diary





If you’re new to exercise or haven’t exercised for a while, start gradually and build up the amount you do. Doing something you enjoy, will help you do it regularly.

Stop smoking





Complementary medicine

有人发现维生素补充剂,evening primrose oil,,,,fish oils,,,,生姜或Ginkgo Biloba帮助他们的Raynaud。但是,没有很好的证据支持这些使用。


In some rare cases, your Raynaud’s may suddenly become more severe. This may need urgent attention.

Look out for:

  • ulcers or black areas on the fingers or toes
  • 手指或脚趾的颜色变化不会像往常一样快地消失
  • symptoms, particularly numbness, only affecting one side of the body
  • joint pain
  • skin rashes
  • muscle weakness.


These problems are uncommon, and they aren’t usually experienced by people with primary Raynaud’s phenomenon.

Research and new developments


曼彻斯特大学的Ariane Herrick教授正在调查使用手机应用程序监视Raynaud现象的使用。目前,很难监测Raynaud现象对日常生活的患者的影响,这使得很难进行临床试验,并减慢了新疗法的发展。该应用程序将监测诸如在寒冷天气中使用摄像机捕获的症状,例如在寒冷的天气下颜色变化,为患者提供了一种简单快速的记录症状的方法。

同样在曼彻斯特大学的安德里亚·默里(Andrea Murray)博士正在研究两种不同的成像技术,以测量雷诺(Raynaud)在硬皮病患者中的现象。硬皮病中的大部分疼痛和残疾来自手指,但目前尚无可靠地衡量手中血流或皮肤温度的变化。这使得很难评估治疗的有效性。这项研究将测试两种成像技术,激光多普勒成像和热力计,以检查这些方法是否可靠,并且可以在对治疗的响应中发现临床上重要的差异。

Sarah's story

I first noticed symptoms of Raynaud’s in my teens. My hands would change colour in the cold, and I’d get really bad pain in my fingers.

I hadn’t had a diagnosis, until I had operations on my shoulder and hand recently. The operations weren’t related to Raynaud’s.


I’m a nurse, and the air conditioning at the hospital where I work can make my symptoms worse.



It’ important to keep my core temperature warm, so I’m always wrapped well.



When I go to the supermarket, I tend to whizz round the fridge and freezer aisles because I can feel it starting.


I describe it as sparklers going off at the ends of my fingers and it can be debilitating. A full-on attack can last a couple of hours.

My fingers go white and then blue or even purple. They can go cold and numb. A couple of times they’ve gone a dark grey, almost black. That was scary.

Because the feeling is not there, there can be a tendency to put my fingers in hot water, but I could burn yourself.


Sometimes I won’t be able to drive home until the pain has stopped in my hands and the feeling has come back. It can take a few minutes for feeling to come back once I’m in the warm, or it can take half an hour.


In the winter, it can happen every day. I don’t let it stop me doing things though.