
An introduction to Let's Move

Let’s Move is our new programme for people with arthritis who want more movement in their lives.

The programme is designed to find the level of movement that’s right for you and help you build confidence in your body. As part of Let’s Move, you’ll:

  • 接收内容以帮助您活跃,专门为关节炎和相关疾病的人精心策划。
  • 听到有关关节炎的人的鼓舞人心的故事,他们的生活已经通过运动转变 - 从太极拳到跳舞。
  • 在Facebook和Instagram上加入我们的在线社区,您可以在同一旅程中与人们联系并找到专家建议。

You can choose how to access our Let’s Move content – we’ll send you a Let’s Move email every week and share activities regularly onFacebooktoo.

注册for Let's Move emails now.

What is Let’s Move with Leon?

Let’s Move with Leon – our programme of weekly 30-minute exercise sessions – is finished for now. We’ll be back with more from Leon later on in the year.


让我们移动通过电子邮件和我们的社交媒体页面提供有关关节炎运动的信息。您将收到广泛的内容 - 从练习视频到故事和专家的访谈 - 直接到您的电子邮件收件箱。



作为我们移动社区的一部分,我们希望确保您不会错过任何电子邮件。我们的消息可能不会传递或最终输入您的垃圾邮件/垃圾文件夹。为了确保您收到我们的电子邮件,请“白名单” letsmove@versusarthritis.org。

Whitelisting our email address letsmove@versusarthritis.org is different for each email provider.

如果你有Gmail account click here, forOutlook click here, for雅虎单击此处and forHotmail click here

If you’ve a different email provider, just Google “how to whitelist an email address in [insert your email provider]” and the instructions should come up.





让我们的举动旨在与您相遇,无论您在任何锻炼过程中与您一起旅行 - 我们都可以找到适合您的运动水平。


Listen to your body, be kind to yourself and start small. We also know that every day is different, so you may want to take it easy on your bad days and do a little more on your good days.

Why are you recommending exercise to people with arthritis?

Our research shows exercise can be one of the best ways for people with arthritis to feel good, move well and live healthier lives. On top of all the physical benefits, movement can boost mental health, improve sleep and reduce pain.


  • reduce pain and stiffness
  • increase joint and muscle strength
  • improve general flexibility and mobility
  • 减少髋部骨折或跌倒的风险
  • reduce fatigue
  • 帮助减轻抑郁症。

You can do all of the exercises in Let’s Move at your own pace. It’s important to listen to your body and do what’s right for you. You can take on as much or as little as you’re comfortable with.


获取更多信息exercising for healthy joints

Won’t exercise make my symptoms worse?

We know that, for some people, arthritis makes the simplest tasks – like going to put the kettle on or hugging someone you love – extremely painful. So we understand that people might be worried about making their symptoms worse by signing up for an exercise programme.

It’s important to listen to your body, be kind to yourself and do what’s right for you. Please don’t push yourself beyond what you’re comfortable doing.

You can do all of the exercises in Let’s Move at your own pace, and take on as much or as little as is right for you. We also know that every day is different, so you may want to take it easy on your bad days and do a little more on your good days.

If you can do even a little exercise on a regular basis, our research shows that it can ease arthritis symptoms. For example, exercise can:

  • reduce pain and stiffness
  • increase joint and muscle strength
  • improve general flexibility and mobility
  • 减少髋部骨折或跌倒的风险
  • reduce fatigue
  • 帮助减轻抑郁症。


My health professional hasn’t told me I should exercise – why are you telling me to do so?

证据表明,每四个人中就有一个would be more active if a GP or nurse advised them to do so. Yet nearly three out of every four GPs don't tell people about the benefits of physical activity because they lack the knowledge, skills or confidence.



Don’t you think this trivialises the problems people with arthritis face? For some, it’s agony just to move, never mind to exercise?

We know that, for some people, arthritis makes the simplest tasks – like going to put the kettle on or hugging someone you love – extremely painful. So we understand that people might be worried about making their symptoms worse by signing up for an exercise programme.

但我们的研究表明,对于绝大多数of people with arthritis, exercise can ease symptoms and make a real, lasting, positive difference. But, if you’re not sure whether you should be exercising, check with a healthcare professional.

We know that, when it comes to arthritis, exercise can:

  • reduce pain and stiffness
  • increase joint and muscle strength
  • improve general flexibility and mobility
  • 减少髋部骨折或跌倒的风险
  • reduce fatigue
  • 帮助减轻抑郁症。

倾听您的身体并做适合您的事情很重要。That’s why Let’s Move is designed to meet you wherever you are in your journey with exercise – together, we can find the level of movement that’s right for you.

Have you consulted with people with arthritis when designing this exercise programme?



人们患有不同类型的关节炎,具有不同的症状 - 单个锻炼计划如何适合每个人?

We know that everyone’s experience of arthritis is different. That’s why our Let’s Move programme offers more than just exercise. It will provide a whole range of content – from exercise videos to stories to interviews with experts – straight to your inbox.


Exercise might not be right for everyone – if you’re not sure, check with a healthcare professional, such as your GP or rheumatologist.

但我们的研究表明,对于绝大多数of people with arthritis, exercise can ease your symptoms and make a real, lasting, positive difference to your life.

We know that, when it comes to arthritis, exercise can:

  • reduce pain and stiffness
  • increase joint and muscle strength
  • improve general flexibility and mobility
  • 减少髋部骨折或跌倒的风险
  • reduce fatigue
  • help alleviate depression

倾听您的身体并做适合您的事情很重要。让我们的举动旨在与您相遇,无论您在任何锻炼过程中与您一起旅行 - 我们都可以找到适合您的运动水平。

Is this programme only focusing on people who can do lots of exercise?

We want to help everyone living with arthritis – regardless of their level of fitness or mobility – to benefit from a more active life.

让我们搬家是针对想要并能够锻炼的人,该计划将为您提供有关关节炎运动的信息。您将收到广泛的内容 - 从练习视频到故事和专家的访谈 - 直接到收件箱。我们还将在社交媒体上分享此内容。

我热衷于努力并变得健康 - 这些练习会帮助我做到吗?

Yes. Let’s Move allows you to listen to your body and do what feels right for you. It offers the benefits of regular fitness programmes, as well as the benefit of being tailored to the needs of people living with arthritis and related conditions.


Where has the money come from for this?

The Let’s Move programme is funded by the Sport England Lottery.

I hurt myself doing exercise and my symptoms got worse – why are you recommending it?

We’re very sorry to hear that exercise worsened your symptoms and caused you pain. We know some types of exercise aren’t suitable for everyone, and we recommend that anyone who isn’t sure exercise is right for them consult a healthcare professional first.

If you decide to sign up to Let’s Move, it’s important to listen to your body and do what’s right for you. Please don’t push yourself beyond what you’re comfortable doing.

Given the threat that COVID-19 poses to people, shouldn’t you be focusing on helping people with arthritis get the right information and support to protect themselves?

我们致力于帮助关节炎的人在这个困难时期获得他们所需的支持,关怀和建议。我们检查并从NHS中获取最新信息,并与英国风湿病学会合作,涉及如何最好地保护Covid-19大流行期间关节炎患者。You can find information and advice on COVID-19 here.

Who do I speak to about feeding back on this? I have loads of suggestions – I might want to do videos myself.

很高兴听到。我们希望您向我们发送您的视频或让我们知道您的建议。您可以将视频发送给letsmove@versusarthritis.orgor get in touch with our team for a chat. We look forward to hearing from you.


