

临床沟通技巧(其中的历史是一部分)是任何医疗保健从业人员获得的最重要技能之一 - 这只能通过常规练习来实现。临床检查结果支持的良好历史将使您诊断。在下面,我们更仔细地查看需要解决的关键问题。

Are the symptoms from the joint or the soft tissues?



X-ray of a synovial joint and it’s periarticular structures滑膜及其周围结构的横截面图

X-ray and diagrammatic representation of an index finger MCP joint affected by rheumatoid arthritis.



X-ray of an index finger MCP joint affected by osteoarthritis.Diagrammatic representation of an index finger MCP joint affected by osteoarthritis.

Is the condition acute or chronic?


  • When did the symptoms start and how have they evolved? Was the onset sudden or gradual?
  • Was the onset associated with a particular event – for example, trauma or infection?
  • Which treatments has the condition responded to?

症状进化和应对治疗的方式可能是做出诊断的重要指南。痛风, for example, is characterised by acute attacks – these often start in the middle of the night, become excruciatingly painful within a few hours, and respond well tonon-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Musculoskeletal symptoms lasting more than six weeks are generally described as chronic. Chronic diseases may start insidiously and may have a variable course with remissions and exacerbations influenced by therapy and other factors. It may be helpful to represent the chronology of a condition graphically as shown below:

Patient - acute gout graph.

患者 - 炎症多性关节炎图。


The main symptoms of musculoskeletal conditions are pain, stiffness and joint swelling.

评估这些症状和临床评估可以使炎症和非炎症状况之间进行分化。炎症关节条件,例如类风湿关节炎(RA), are frequently associated with prolonged early morning stiffness that eases with activity – whilst non-inflammatory conditions, such as骨关节炎(OA)与疼痛相关,而不是僵硬,并且通常会因活动而加剧症状。


As with all pain, it is important to record the site, character, radiation, and aggravating and relieving factors.

患者可以将疼痛精确地定位于受影响的关节,或者可能会感觉到它从关节甚至相邻关节辐射。例如,在肩膀上,通常在该关节中感受到巨麦克洛马关节的疼痛,而垂体颈关节或肩袖的疼痛通常在上臂中感觉到。膝盖可能会感觉到膝盖的疼痛,但有时会在臀部或脚踝中感觉到。例如,在神经的分布中,由于神经的刺激而引起的疼痛 - 例如在坐骨神经痛中。疼痛可能位于接近接近的结构上,例如,通常在肘关节的外部会感觉到网球肘部的疼痛。

The character of the pain is sometimes helpful. Is it sharp, deep, achy, burning or stabbing? Pain due to pressure on nerves often has a combination of numbness and tingling associated with it.

非炎症起源的疼痛与使用更直接相关 - 您做得越糟,会得到的疼痛 - 可能会因休息而缓解。疼痛有时会尖锐,刺伤或疼痛。

疼痛caused by inflammation is often present at rest as well as on use and tends to vary from day to day and from week to week in an unpredictable fashion. It flares up and then it settles down and can be associated with tenderness to the touch. Severe bone pain (suggestive of underlying malignancy) is often unremitting and persists through the night, disturbing the patient’s sleep.











Monoarticular- 只有一个关节受影响(例如,化粪池关节炎)

pauciarticular(or oligoarticular) – only a few joints affected (e.g.银屑病关节炎)

Polyarticular- 受影响的许多关节(例如rheumatoid arthritis)

Axial- 脊柱主要受到影响(例如ankylosing spondylitis)

以及受影响关节的数量, it is useful to consider whether thelarge or small jointsare involved, and whether the pattern issymmetrical or asymmetrical。例如,类风湿性关节炎是一种polyarthritis (it affects lots of joints) that tends to be symmetrical (if it affects one joint, it will affect the same joint on the other side), and if it affects one of a group of joints it will often affect them all, for example, the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints.



This table提供了一些常见的肌肉骨骼状况以及寻找的东西的典型特征的摘要。

What is the impact of the condition on the patient’s life?


Ask open-ended questions about functional issues and difficulty with day-to-day activities. It may be easiest to get the patient to describe a typical day, from getting out of bed to washing, dressing, toileting etc. Potentially sensitive areas – such as hygiene or sexual activity, mood, depression and anxiety – should be approached with simple, direct, open questions. The impact of the disease on the patient’s employment will be crucial.



A model of disability - the relationship between loss of function, limitation of activity and restriction of participation.基于世界卫生组织的国际功能,残疾和健康分类。残疾和功能是健康状况与背景因素(环境和个人因素)之间相互作用的结果。

Model of disability diagram.

Are other systems involved?

Inflammatory arthritis often involves other systems including the skin, eyes, lungs and kidneys. In addition, patients with inflammatory disease often suffer from general symptoms such as malaise, weight loss, mild fevers and night sweats. Osteoarthritis, in contrast, is limited to the musculoskeletal system and is not associated with immune activation. Systemic symptoms would therefore not be expected.

Fatigue and depression may be common in any arthritis where there is functional loss or chronic pain. A comprehensive history must include the usual screening questions for all systems as well as specific enquiries relating to known complications of specific musculoskeletal disorders.

Arthritis may occur on a background of other illnesses and it is important to consider other ongoing health issues, particularly with an increasingly ageing population. A combination of two problems will be worse than either one alone, and the impact on the patient will therefore be greater. In addition, other conditions may be affected by the treatments prescribed for the arthritis – for example, the presence of liver disease may limit the use of disease-modifying drugs for inflammatory arthritis, because most of these drugs can upset the liver.