

Most couples – whether they have arthritis or not – go through phases in their relationship when their sex life is less exciting or satisfying than it was. There may be physical reasons for this but emotional factors and stress often play a part. Emotional upsets, work or money worries can all affect the balance of a relationship.

Arthritis can present a number of challenges in a relationship:

  • Pain and fatigue may reduce your enjoyment of sex and other activities and interests that you share with your partner.
  • 关节炎可能意味着您不能总是管理通常从事的家庭工作,或者您可能需要帮助。
  • 如果您的关节炎影响您的工作,则可能会导致财务担忧。
  • 患有关节炎可能会影响您的情绪和自尊心。
  • 您的伴侣将担心病情如何影响您。

Although your relationship may change because of arthritis, it doesn’t have to be a negative change. Many couples find that they become closer by discussing things openly and that their relationship is stronger as a result. Talk about the changing situation and any challenges that you face so you can arrive at a solution that’s right for both of you.

For example, most people with arthritis prefer to keep as much independence as possible, so a partner taking on the role of carer will need to find the right balance between providing help and support without being overprotective. It can be difficult for a caring partner to recognise that their help isn't always wanted.

Some couples find it difficult at first to talk openly, so you need to create a comfortable, relaxed time to talk. But once open communication has started it can be a great relief for both partners.

What if I'm not in a relationship?






Will arthritis affect my sex life?

There are a number of ways that arthritis can affect your sex life:

  • 关节炎会影响您的情绪和一般的幸福感,反过来会影响您的性欲。
  • Swollen joints can affect your self-confidence and make you feel less attractive.
  • 疲劳与关节炎相关的可以减少您的性欲。您的医疗团队可以就管理疲劳和节省能量的方式就可以为您提供建议 - 我们的疲劳部门提供了更多信息。
  • Painful joints may make it more difficult to move into a position you’re used to.
  • 关节炎有时会导致阴道干燥,这可能会使性不舒服。水基润滑凝胶,例如KY果冻或Aquagel可能会有所帮助。您可以通过处方或从药房,超市或在线获取这些这些。油基润滑剂(例如凡士林或婴儿油)可能会刺激您的皮肤或损伤避孕套。如果您要经历更年期,这可能会导致阴道干燥 - 与您的医生讨论有关治疗的方法。

Sex isn't equally important to all couples, but if it has been important to you and your partner then you should try to find ways to meet both your needs.

大多数有关节炎的人发现他们的痛苦n vary from day to day, so you may want to make the most of opportunities on your better days. If you experiment with different positions, you should be able to find some that are more comfortable for your joints.

Will drugs affect my sex life?





遵循髋关节置换术, you need to take care with certain movements for at least 12 weeks after the operation because there’s a risk of dislocating the new joint. These are, in particular, bending the leg up (flexion) and moving one leg towards the other (adduction). It’s best for you to be on the bottom and your partner on top. You also won’t be able to kneel for six weeks after the operation and you’ll have to keep your hips straight, so this may affect some of the positions you can use.


遵循shoulder or elbow joint replacement, you should avoid any forceful or extreme movements of the arm (particularly behind your back), locking it one position or taking weight through the arms. Care should always be taken after a shoulder or elbow joint replacement as the joints can remain a little unstable indefinitely.

当您进行操作时,您的医疗团队将能够告诉您要避免哪些动作。确保您问您是否不确定任何事情 - 以前会多次问他们同样的问题。

How can we overcome difficulties with sex?



Your sex drive and enjoyment is generally greater if you feel fit and active. Exercising will help you keep up your muscle strength and tone and the range of movement in your joints.

阅读有关运动的更多信息和looking after your joints.



Let your partner know if something is uncomfortable, but tell them what feels good too. If things don’t get better after you’ve talked to each other, consider involving someone from a professional organisation. Your doctor can refer you.

Plan ahead


热水浴或淋浴后,您的关节也可能会更舒适 - 为什么不与伴侣分享一个呢?

Our information on fatigue can give you more tips about planning and pacing yourself to help you keep doing activities you enjoy.


Massage can help relax joints and muscles, and this can form part of foreplay.





Who else can I talk to about sex and arthritis?

Every couple has times when their relationship is less than perfect. Having arthritis can create additional worries. Help is available if you feel that your relationship is changing in a way that you’re unhappy with or if you’re unable to resolve things between you.


组织等组织涉及have counsellors who are specially trained to help with sex and relationship difficulties. Counselling may also be available through your GP or hospital.



  • Some drugs, such as磺胺嗪,可以暂时减少男性的精子数。
  • 一些研究表明non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)如果在受孕期间发生,可能会增加流产的风险。
  • Methotrexateleflunomide可能对未出生的孩子有害,因此需要至少三个月(一些医生建议六个月)停止,然后才试图受孕。对于Leflunomide,您可能能够进行特殊的“冲洗”治疗方法,以更快地从体内清除药物。如果您要服用其中一种药物,请与卫生专业人员讨论避孕非常重要。
  • 女人狼疮和/或抗磷脂综合征可能会出现流产的风险更大,因此您的病情和怀孕可能需要比平常更密切。如果您想生一个孩子,最好事先与风湿病团队讨论这一点。
  • 有些药物可能会传入母乳中,可能对您的宝宝有害,因此最好事先与您的医生讨论,如果您想母乳喂养,可以安全使用哪种药物。

关节炎的女性可能会发现她的背部,臀部或膝盖的不适,因为体重增加。狼疮女性在怀孕期间可能会出现症状的爆发,但是rheumatoid arthritismay find their symptoms ease while they're pregnant.

Childbirth can aggravate pain in these joints, but most women can find a position that allows them to give birth naturally.
