

We need research for a number of different reasons:

Developing treatments

We need to find the best treatment for different types of arthritis and to make sure they’re safe.



Providing care

We have to be sure that the ways of providing care are the best for everyone involved. For example, we can find out how often patients need to be seen by a doctor, which tells us if their treatment is working, or what therapies can help people ease their symptoms.

Finding out causes

We need to find out what causes the different types of rheumatic conditions so we can try to develop ways to control, cure or even prevent them in the future.



研究can be carried out by many different people, but generally researchers are the doctors and healthcare professionals who treat you.

Volunteers can get involved at different stages of research and can do a variety of things to help. You might even be able to conduct your own research if you’re involved in an organisation that has links to the medical community; for example a support group might be asked to conduct research that involves sending out a questionnaire to their members.

Where is research done?





In an observational study, researchers assess participants (people who are the subject of a study) and their condition over a period of time, which helps to explore the natural course of an illness.




Because personal beliefs about which drug a participant is taking might affect the results, the tablets or injections for both groups will look the same, and neither the participant nor the researcher will know which group individuals are in until after the trial is over. This process is called blinding.

Qualitative research into patient experiences

Qualitative research finds out how people cope with a certain condition. For example, a participant might be interviewed about their experiences of tiredness or pain. Their comments will be recorded, and every word and phrase from all the interviews in the study will be looked at to see what the common ideas are. Participants might be asked to do the interview on their own or in a small group.




Work with researchers to apply for funding


Funding organisations often prefer projects that include members of the public. Researchers might want you to help them apply for funding to show that they’re involving people who aren’t medical experts. This could involve working on the research proposal or presenting the proposal to the funding organisations. The advantage of this type of involvement is that you get to support a project right from the start and you might want to continue to be involved.




  • Contact your doctor orrheumatology team- 他们可能需要人们进行自己的研究,或者可以向您提供寻找志愿服务机会的建议。
  • 与您当地医院的道德委员会交谈,以了解他们是否正在招募成员。
  • 成为支持小组或组织的成员。一些较大的患者支持小组训练他们的成员进行自己的研究,许多慈善机构需要人们坐在研究委员会中。研究人员还可以接触支持小组,以找到想要参与其项目的人。beplay广告
  • Reply to local or national adverts recruiting people.
  • 联系委托研究的组织。如果他们没有任何可用的东西,您可以留下您的详细信息,以便他们将来可以与您联系。
  • Visit研究人员支持公众参与医学研究。

What information do I need about joining a research project?

Before you join a research project, there are a number of things you should find out. The researcher should answer any questions you have, and you can talk to your friends, family and doctor if you have any concerns. Occasionally you’ll be asked to keep information about the study privatel because it might have an effect on the results. The researcher will tell you if that’s the case.

If you’re involved as a participant, the researcher will give you an information sheet that contains all the details of the study. Whatever role you’re taking on, it might be useful to find out the answer to the relevant questions below:

  • What’s the purpose of the study?
  • 我为什么合适?
  • 我会被要求做什么?
  • Are there any benefits or risks in taking part?
  • 如果出现问题怎么办?我保证了吗?
  • 研究结束时会发生什么?
  • 有人会告诉我我参加吗?
  • Who’s organising the study?



How do I know this is a good research project?

Most research projects are scientifically reviewed by an independent panel. All research done in the NHS must also follow the guidelines set out by the研究治理卫生和社会护理框架(PDF, 218 KB), which make sure that the project is safe, ethical and of a high quality.

Once the scientific review has taken place, the researchers have to apply for funding. Another independent review is carried out by the organisation awarding the money. All of these have high criteria that must be met before the organisation will agree to fund projects, and there’s a lot of competition – only the best-designed studies are funded.

How do I know I'll be looked after while I'm taking part in research?

Whatever research you take part in, you should feel happy and confident about your role. If you do have any problems, you should have someone who’ll be able to help you, for example if you’re ill and can’t attend an activity. Some studies have mentors, a person who has experience in your role and who can give you advice and support.

If you’re a participant, you can find out if the study has been approved by an ethics committee. It’s their job to look after your rights and well-being. The ethics committee will look at the information you’ll be given and check that it contains all the information you’ll need to make a decision about taking part in the research. It’ll make sure that the information is presented in a fair and balanced way. NHS research projects can't start without this approval.


If you decide you don’t want to be involved in a particular study, you don’t have to take part. Whether you were approached or you volunteered yourself, you can choose to leave the project at any point. No one will be offended, and you don’t have to give a reason. It won’t affect your normal care and it doesn’t mean that you can’t take part in research in future. You might find that you would prefer to be involved in other areas in research.


For many people, the main reason for being involved in research is to find out more information about their condition. Whether the research is successful or not you’ll have contributed to knowledge on the subject, and this could lead to the development of better treatment. There are other advantages to taking part in research.

If you’re a participant:

  • 您可能会得到更有效的治疗
  • 您的病情可能会受到更密切的监控
  • 有关您以及您的病情影响您的更多信息,您的医生将来可以更容易定制您的治疗
  • 您可能会遇到其他情况相同的人。

If you’re involved in other areas:

  • 您可以通过改善他们将获得的护理来帮助未来发展状况的人们
  • you may receive training that can be useful in other areas of your life
  • 它使您有机会回馈社会
  • 您可以将研究引导到您认为最重要的领域
  • you might be able to give support to others with the same condition.

What are the disadvantages of taking part in research?

While research is intended to find out new knowledge and develop better treatments, there can be disadvantages to taking part:

  • If you’re on a treatment trial, you might experience some unexpected side-effects.
  • The treatment may not work any better than the current one or may not be as effective.
  • You can’t be sure of what might happen.
  • You might not enjoy the role you have.
  • 您可能需要进行更多的血液检查或进行更多的医院就诊。
  • You might find that more commitment is needed than you expected.

研究ers are already likely to have an idea of what the outcome might be and will have done everything possible to ensure your safety. If you’re involved in a treatment trial and there are any signs that it may be unsafe, the trial will be stopped immediately.







Versus Arthritis work with researchers who meet the highest standards. They’re expected to follow all guidelines issued by the NHS and they must report their findings in international journals so that the medical community can share the new knowledge.

beplay体育怎么下载与关节炎也是目前资金螺栓y to find out whether dried blood spots be used for blood tests in clinical trials. If this blood storage method works it could dramatically increase the number of patients recruited to studies as well as the number of doctors who would be able to participate in clinical trials.

Where can I find out more about taking part in research?

The following organisations can also help with information and advice on taking part in research:

电话:023 8059 5489



研究人员(part of INVOLVE)

UK Clinical Research Network

UK Cochrane Centre
Phone: 01865 516 300