


Abataceptcan be prescribed by a consultant rheumatologist for:


Abataceptworks by reducing the activity of these T-cells, which in turn reduces inflammation, pain, swelling and joint damage. 

如果您至少没有尝试过,通常不会接受生物疗法疾病改良的抗毒药(DMARDs), such asmethotrexate,,,,sulfasalazineorleflunomide

Abataceptcan be the first biological therapy you get prescribed, but more commonly you will have tried others first.


Abataceptis a very effective therapy for many people with arthritis. However, there are certain people who may not be able to take it.

Before you’re prescribed abatacept, doctors sometimes use a scoring system to work out how active your arthritis is. The system can be different depending on what condition you have, but most often you’ll be asked how well you feel on a scale of 1 to 10 and your doctor will make a note of how many of your joints are tender and swollen.

You’ll also need blood tests before treatment starts to assess your condition and whether the drug is suitable for you.

Your doctor might not prescribe abatacept if:

  • you’re pregnant or breastfeeding
  • 您目前正在服用另一种生物药
  • you have HIV
  • 您患有癌症。


你的医生如果你previousl需要检查y been exposed to tuberculosis (TB). If the tests are positive you may need to start a course of treatment for TB before starting abatacept.

如果你有肝炎B或C,你可能需要regular checks for this, as abatacept may increase the risk of the hepatitis starting up again.

How is it taken?


  • 通过滴入静脉,被称为静脉输注。您将在医院或诊所中一个月有一个。它需要一个和两个小时。
  • as an injection under the skin once a week using a pre-filled syringe or pen. This is known as a subcutaneous injection. You, your partner, or another family member can learn to give these injections at home.

Speak to yourrheumatology team如果您已经通过输液进行了Abatacept,并希望切换到注射剂 - 您可能会在下一次输注时开始注射。


It’s a long-term treatment and may not work right away. Some patients report it took between 6–12 weeks before they started to feel better. So, it’s important to continue taking this drug as prescribed, even if you don’t feel better right away. You should also continue taking it when your symptoms improve, and you start to feel better, to help keep your condition under control.

Side effects and risks



  • 头晕
  • tiredness
  • headaches
  • 感到恶心或呕吐
  • diarrhoea.







  • 尽量避免与您认识的感染者密切接触。
  • 定期洗手,携带一小瓶抗菌手凝胶。
  • Keep your mouth clean by brushing your teeth regularly.
  • Stop smoking if you’re a smoker.
  • Make sure your food is stored and prepared properly.
  • 尝试保持房屋清洁和卫生,尤其是厨房,浴室和厕所。

Carrying an alert card



如果您要参加Abatacept,您可能会服用methotrexateas well. Check with your doctor before starting any new medicines, and if you’re treated by anyone other than your usual rheumatology team, tell them you’re taking abatacept, as it won’t appear in your repeat prescription list from your GP.

你可以继续非甾体类抗炎药(NSAIDS),,,,such as ibuprofen, orpainkillers,,,,such as paracetamol if needed, unless your doctor advises otherwise.



It’s usually recommended that people on abatacept avoid live vaccines such as measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), chickenpox and yellow fever. But sometimes a live vaccine may be necessary, so you should discuss this with your rheumatology team.

如果您从未有水痘,最好在开始Abatacept之前对其进行疫苗接种。但是,请与YourRheumatology Teamfirst讨论。

It’s also a good idea to get any family or household members vaccinated against chickenpox before you start taking abatacept.

The Zostavax shingles vaccine is a live vaccine and isn’t recommended for people who are on abatacept. However, a non-live shingles vaccine (Shingrix) is available so you may be able to have this instead.

It’s recommended that you have the vaccination against COVID-19. It’s recommended that you have the pneumonia vaccine and yearly flu vaccine injection while taking abatacept. These vaccines are not live, so it’s safe for you to have them.

If you’re unsure about whether you should be having a vaccine, you should mention this to your doctor or a healthcare professional. They should be able to give you the best advice.


Talk this over with your specialists. It’s likely you will be advised to stop abatacept for a few weeks before and after your surgery.


There’s no known interaction between abatacept and alcohol, so it’s fine to have a drink if you’re taking this medication.


You can find out more about units of alcohol atwww.drinkaware.co.uk

Fertility, pregnancy and breastfeeding



However, if you accidently take abatacept in the first three months of pregnancy it is unlikely to be harmful. If this happens to you, talk to your rheumatology team as soon as you can.

Recent guidelines now state that you can breastfeed while taking abatacept.

There is currently no evidence that men must stop abatacept if they are trying to father a baby.