
What is cyclophosphamide?

Cyclophosphamide is type of drug known as a疾病改良的抗风湿药(DMARD)

When people have an autoimmune condition, the body’s immune system can mistakenly cause harm to healthy tissues. Cyclophosphamide can stop this happening by reducing the effects of the overactive immune system.

It can be prescribed for more serious forms of the following conditions:

Who can take cyclophosphamide?


You will need to have tried other drugs to treat your condition before you can be prescribed cyclophosphamide.


Your doctor will also arrange a series of urine and blood tests before and during treatment to check this drug is right for you. You may be asked to keep a record of your test results in a booklet, and you should bring this with you when you visit your GP or the hospital.

How is it taken?


  • through a drip into a vein. This process is known as an intravenous infusion and is carried out in a hospital or a special clinic.
  • 作为低剂量片剂。这些通常每天服用一次。您可以将它们带走或不用食物,但要确保用大量水吞下它们。



Cyclophosphamide doesn’t work straight away. It may take several weeks before you notice an improvement. It’s important to attend your planned infusions or take the cyclophosphamide tablets as directed, even if it doesn’t seem to be working at first.


If you forget to take a dose, contact the healthcare professionals in charge of your care. They can advise on whether you should take the missed dose straight away or just skip it.


As with all drugs, cyclophosphamide can sometimes cause side effects. If you have severe side effects or are concerned about any of your symptoms, contact one of the healthcare professionals in charge of your care.



  • 喉咙痛或咳嗽
  • 高温或发烧
  • 皮疹。

你的风湿病学团队如果chickenp联系ox or shingles, or if you come into contact with someone who has them and you have never had chickenpox before. These illnesses can be worse than usual if you’re taking cyclophosphamide. You may need treatment for them and your cyclophosphamide may need to be stopped until you’re better.




There’s also a slightly increased risk of certain types of cancer, particularly bladder cancer, but cyclophosphamide will not be recommended for you unless the benefits of treatment are thought to be much greater than the risks. You should discuss this with your doctor or nurse specialist.


  • 尽量避免与您认识的感染者密切接触。
  • 定期洗手,携带一小瓶抗菌手凝胶。
  • Keep your mouth clean by brushing your teeth regularly.
  • Stop smoking if you’re a smoker.
  • Make sure your food is stored and prepared properly.
  • 尝试保持房屋清洁和卫生,尤其是厨房,浴室和厕所。


Cyclophosphamide may be prescribed alongside other drugs to treat your condition, or examplesteroid tabletsor类固醇注射

Some drugs can interact with cyclophosphamide, so speak to your doctor before starting any new medications.

请记住,如果您受到平时以外的任何人的治疗,请提及您使用环磷酰胺rheumatology team,因为它不会从GP中出现在您的重复处方列表中。

你可以继续非甾体类抗炎药(NSAIDS)orpainkillersif needed, unless your doctor advises otherwise.

Don’t take over-the-counter preparations or herbal remedies without talking to your healthcare team or pharmacist first, as some of them may react badly with cyclophosphamide.


It’s usually recommended that people on cyclophosphamide avoid live vaccines such as measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), chickenpox and yellow fever. But sometimes a live vaccine may be necessary, so you should discuss this with your rheumatology team.

If you’ve never had chickenpox, it’s good to get a vaccination against it before starting cyclophosphamide. But discuss this with your rheumatology team first. 

It’s also a good idea to get any family or household members vaccinated against chickenpox before you start taking cyclophosphamide. 

The Zostavax shingles vaccine is a live vaccine and isn’t recommended for people who are on cyclophosphamide. However, a non-live shingles vaccine (Shingrix) is available so you may be able to have this instead. 


If you’re unsure about whether you should be having a vaccine, make sure to have a chat with your rheumatology team.


If you are due to have surgery talk this over with your specialists. You may be advised to stop cyclophosphamide for a few weeks before and after your surgery.




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Cyclophosphamide can affect your fertility. This is your ability to become pregnant or father a child. If this is an issue for you, speak to your doctor before you start treatment.


If you’re planning a family or you become pregnant while taking cyclophosphamide, talk to your doctor as soon as possible.
