

Tocilizumab is a biological therapy and can be prescribed forrheumatoid arthritis(Roo-ma-toy-d arth-ri-tus),少年特发性关节炎(JIA)或者giant cell arteritis.



It may be the first biological therapy you’re given, or you may have tried others first, such as an anti-TNF treatment or rituximab.


  • 你r arthritis isn’t active
  • 你have a severe infection
  • 你have not tried other treatments for your condition
  • 您怀孕或母乳喂养。

Your doctor may decide not to prescribe tocilizumab if:

  • 你keep getting infections
  • 您患有癌症
  • 您患有肝病或血液检查表明该药物可能会影响您的肝脏
  • 你have a low number of white blood cells or platelets
  • 你have a history of diverticulitis (die-vuh-tick-yoo-lie-tus)
  • 你have certain heart problems.


If you’re an adult, you will also be screened for hepatitis B and C infection. Tocilizumab may increase the risk of hepatitis B starting up again, although very few cases have been reported. If you have a history of hepatitis, the decision to use tocilizumab may involve a discussion between you, yourrheumatologist(Roo-ma-tolo-jist)和肝脏医生。

If you’re an adult, you may have a chest x-ray before starting tocilizumab. You will also have a chest x-ray six months after starting treatment.



类风湿关节炎 Giant cell arteritis 系统性贾 Polyarticular JIA
皮下注射 Yes – this is done once a week 是的 - 每周一次,在大腿或上臂 是的,如果12岁或以上;once a week or once every 2 weeks depending on body weight 是的,如果12岁或以上;每2或3周一次,具体取决于体重
静脉输注 Yes – this takes about an hour once every four weeks Yes – every two weeks 是的 - 每四个星期

An intravenous (in-truh-vee-nus) infusion is when the drug is given through a drip into a vein.



Because it’s a long-term treatment, it’s important to keep taking tocilizumab:

  • even if it doesn’t seem to be working at first
  • 即使您的症状开始改善,这将有助于控制您的病情。

However, this may change if you experience side effects.

Side-effects and risks

The most common side effects are:

  • 咳嗽或喉咙痛,鼻子被阻塞或流鼻涕
  • 头痛或头晕
  • 口腔溃疡
  • high blood pressure
  • 高胆固醇血症(血液中的胆固醇升高)
  • 过敏反应 - 这可能包括肌肉酸痛,感觉不呼吸,胸部紧,喘息和高温
  • 体重增加或脚踝肿胀
  • 皮疹,感染或瘙痒
  • 胃部刺激或腹痛。


  • upper respiratory tract infections
  • 唇疱疹
  • 带状疱疹
  • skin infections - such as cellulitis (sel-lyu-lie-tus)
  • 肺炎(新的纽约人)。

It is important that any infections are treated as soon as possible.

If you think you may have an infection, or you become unwell in any way, contact your风湿病团队或您的GP。服用Tocilizumab的人并不总是表现出通常的感染迹象,例如高温,因为它们被Tocilizumab阻塞。如果您不确定,请寻求建议。



Cholesterol and liver function



You may feel dizzy while taking tocilizumab. This could affect your ability to drive and perform other tasks.


Tocilizumab may be prescribed along with other drugs, including甲氨蝶呤(mee-thoh-treks-ate) and glucocorticoids (steroids). Check with your doctor before starting any new medications, and remember to mention you’re on tocilizumab if you’re treated by anyone other than your usual风湿病团队.

In rheumatoid arthritis


  • 您的关节炎很严重
  • 你r arthritis has not responded to intensive therapy with a combination of conventionaldmards.

Usually tocilizumab is prescribed in combination with methotrexate, but it can be used on its own if you’re unable to take methotrexate.


建议将托妥珠单抗作为治疗的选择giant cell arteritisin adults if used with steroids that are gradually decreased. It can also be used by itself after glucocorticoids have been stopped. However, this is only the case if:

  • 您的疾病尚未单独反应类固醇,或在接受类固醇治疗后复发
  • 你have not already received tocilizumab for your giant cell arteritis.

Tocilizumab should not be continued for more than one year in people with giant cell arteritis.

It’s recommended that you carry a biological therapy alert card, so that anyone treating you will know you’re on tocilizumab. You can get a card from your rheumatology department.






  • 黄热病
  • varicella-zoster (varry-sell-er zos-ter)
  • typhoid
  • rotavirus
  • MMR(麻疹,腮腺和风疹)
  • BCG。

If you're already on tocilizumab, speak to your doctor before having any of the above vaccinations. Sometimes a live vaccine may be necessary, such as rubella vaccination in women of child-bearing age.



Having an operation

If you take tocilizumab intravenously, it should be stopped at least four weeks before surgery. If you take tocilizumab subcutaneously (by injection or injection pen), it should be stopped at least two weeks before surgery.


Fertility, pregnancy and breastfeeding


Tocilizumab should be avoided during pregnancy, unless essential, as it’s not yet known how the drug can affect an unborn baby.



There is currently no evidence that men must stop tocilizumab if they are trying to father a baby.