
What is ustekinumab?


Ustekinumab can be prescribed by a consultant or other clinical rheumatology specialist for adults with psoriatic arthritis. It’s a long-term treatment, so it may be up to six months before you start to notice the benefits. It can be used alone or with甲氨蝶呤.

Ustekinumab won’t be started if:

  • your arthritis isn’t active
  • you’re pregnant or breastfeeding
  • 您尚未尝试首先尝试适合您的病情的其他治疗方法。

Your doctor may decide not to prescribe ustekinumab if:

  • you have, or have recently had, an infection
  • you’ve had phototherapy treatment for psoriasis
  • you’ve had injections to treat allergies
  • you’ve had cancer.

You’ll have blood tests before treatment starts to assess your disease and whether the drug is suitable for you. Your doctor will also check if you’ve previously been exposed to tuberculosis (TB), and you may need a course of treatment for latent (asymptomatic) TB before starting ustekinumab.

You’ll be monitored regularly while taking ustekinumab, and if you’re taking other drugs alongside (such as methotrexate), you’ll also need to continue your blood tests for these.

How is it taken?


If you have a latex allergy you should mention this to your doctor as the needle cover on the pre-filled syringe may contain latex and could cause a reaction.


  • even if it doesn’t seem to be working at first
  • 即使您的症状得到改善(以帮助控制疾病)。

Side-effects and risks

Some side-effects can happen around the time of the injection. The most common are dizziness, sore throat, joint pain, headaches, feeling sick (nausea), and soreness around the injection site. These aren’t usually serious.

由于乌斯甲基单抗会影响您的免疫系统,因此您可能更有可能接收感染。如果您有任何感染症状(包括发烧,感到疲倦或呼吸不足,持续咳嗽,在排尿或腹泻时燃烧),或者如果您有任何疑问,请与您的交谈风湿病团队immediately. They may advise you to delay your next dose until you’re better.

Some people may have an allergic reaction with sudden swelling, a rash or breathlessness. This is very rare, but if you do develop these symptoms, or any other severe symptoms, during or soon after a dose of ustekinumab, you should seek medical advice immediately.



You may be taking甲氨蝶呤as well as ustekinumab. However, some medicines may interact with ustekinumab. Check with your doctor before starting any new medicines, and remember to mention you’re on ustekinumab if you’re treated by anyone other than your usual风湿病团队.

It’s recommended that you carry a biological therapy alert card, so anyone treating you will know that you’re on ustekinumab – ask your rheumatology team for a card.


It’s best to speak to your healthcare team about any vaccinations you might need before starting treatment with ustekinumab. Generally, you should avoid live vaccines while you’re on ustekinumab – these include measles, mumps, rubella, yellow fever and shingles. You should also avoid having tuberculosis (BCG) vaccination for a year after stopping treatment with ustekinumab.


Having an operation

If you’re thinking about having surgery, talk this over with your rheumatology team. For most operations you’ll be advised to stop ustekinumab beforehand. You can restart when your wound is healed and there are no signs of infection.


Ustekinumab和酒精之间没有已知的相互作用。但是,如果您也要服用甲氨蝶呤, this can interact with alcohol and affect your liver so you should keep well within the recommended limits of no more than 14 units of alcohol per week for adults – unless your doctor advises a lower limit.

Fertility, pregnancy and breastfeeding

If you're thinking of trying for a baby, talk to your rheumatology team in advance so that you can plan what to do with your medication.

The latest guidelines say that women can take ustekinumab while trying to become pregnant. But it's recommended that women stop taking this drug if they become pregnant.
