


If you can’t find what you’re looking for or have a question, please reach out to us atapps@versusarthritis.organd we will do our best to help.

How to leave feedback or report a problem


There are two ways you can do this:


  • Tap on the big pink button on the main screens that says “Feedback”.
  • Tap “Give Feedback” and fill out the form.


If you are reporting a problem, please describe the problem as best you can telling us the steps that you took leading up to it and providing:

  • a screenshot of your phone showing the problem (if you think that would help)
  • the make and model of your device eg Samsung S8 or iPhone 9
  • 如果您知道,操作系统。

We will get back to you as soon as we can and try our best to resolve the issue.



Face icons


Simply rate your day under each heading based on how you are feeling. The happy face will turn green when you track a good day, the sad face will turn red when you track a bad day and the neutral face will turn yellow when you track an okay day.

If you are a young person, it’s important that you talk to someone if you are having a very bad day or lots of bad days in a row. This could be either a parent, carer or your healthcare professional.


Once you rate your overall pain for the day a body map will appear, allowing you to include more details about where you have been sore, and how sore it’s been. Tap on a body part to zoom in, and then tap multiple times on a pain point to record how that joint is feeling.

利用一次身体疼痛点将part as red to represent a bad day. Tapping a second time on a pain point will mark it as yellow to represent an okay day. A third tap will change it to green to represent a good day. A final tap will reset it back to grey (no rating).

您可以访问添加更多的信息;身体地图n at any time by tapping the ‘Body Map’ button beside ‘Pain’.

Adding a note






Using the calendar, you can track how you felt on any day in the past, whether it was yesterday, last week or six months ago. To open the calendar, go to the ‘Track’ page and tap on the blue underlined date in the top left corner, or scroll down to the bottom of the page and tap ‘Calendar’.


How to view your summary

Once you’ve been tracking your wellbeing for a few days or weeks you may find it helpful to start using your summary section, which gives you an overview of how you’ve been and allows you to look back on your previous notes. The summary is particularly helpful when you have an appointment coming up with a healthcare professional, as it will give you some hints on what to say when they ask how you’ve been feeling.



您可以通过不同时间段中的摘​​要中的信息过滤信息,例如“ 1个月视图”,“ 3个月视图”,“ 6个月视图”和“ 9个月视图”。您可以通过点击左上角的蓝色写作或右上角的三个衬里的“汉堡”图标来更改时间段。


The main summary is laid out like a simple list to make it easy to understand. Under each heading, you will see a sentence which tells you how many good, bad or okay days you’ve had in the time period selected. The colour of the icon beside the heading will represent the most common type of day, eg if you have mostly good days, the icon will be coloured green.



Viewing Previous Notes


How to access information and tips


Arthritis Tracker is packed full of really helpful information and tips, including dealing with your symptoms and medication, school, exams, friends and more. It also includes links to real-life stories from other young people who have arthritis.


Info and tips for adults age 25+

Adults of all ages are welcome to use Arthritis Tracker, particularly for tracking your wellbeing. However, if you are over 25 we recommend going directly to our website for information and tips. This is because the content in the ‘Info and Tips’ section was written for the Arthritis Tracker’s original audience: young people under 25.

You’ll find plenty of helpful information on a wide range of topics atwww.wfysxh.com/about-arthritis/

Navigating back to the app

要从网络浏览器返回到应用程序,只需点击大多数Android手机右下角的“后退”按钮,或者在大多数iOS手机左上方的“回到关节炎跟踪器”。You can also use the function on your phone to pull up all recent apps and select Arthritis Tracker. Depending on what phone you have this might mean tapping a button on the bottom left of your screen, swiping up from the bottom, holding and then letting go or double tapping the home button.

How to connect with us on social media

我们知道能够与了解患有关节炎的其他人建立联系是多么重要。That’s why we’ve included links to information about our social media platforms so you can feel more connected with us and other people living with arthritis.


This will bring you to a page on the Versus Arthritis website which lists all the different ways you can connect with us on social media, depending on what age you are and what area you are from.







要从网络浏览器返回到应用程序,只需点击大多数Android手机右下角的“后退”按钮,或者在大多数iOS手机左上方的“回到关节炎跟踪器”。You can also use the function on your phone to pull up all recent apps and select Arthritis Tracker. Depending on what phone you have this might mean tapping a button on the bottom left of your screen, swiping up from the bottom, holding and then letting go, or double tapping the home button.


You can now export a back-up copy of your data on to your phone. This will give you additional peace of mind during the transition to the new version of Arthritis Tracker which is coming in September 2021 and will involve your data being stored online.

How to export your data quickly and easily:

  1. 在您的关节炎跟踪器应用程序上,通过在屏幕右上方的COG符号上敲击“设置”。
  2. 点击“导出我的数据”,然后按按钮“导出数据”确认。
  3. Once you see the words ‘Data Exported’, you’re done!

Next, just sit back and relax…

Once you’ve exported a copy of your data, you don’t need to do anything else. The file will be sitting on your phone, so you can rest assured that you have a back-up, while we prepare to move your data online in September 2021. You will probably never need to use this back-up file, as we will take you through a simple process to move your data to your online account during account set-up.






关节炎跟踪器备份文件存储在不同的位置,具体取决于手机的品牌和型号以及手机的设置。以下是您可以根据最常用的两个制作的示例来找到该文件的位置。如果您有任何问题找到您的文件,请在apps@versusarthritis.orgwith the make and model of your phone and we’ll help you to find it.


Samsung Devices:
转到“我的文件”,然后转到“内部存储”,然后在文件夹“下载”下查看。应该有一个文件,始于“与关节炎”,并以“ .json”结尾。


Setting up and verifying your account





If it still has not come through after 10 minutes, tap the ‘resend’ button.




  • 您已经在未安装关节炎跟踪器的设备上打开了链接。要解决此问题,请从验证电子邮件中复制并粘贴链接,然后将链接发送到正确的设备,或将电子邮件转发到该设备上可访问的电子邮件地址。
  • You've opened the link on a browser (eg Chrome or Safari) instead of with Arthritis Tracker. If you are given the option, choose to open it on Arthritis Tracker.

An error has occurred’ message: If you see this message it might be because

  • you tapped on a link from an old email, eg if you tapped the ‘Resend’ button and received two emails. Check your inbox again and make sure you are clicking on the link sent in the most recent email.



If you have used Arthritis Tracker before, you will need to move data that you have already tracked on the app to the online account. You will be given an opportunity to do this during account set-up.



If you would like to change your password while you are logged in, just tap on the cog symbol to go to Settings and then tap on ‘My Account’, ‘Edit’ and then ‘Edit Password’. You will need to confirm your current password before changing it.

How to change the email on your account


Switching on Passcode Protection


How to switch passcode protection on or off





Backing up your data online

Once you are logged in to your account, the information you add into Arthritis Tracker will automatically be backed up online. You don’t have to do anything as it will automatically do this for you.




Just download Arthritis Tracker on your new phone, sign in and you’re ready to go.