


凯瑟琳,希钦,赫兹 - 2010年

一个)作为同伴,我同情您的问题。骨关节炎通常会影响脊柱和四肢的许多关节。当它在膝盖或髋关节中发生时,可能会导致相当大的残疾,但是从好的方面来说,通常有有效的手术解决方案解决此问题。恐怕脊柱中的类似问题没有简单的外科手术解决方案。为什么是这样?好吧,脊柱关节的解剖结构要复杂得多,脊柱神经的非常紧密的位置使手术有害。有时,当神经的压力严重时,外科医生会尝试减轻这种压力,但只有一小部分患者适合此手术。但是,一切都不是厄运和忧郁。保持前进并通过陆基锻炼和游泳尽可能移动和强大的背部非常重要。为此,您可能需要使用止痛药,其优势可以根据您的需求而变化。 However, it's important to realise that painkillers are given to help you exercise and to keep going.

该答案由Philip Helliwell博士在2010年提供,在出版时是正确的。


Q)An article in Yours magazine says that swimming breaststroke is not good for骨关节炎臀部和膝盖。如果您能告诉我这样做的原因,我会很感激。

George, Matlock, Derbyshire - 2015

一个)有人膝盖替换are certainly advised to avoid breaststroke swimming and this extends to arthritic knees and hips. Swimming breaststroke puts excessive side-to-side and rotational forces on the joints and may be difficult to do if the joint is unstable. The preferred direction of force is in flexion (bending), which is why a kick, as done in front crawl and backstroke, is recommended. However, for most people breaststroke is the preferred stroke and they simply can’t do the other strokes.

In a busy pool it is difficult to adapt and experiment, but you could try using a float between the legs if you prefer to use the breaststroke arm action and then do the ‘kick’ either with the float in your hands on while holding on to the side of the pool. You may also be able to do many of the aquarobic exercise classes that are available, although you should talk to the instructor first.

该答案由Philip Helliwell博士在2015年提供,在出版时是正确的。


Q)我今年52岁,病了back pain在过去的几年中。MRI扫描显示我的椎间盘和臀部患有关节炎。


琼 - 2017年

一个)I agree with the advice your doctor has given you. The joints in our spines, like the other joints in our body, benefit from a mix of:

  • 伸展运动和瑜伽等灵活性练习,以保持运动范围
  • 抵抗或增强练习以增加力量并支持健康的姿势
  • 有氧运动,例如步行和游泳,以帮助肌肉耐力。

研究has also found yoga to be beneficial for long-term back pain.



该答案由汤姆·马格姆(Tom Margham)博士在2017年提供,在出版时是正确的。


Q)网球和游泳会帮​​助我的手腕和拇指吗?我被诊断出骨关节炎两只手,但是我还是打网球比赛和swim hard, and love both! I'm female, in my late 60s and fit as a fiddle!

安妮 - 2016年

一个)我的建议是继续进行这项运动,尤其是当您非常喜欢这项运动时。特别是,游泳,低冲击,有氧运动和抵抗运动与网球的混合 - 高影响力和多方向(以及社交) - 是您的骨骼和关节健康的绝佳组合。

该答案由汤姆·马格姆(Tom Margham)博士在2016年提供,在出版时是正确的。