福利和工作重要档案,与关节炎beplay体育怎么下载 https://community.versusarthritis.org/ 0000年结婚,2022年2月23日04:52:26 + 福利和工作重要档案,与关节炎beplay体育怎么下载 皮普评估员撒谎,我否认了皮普 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/48753/pip-assessor-lied-and-i-was-denied-pip 太阳,2017年12月17日11:59:27 + 0000 福利和工作档案很重要 angeljs 48753 @ /讨论 你好,这是我第一次来这里。我终于被诊断患有关节炎在我臀部经过多年的痛苦,医生怀疑我有它还在我的膝盖。我有开心的日子和糟糕的日子,但是很难走很长时间,用手杖(或轮椅上如果我出去买东西)。< br / > < br / >我申请了皮普没有任何伟大的希望得到它,但很震惊当我收到我的拒绝。评估员告诉明目张胆的躺在他的评估形式。他说他身体肌肉骨骼进行检查,当他什么都没做。他还说,我可以双手背后和膝盖没有困难,当时可能是我破坏了肌腱套在我的左肩,几乎无法移动我的左臂。他还说,我能从座位位置上下没有困难,这也是一个谎言。< br / > < br / >我被医生检查了这两个条件,他们将能够确认这些测试不可能成功进行。< br / > < br / >我要求一个强制性的复议也拒绝,显然这不是一个很好的理由,因为我不同意的评估员,和我没有提供任何证据。< br / > < br / >我提出上诉,但不能支付我的医生或医院的证据,他们不免费,因为我问。< br / > < br / >如果我一直否认法律,合法的理由,那我就接受了,但事实上,他说谎真的激怒了我! 访问工作 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/45409/access-to-work 星期二,2015年9月15日10:28:04 + 0000 福利和工作档案很重要 NNIF 45409 @ /讨论 嗨。我希望每个人都做得很好。我只是想分享我的经验的声称援助通过访问劳务和退休金部的工作。< br / > < br / >对于那些读过我的PIP声称帖中,你将知道我被授予标准税率对保健和流动性。我有创伤后骨关节炎的右脚踝。由于成功的PIP声称对流动性和10点,然后我也能索赔一个残疾人自由通过和一个蓝色徽章。这当然是好。然而,我仍在挣扎是因为有一个长(对我来说,这是……0.3英里)从我家走到最近的公交车站和地铁站之间,然后工作。< br / > < br / >同时在社交场合四周前告诉我关于访问工作。它是由劳务和退休金部的资助计划旨在支持残疾人留在工作。

I applied and after a very quick and painless process I have been awarded taxi transportation to and from work and also any additional journeys I need to make that are work related. (The only thing that made it take four weeks was waiting for my GP to return from annual leave).

This support is invaluable as I live in West London and work in East London. I was skeptical that I would receive help as the cost of taxis would be astronomical. However to my surprise, I have received funding until August 2018.

If anyone else is in work and needs support... look into it. It provides more than just transportation costs but can also help fund specialist equipment, adaptations and training for staff.
问题在工作中 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/49806/problems-at-work 星期二,2018年11月13日12:16:24 + 0000 福利和工作档案很重要 siprego 49806 @ /讨论 大家好,我今天刚刚加入这里。我57岁,患有类风湿性关节炎大约5年了,我的最大剂量甲氨蝶呤,我在家自我注射一周一次。我有固定的耀斑ups,被迫去工作(印贸易)和做繁重和22小时的变化在我的脚我不生病。我讨论问题我的医学博士,他的回答是“如果你不能做这个工作然后离开”< br / >当然必须有一些法律反对这一点。所以我必须去工作,真的紧张我和遭受可怕的痛苦之后好几个星期。我不知道谁能提供任何建议我要做什么我在我的一点点结束,感觉太累了,心烦厌倦了没完没了的痛苦。我所有的顾问说的是止痛药。< br / >请帮我的婚姻和whol生活是分解。 键盘和鼠标 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/49369/keyboards-and-mouse 星期一,2018年6月25日11:36:08 + 0000 福利和工作档案很重要 Laemchabang 49369 @ /讨论 嗨,新用户提醒。去简单!我最近被诊断出患有风湿性关节炎,甲氨蝶呤/羟氯喹……我的手/手指手腕和肘部疼痛是我的主要问题。我工作10人力资源变化与电脑和工作要求我寻找任何设备,我的桌子上,他们会提供我需要的。谁能建议关于最好的鼠标/键盘使用吗?任何advuce感激。我一直在rsi网站,没有人体工程学鼠标/键盘似乎gonomuch选择。 需要住房的建议 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/49435/need-advice-on-housing 0000年结婚,2018年7月18日11:40:12 + 福利和工作档案很重要 frank50 49435 @ /讨论 你好,请把社会住房谁能给我建议。我有一个3居室的房子,住在我自己的,今年5月得知我已经在我的手腕和膝盖RA。得到了我的第一个甾照片,感觉好但是我知道这很快就会穿的。所以我的社会住房土地主代表我一个访问我要求调到一楼公寓或平房作为楼梯的情况下我不能处理。是我好目前没有膝盖肿胀,知道另一个爆发将抵达未来。第一个是如此糟糕,我不能走正常为2个月,掺杂tomadol。所以我怎么说服她我需要这个住房改变当我听到他们组很难看到同情。< br / >将非常欢迎任何建议。< br / > < br / >发送从我使用Tapatalk SM-G361F 皮普的评估 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/50054/pip-assessment 星期二,2019年1月22日10:30:18 + 0000 福利和工作档案很重要 TwinCam88 50054 @ /讨论 今天(星期二)22日我参加了一个PIP评估当日上午10时在我的家乡,很惊讶那是积极的和有益的。评估员是一个注册护士,是喜悦,完全反对我被告知。显然我需要等大约十周结论由于圣诞节延迟。 自信、自尊和自我意识。 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/49398/confidence-self-esteem-and-self-awareness 星期四,05年7月2018 05:55:23 + 0000 福利和工作档案很重要 的频道! 49398 @ /讨论 After a lifetime of arther, eight years of DLA mobility are coming to an end with an application for PIP. It took me many years to get my head around applying for DLA and admiting I have a disability.

In some ways I almost want to fail rather than admit I am not as able as I should be, I have a very strong sense of being head of the family and self awareness as a 'doer' in life, even though I was medically retired at 44. I have stood on my own two feet and supported my family and feel the pain of intrusive questioning in my life and a bump to my pride in filling in the PIP paperwork.

I feel a great weight on me, a pressure to be subservient to a government edict, does it matter how far I can walk some days, its pain thats the issue, do the politicians really want this to happen to all the disabled people in the country?

My cofidence is low and I doubt myself, but not the inequality of the system, who would willingly submit themselves to this without need?
受益的 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/49943/benefits 星期四,2018年12月20日13:43:31 + 0000 福利和工作档案很重要 aygoblue 49943 @ /讨论 刚刚起飞esa评估后,他们说我工作能力的,但我知道我不是。如果我现在可以要求任何东西,我无法获得加州大学。任何建议请 ESA评估 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/49149/esa-assessment 太阳,2018年4月15日08:59:00 + 0000 福利和工作档案很重要 Joycemaryon 49149 @ /讨论 你好我是50岁,患有关节炎S1joints和两关节- 5方面,我觉得走路很痛苦和需要使用2拐杖走路,很难坐下来没有疼痛和肌肉痉挛,我也有2 - 5级别的脊椎出现下滑,但融合手术已经排除了由于关节炎,我也会疼痛和肌肉痉挛,两肩有一个更糟糕的b12计数低,< br / >无论如何削减长话短说我有ESA评估得到9分,不能坐超过20分钟,尽管她已经把我和2拐杖慢慢地走20分钟,同意我皮普评估确实可以走200米的给我6分,我需要(15),她给我0点因为我有上肢力量(根据他们愚蠢的练习)使用手动轮椅在所需的距离,我认为坐下来把椅子的组合会导致疼痛和肌肉痉挛,我说,我认为这是错误的甚至没有提供椅子给你尝试< br / >你认为我有理由上诉,因为他们说你不应该做一些可以使你的情况更糟 需要医生完成的模板 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/49405/in-need-of-template-for-doctor-to-complete 妈,09年7月2018 04:38:51 + 0000 福利和工作档案很重要 DGD 49405 @ /讨论 大家好!我新这个论坛,但我看了话题,我保证已经发现一个伟大的社会,希望贡献以及提问。< br / > < br / >我是一个美国人,不得不申请残疾声称通过美国社会保障体系。我的风湿病学家不明白需要提交,这样我可以批准。有人知道我可以访问和使用一种形式作为一种模板的他吗?< br / > < br / >我有关节炎,关节损伤纤维肌痛与记录。1988年最初诊断和治疗包括生物药物。< br / > < br / >多谢! 什么时候你寻求帮助 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/49307/at-what-point-do-you-ask-for-help 坐,09年6月2018 14:56:24 + 0000 福利和工作档案很重要 kare47 49307 @ /讨论 嗨伙计们听起来愚蠢的问题但是什么时候你寻求帮助。
just a little info to get started I'm 47 male worked all my adult life outside as ground worker mortgage now on 6month of the year had the best part 3 and half months off so far on ssp everything is just a mine field I'm worn out physically and mentally I;ve tried to contact a bureau 3 separate times nearly 3 hours waiting and still never got through. I no there busy people and its free but it just wears me holding on
ESA50 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/49377/esa50 星期四,2018年6月28日07:23:59 + 0000 福利和工作档案很重要 杜鹃 49377 @ /讨论 嗨,< br / >我在很困难的情况下,因为我有一群疾病阻止我目前工作。我有一个工作,但已经签署了这么长时间,我不得不申请ESA。我得到了ESA的贡献。现在我必须填写一个ESA50。我的关节炎问题主要是去年夏天我的膝盖扭了。7月份我在MRI顾问将决定哪些操作需要。My fit note says 'depressed' I have also had cancer within the last 2 years. Some of my fingers have nodules which can be painful at times and my other knee is beginning to join in! I also have an old ongoing back problem which prevents me sitting for too long without discomfort. It is possible that I may be fit for work within the 13 weeks assessment but I can't say for certain, especially as I will have to wait to see the consultant, wait for an operation and recover. Despite being in pain, fatigued from radiotherapy and depressed I don't seem to fit the ESA50. Has anyone else had experience of this please? 新的工作,建议好吗? https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/49075/new-job-offer-advice-please 2018年3月26日,星期一,07:48:05 + 0000 福利和工作档案很重要 nearlybionic 49075 @ /讨论 你好< br / >我已经提供了一份新工作。我以我目前的角色已经14年,有2进入这一次工作评估获得艾滋病和设备。< br / >我目前完成Occ健康问卷当然询问关节问题,药物,和对移动和处理。I have been very honest with my replies and know that they will no doubt sent me for a medical as a result of my answers. I am a bit worried that they will be concerned about physical abilities. Any advice?
另一个新手 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/49158/another-newbie 星期四,2018年4月19日17:12:15 + 0000 福利和工作档案很重要 Gatsouk 49158 @ /讨论 大家好…< br / >我不知道很多关于这个条件,我才刚刚适应它。我刚刚被诊断出患有骨关节炎在我的颈部和上背部。我显然有几个椎骨的影响。虽然我的博士说,这是温和的,我遭受很多的痛苦在我的肩膀,胸部、颈部和有时我的胳膊。我也遭受头痛和眩晕症状。我还没有服用任何药物,我希望我可以应付不需要它现在只有co-codamol / codine时痛苦。我的朋友告诉我我应该立即开始索赔。但我不认为我应该做的,因为我不认为我接近一样糟糕一些人不得不忍受。我的老板已经好到目前为止有关的事情,但是有什么我需要知道有关工作事项和我从工作场所应该期待什么他们应该提供什么?< br / > < br / >任何帮助将不胜感激…… Thanks 新手 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/48896/newbie 太阳,2018年2月04 17:02:39 + 0000 福利和工作档案很重要 Mellie23 48896 @ /讨论 嗨我很新论坛,不知道从哪里开始,我3周后关节镜检查,仍然肿胀,拄着拐杖,当我出来有关。之前我只是告诉关节镜(op) 1月15日,我的膝盖骨被侵蚀,但去剧院之前有人告诉我侵蚀的原因是关节炎,周三我去理疗时我被告知我有关节炎的背后我的膝盖骨。我还没有看到外科医生(我将在27/2见到他)我在要求被告知将皮普。我回来工作,但挣扎所以不知道如果我应该等到我看到外科医生或者现在就做。我不知道如果我仍然挣扎着从手术或如果它是它就是从现在开始——你认为从未声称任何现在x的任何建议将不胜感激 一个大喊出你好 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/48956/a-big-shout-out-hello 太阳,2018年2月18日19:09:01 + 0000 福利和工作档案很重要 Twinny 48956 @ /讨论 目前我的第三周工作,等待最近的核磁共振的结果,决定进一步退化的膝盖。以前Arthoscopy失败了。,我也被诊断出患有纤维肌痛和高流动性对企业有利。我夹在剧烈疼痛的膝盖锁定和旋转在身体的疼痛。
As a previously energetic and active 54 year old combining full time work ( in a job I love) and a demanding family life, I feel catapulted into old age. I am really struggling with coming to terms with this change in fortune albeit I have been suffering chronic stress for a long time so should welcome the respite.
My main worry is money as I am the main wage earner with Teens just about to start university. Moreover I have been fortunate in having a job I love and work are really understanding but an imminent re-structure leaves me fearful. I have to reconcile myself to a change in job as the physical demands are not conducive to my health.
In short, I am having a crisis of identity. I have gone from a woman who juggled and micro managed all the competing demands in her life, a sociable and energetic person who thrived in the company of others to a person with fatigue, brain fog and limited mobility.
Is there light at the end of the tunnel? I'd love to hear from anyone who has had to make major lifestyle changes to accommodate their arthritis and tips for keeping cheerful.
将从国防后勤局皮普 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/48423/transferring-from-dla-to-pip 星期二,2017年9月12日17:42:52 + 0000 福利和工作档案很重要 Faeyra 48423 @ /讨论 嗨,< br / > < br / >我的可能已经做了糟糕的事情,在google上搜索别人的经验与皮普的说法。我将从国防后勤局PIP和完全意识到,声称是不同等,虽然我的国防后勤局是无限期的,这不会发生。< br / > < br / >我被诊断出患有慢性特发性风湿性关节炎4岁和葡萄膜炎13岁时失去视力的我的眼睛在19岁。我国防后勤局的高速率作为一个孩子,但是我的妈妈回来了我13岁时由于关节炎改善由于激素等等。我又没有声称国防后勤局直到20套我被授予低利率移动我的视力丧失。< br / > < br / >我现在30周六和我的关节炎有越来越多更糟糕的是在过去的5年,但是我一直提供动力。我看到顾问定期为我的眼睛在多个关节和关节我接受可的松注射几次一年。< br / > < br / >我的PIP评估是今天,它持续了大约20分钟。这是一个评估,我没有请求。我不要求做任何动作,我也站起来,走到厨房给她特别停车许可证的证明我的大学,然后坐下来。我还没有问我什么距离可以走,即使我勾选“变化”——它。我没有任何艾滋病散步当我不能weight-bare肘部由于严重的伤害和痛苦。我诚实回答了她所有的问题,然后她用她的方式。

I was only in receipt of low-rate mobility but I have been advised that I should probably be getting more as I'm unable to take myself to hospital appointments and rely heavily on my car.

I honestly have no idea how it went, I thought 20 minutes was awfully short and she didn't really ask me much about my mobility, more about the help/care I get from my Husband.

Any advice/opinion/experience is welcome.
福利津贴 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/48904/benefits-entitlements 2018年2月结婚,07年06:31:20 + 0000 福利和工作档案很重要 Chefinpain 48904 @ /讨论 嗨……我不得不做出一个艰难的选择……我放弃了我的工作由于疼痛由于沉重的锅,造成长时间的驾驶和不胜枚举…我用手和手臂,主要受厨师这越来越无法忍受…我也有腕管只是让事情变得更糟! !因为我遇到过的困难我也现在患有抑郁症,因为我不知道我将如何生活,如果我将有权福利来帮助我。我独自生活,所以我的工资是唯一的收入…我不能支付我的房租或账单,我非常担心它....抑郁的我发现其实很难做任何事。请与我有谁能帮助我吗?如果我能够得到任何帮助帮助说法我不知道如何做到这一点,不知道我是否会做…我的抑郁症是导致我不能在精神上为我自己做事相似我更低…我真的觉得我需要帮助…我的关节炎已经开始一个完全不同的生活对我来说……但是痛苦也会引起我许多不眠之夜和药物可以让我恶心和头晕……我真的需要一些帮助……非常感谢玛丽 合理的调整 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/48827/reasonable-adjustment 星期二,2018年1月16日14:38:03 + 0000 福利和工作档案很重要 斯蒂格 48827 @ /讨论 对不起的长帖子我寻求一些建议。我的右腿被截肢的时候我16岁,我自从开发OA和RA治疗不同程度的成功和止痛药,DMARDS和生物制剂。我58岁,虽然我做全职工作,我发现它非常困难。我以前去旅行(120英里往返)不同的中心和教数学,但是我没有质量的生活就完全不行了。然后2个月前我是建立在一个中心,不可思议的是我哪里都累了。我已经跟我的经理开会5天前,同意,我将与偶尔的旅行在一个地方。今天我被告知我要旅行了。我喜欢我的工作但是我可以不再处理旅行到不同的地方工作,我宁愿是建立在一个地方。我有什么权利,建议你能给吗?多谢。 骨的和福利。 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/48680/osteo-and-benefits 星期二,2017年11月21日07:55:25 + 0000 福利和工作档案很重要 omnipollo 48680 @ /讨论 嗨。这是我的第一篇文章后。< br / > < br / >我62和努力做我的工作作为一个泥水匠。我最近在JSA但申请ESA。< br / >我挣扎于两膝骨关节炎和等待膝关节置换。我有一个X射线不久前我也诊断为骨的在我的臀部。I also have degenerative wear and tear to my lower spine. How I managed to continue in recent years has been a wonder.
I was told to claim for PIP but tried once before and scored zero points. I am in constant pain walking and struggle to even depress the clutch pedal in my car. I also struggle to get in and out of it without assistance from my wife. I need assistance cooking because I can't stand for long and I now am struggling with arthritis in my hands.
I have a PIP form but do I put as much information as possible on the form or do I just make it short but to the point? Last time I only mentioned a few problems but my condition now has got so bad I do need help with my daily living. Do I put as much info on the form or do I keep it minimum. I recall the assessment from last time where the interview only lasted around twenty mins and didn't cover every complaint I had.
I would be more than appreciated if anyone could assist me who has recently completed one of these forms.
皮普....错误的原因 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/48663/pip-wrong-reason 0000年结婚,2017年11月15日01:39:08 + 福利和工作档案很重要 Weepth2k10 48663 @ /讨论 早上人,另一个漫长的不眠之夜。想要一些意见。我考虑把索赔皮普,原因是我在工作中做38小时/周。我想剪下来,已经从每周50小时剪下来。有时生活真的很艰难。很多的疼痛、僵硬和疲劳。我们是一个年轻的家庭与3 8 5和5岁的孩子。我知道我们将财政服务局的斗争。我痛苦了近10年才真正开始寻求医疗帮助在过去的2。我有良好的天,不太好。 The last 3 weeks have been hard and used a couple of weeks holidays. And iam dreading the next 5 months to my next holidays. Is it wrong to think about putting in a claim on these grounds.
阿托斯为皮普 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/48692/atos-for-pip 星期五,2017年11月24日18:47:59 + 0000 福利和工作档案很重要 BlurCrystal 48692 @ /讨论 I have a PIP review medical in a week. Thing is the medical is so far away. And when I got the venue of it. I had a anxiety attack cause it is going to be in a place I don't know. I do not have my own transport. And no one to come with me. I have dreadful pain walking. That it is proving impossible for me to go out without support. Like taxi. I told the DWP on the form I am having severe problems getting out of my home. It is very difficult for me to write now. But I need advice. I have no clue where the ATOS medical will be. And. I am feeling so in pain and unwell. I don't know what to do? I have osteo+ another problem with my feet that has reduced my walking speed. I have to concentrate as best as I can. Cause I have been in years of pain. With various things. I feel so exhausted. It has took me 5 hours took me 5 hours to put this together. I do have a right to support. Govt survey re Experiences PIP &ESA Assessments https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/48619/govt-survey-re-experiences-pip-amp-esa-assessments 星期四,2017年11月02 12:10:45 + 0000 福利和工作档案很重要 不安定的 48619 @ /讨论 你好所有< br / >这是一个链接到一个下议院专责委员会调查PIP和ESA评估过程。他们想要你的意见是否它是用户友好的,和适合的目的。我们中的许多人已经经历了这个过程,现在是你的机会分享是多么的不人道。许多人丢失或他们的福利减少。< br / > < br / >关节炎似乎在代表的反馈。< br / > < br / >如果可以的话,请分享。< br / > < br / > < a href = " https://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/work-and-pensions-committee/pip-esa-assessments-forum-17-19/?页面= 6 " rel = " https://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/work-and-pensions-committee/pip-esa-assessments-forum-17-19/?page=6 nofollow”> < / > 不能工作 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/48062/unable-to-work 2017年5月25日星期四14:17:56 + 0000 福利和工作档案很重要 lil1612 48062 @ /讨论 你好,我想知道如果任何人都可以回答我的一些问题。我兼职工作但是现在病假由于严重的关节炎的臀部和膝盖也会影响。是今年4月以来,已经看到职业健康下周开会老板和人力资源。我认为他们想摆脱我。I have to have hip replacement and am wondering if they are going to offer me early retirement due to ill health - I am 61. If they do - what would this mean to me? Would I also be able to claim pips on a temporary basis and a blue card? The occupational health docotr says it is a disability. I have read various items but none of it seems to make any sense especially to ESA 零售和风湿性关节炎 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/48470/retail-and-ra 2017年9月25日,星期一,06:35:10 + 0000 福利和工作档案很重要 Weniki13 48470 @ /讨论 我工作在零售和iPhone推出天连续工作11 1/2小时没有打破博士但尚未被诊断为RA后我最积极的,我有许多研究,每晚回家洗个热水澡和脚浸泡在曼尼药物来帮助减轻痛苦。I also use a heating pad daily. They think I’m just complaining and say “yeah my feet ache too”. Well I have at least 10 yrs on all of them and some I’m 20 yrs their elder. I have worked in retail for 26 yrs now with the past 10 being on my feet after they did away with our desks and the ability to sit and help the customer. I believe my symptoms have gotten much worse. Could this all be a cause of RA? If so and I finally get my diagnosis, should I continue in retail? I don’t feel like doing anything when I come home but get off of my feet. Now my knees and hands are stiff, swollen and achy on a daily basis. This job is killing me. I’m close to retirement (at age 55...I will be 49 this Dec) but don’t think I can make it through all of the holiday hours. What are some of your suggestions? This is all new to me. I’ve been healthy all of my life until this bone and joint pain. I went to the orthopedic dr and have a large ganglion cyst which I’ve had for 8 yrs and now have 2 bone spurs on top of that on my big toe and need surgery for that. Is this job doing this to me? I’ve always been so active and have never had surgery of any sort. I feel like I’m too young to feel like this daily.