患有关节炎存档,与关节炎beplay体育怎么下载 https://community.versusarthritis.org/ 坐,2022年1月22日13:03:16 + 0000 患有关节炎存档,与关节炎beplay体育怎么下载 腿让路 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/23664/leg-giving-way 2011年5月02日星期一10:38:11 + 0000 生活在关节炎存档 woodbon 23664 @ /讨论 Hi, I'm having a difficult day today. I have OA in my spine and neck as well as hips and hands. Today my right hip, which is the most painful, keeps crumpling under me and a pain shoots down my leg. My leg goes inwards and I feel I'm going to fall. I nearly did just now but managed to grab a chair back and keep my balance. It only lasts a few seconds, although my leg is stiffer and more painful than usual. I can't think of anything I've done to cause this. I've also got a pain in the very top of my chest which hurts like a pulled muscle, when I move. Luckily, I have an appointment on the 8th to see my GP but it seems a long time! Has anyone had this? I feel so fed up and want to do more. Sorry, I'm moaning again! Love Sue 接受吗? https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/23619/acceptance 星期四,2011年4月28日09:15:52 + 0000 生活在关节炎存档 keith1971 23619 @ /讨论 Hi Lynn,

I've only had this disease for a year but I think I've already reached the acceptance stage, all the other stages just waste too much precious energy & are too negative to get bogged down in - I believe that a positive fighter outlook is an essential part of battling the disease. It's all too easy to get dragged down by the other stages & that helps no-one. We have one life to live.

这是什么icey-cold和湿的感觉在我的OA膝盖? https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/31684/whats-this-icey-cold-and-wet-feeling-on-my-oa-knee 结婚,04年4月2012 05:54:53 + 0000 生活在关节炎存档 Puschinka 31684 @ /讨论 过去几周我一直得到一个新的、非常奇怪的感觉在我糟糕的膝盖。这是除了OA的痛苦,我不知道如何是好。有时,我的膝盖骨,左边的区域,它总是有点肿胀,海绵,突然感觉icey-cold的湿。就像有人把冷湿布。几次我必须确保我的腿不是实际泄漏区域,当然,它不是。< br / >这是一个非常奇怪的感觉和在不断发生,白天和黑夜。< br / >有谁以前经历过吗?< br / >我的右膝盖越来越痛苦,所以我想知道这是冷/湿与办公相关的感觉,或与神经在那个地区?可能源于关节镜在2月吗?< br / >我应该提及我的医生吗?< br / >谁有任何想法是什么?< br / >: ? 当期望从大脚趾融合没有痛苦吗? https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/26093/when-to-expect-no-pain-from-big-toe-fusion 星期四,2011年8月04 12:23:03 + 0000 生活在关节炎存档 Dodgytoes27 26093 @ /讨论 嗨-我有一个33岁男子谁是4个月恢复从一个右大脚趾融合由于关节炎。我的咨询师说这是一个成功的操作和骨骼融合良好。然而,我仍然经历一定程度的疼痛我站立或行走时,即使是很短的时间内。当我希望可以“无痛苦”,或者真的没有所谓的100%疼痛自由?。我意识到,每个人都以不同的速率恢复,所以,4个月没有足够长的时间会没有痛苦吗?有点抱歉,我胡说,但希望听到别人经历的复苏和最后痛苦时免费的。Thanks everyone. :smile: 大脚趾融合 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/49774/big-toe-fusion 星期五,2018年11月02 09:03:03 + 0000 生活在关节炎存档 加州 49774 @ /讨论 嗨伙计们,< br / > < br / >我有我大脚趾星期二订了融合,最后。你有任何建议或建议对我来说,对手术和恢复之后。< br / > < br / >谢谢。 主题与医院和日常生活的实用的建议 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/47597/topic-with-practical-advice-for-hospital-and-daily-life 星期四,2017年2月02 06:08:14 + 0000 生活在关节炎存档 主持人 47597 @ /讨论 我们美好的论坛成员想出了很多杰出的技巧和想法对于患有关节炎可以检查出来。我试图将它们分组以这样一种方式,他们有一个主题< br / >祝福< br / >沙龙< br / >进入医院大技巧< a href = " http://arthritiscareforum.org.uk/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=18036" rel="nofollow">http://arthritiscareforum.org.uk/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=18036
Ideas to make life easier http://arthritiscareforum.org.uk/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=18372
Medical abbreviations http://arthritiscareforum.org.uk/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=19557
主题建议过着积极的生活 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/47598/topics-with-suggestion-for-living-a-positive-life 星期四,2017年2月02 06:11:55 + 0000 生活在关节炎存档 主持人 47598 @ /讨论 我们美好的论坛成员想出了很多杰出的建议和想法与关节炎的一种积极的生活你可以在这里检查出来。我试图将它们分组以这样一种方式,他们有一个主题< br / >祝福< br / >沙龙< br / > < br / >好消息如果……http://arthritiscareforum.org.uk/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=46572
Acceptance http://arthritiscareforum.org.uk/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=23619
Discount cards http://arthritiscareforum.org.uk/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=41457
创意让生活更轻松 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/18372/ideas-to-make-life-easier 星期四,9月02日2010 09:52:08 + 0000 生活在关节炎存档 lululu 18372 @ /讨论 Hi, editing this to make it a bit easier to find the tip you need :P


Hi there I have just had a brainwave - it was an effort to sit comfortable at my table as I could not pull my chair in or swivell round easy. Now I can

I am now sat on a goood old Tesco carrier bag and it is brill I can sit down, swivel round to the table and back again. I am so pleased with this amazing new invention that I am getting dizzy swiveling. I will also use it in the car, don't care that anyone who sees it will think it is case I pee!

关于disabledkenny1病史 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/49978/about-disabledkenny1-medical-history 星期二,2019年1月01 09:12:50 + 0000 生活在关节炎存档 disabledkenny1 49978 @ /讨论 newyear02 < br / >这是肯尼的生活自从条件开始14岁!< br / > < br / >我14岁时,在学校我的右膝开始赠送,带我去医院,他们不知道什么是错的我困在石膏从我的臀部,我的脚踝,3个月后删除它,告诉我我有oscoslaters疾病(缺乏软骨组织),在我19岁的时候,我看见一个风湿病学家,他在我的膝盖和操作发现我有关节炎,一年后我的臀部开始我的左膝盖,他们发给我的理疗,给我止痛药。开始我也开始与哮喘吸入器帮助控制它。< br / > < br / > 1993年我27岁时我醒来无法从我的脖子我的前妻喊道我的医生他说骨关节炎已经击中我的脊椎,发给我的蹩脚所以给了我一些抗炎平板电脑和在4小时能够移动,再次开始步行,但不得不放弃我的工作担任服务员在奥尔德姆的酒店,我可以宣称的好处, disability living allowance (now called PIP) & got the higher rate care & motablety.

1994 I had a major stroke & took 8 months to recover I was unable to move my left side & has slurred speech also for a few days was blind.

In 1997 I started my own business designing & printing business stationery for small businesses & was driving from Morecambe to Lancaster, Preston, Blackpool, Oldham & Manchester, but in November 1997 had another major stroke which took 13 months to recover from so ended back on benefits.

I started suffering from severe depression disorder in 1998 saw a psycritis and stress councillor eventually medication helped me.

I had a bad fall in 1999 using my wheelchair going up a steep drop kerb I fractured my centre & lower vertebra’s & spent 3 years needing a lot of care unable to walk mostly bedridden.

From 1998 - 2012 I had a lot of strokes, light strokes & TIA’s in & out of hospital, as they discovered that I had a stroke related condition.
In 2001 I moved back to Oldham to be near my friends.

2009 became paralysed from the chest down, spent 4 weeks in hospital, 3 months later got feeling of upper body but legs remained paralysed for a further 15 months, still to this day did not find out why.

Had a heart attack in 2014 discovered I had Super Ventricular Tachycardia condition recovered after a couple of weeks.

Started with prostate problems in 2016 on medication to help.

Physiotherapist diagnosed me as having nerve damage in upper spine, waiting for MRI then appointment with Neurologist, this is caused through thinning of the discs in my spine causing the vertebra to rub together & get worn pressing onto my nerves, it causes pain & weakness in upper body.

So after all this I have mental health issues through all that my body has been through.

Still with all that I have had & got I still managed for 5 years ran 6 disabled organisations till I had my 2nd major stroke, and last June I set up Oldham Disabled People & Elderly Support Group & setting up Oldham Versus Arthritis group, just waiting to find the right accessible venure.
骨关节炎臀部膝盖手腕&只是摔断我的腿! https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/49654/osteoarthritis-hips-knees-wrists-just-broke-me-leg 星期一,2018年9月17日17:21:12 + 0000 生活在关节炎存档 魔景镜片 49654 @ /讨论 你好,我想加入在已经有很长一段时间我觉得发帖。
I have ostoarthritis & have been learning to cope with having my right wrist fused, am now a year in & starting to think I made the right choice even with the limitations of what I can do now.
It's worth it to be pain free in my left wrist & hand, but it did make it very difficult to cope with having my second knee replaced in February this year.
Walking with crutches when you cannot bend your wrist is very awkward so I compensate with my other wrist which is much more painful.
I have seen my surgeon about getting my other wrist fused as I have now decided I can no longer cope with the pain.
I have not had a full nights sleep in the last 18 years, unless I have been under full sedation or pain care in hospital.
So am hoping that before the end of this year I will have reached the stage of having more metal in me than a mecano set.
So far I have had both hips resurfaced, both knees replaced & I have had my left wrist fused & right one on the waiting list for.
Like others on here living on pain killers & living from day to day hoping to get at least 3 hours sleep in before it's time to get up & get through another day.
Still I count myself lucky as I am supported by an excellent employer who has kept my services in between operations & recovering from them.
Not sure what I would be like if I was unable to feel productive by working in some kind of employment

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折扣卡 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/41457/discount-cards 0000年结婚,2014年1月15日14:27:02 + 生活在关节炎存档 主持人 41457 @ /讨论 整理信息从电影院卡线程。< br / > < br / >照顾< br / > Mod < br / >叶 一个气球在肩关节 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/49605/a-balloon-in-the-shoulder-joint 星期四,2018年8月30日14:56:36 + 0000 生活在关节炎存档 松露 49605 @ /讨论 Wondered if anyone has had one of these inserted? I have been offered one to relieve pain and reeducate the rotator cuff muscles. Would love to know about the experience and after effects - thanks you guys! 痛风或另一种类型的关节炎吗? https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/49305/gout-or-another-type-of-arthritis 星期五,08年6月2018 02:59:55 + 0000 生活在关节炎存档 MichaelKnight 49305 @ /讨论 你好,昨天就发现了这个论坛,想我做一篇,以防有人愿意给我意见,谢谢。< br / > < br / >将感激你的意见是否不是你相信我患有痛风或者其他东西。< br / > < br / > 5个月我已经相当对称的疼痛在我的关节。首先在我的脚趾,然后手指、膝盖、手腕、手臂和小腿。我现在主要影响在我的手指,指尖,用我的食指运动变得很肿胀的损失。还我的胳膊疼。我觉得这痛苦的大多数对象,打字,把我的手指在寒冷的水是不舒服。我的手指的迹象是herberden节点或可能是痛风石(虽然不那么极端的一些照片你看到)。看网上的照片我想认为他们是herberden节点。我的手指感觉自己几乎是别人的,由于肿胀。我也发现我有点笨拙和他们偶尔滴事情。< br / > < br / >我的一个中间脚趾已经很厚骨,但除此之外没有其他物理“告诉”是显而易见的。

My GP asked for an x-ray of my hands in February which showed only minor wear and tear possibly osteoarthritis he thought in the fingers. However they have become much more swollen since then. At the start of the year uric acid levels were up to 440 from 400 in the previous year; and most recently were recorded as 590. I was put on a course of Colchicine in January to "test" for gout which had no positive effect, Prednisolone has been tried a couple of times which did help, and I've now been taking Allopurinol for 6 weeks with no positive effect, although in the first week of treatment it was combined with Colchicine - when on that occasion I was in less pain than on the first occasion when Colchicine was used.

Im a 47 year old male. Not over weight. Dont drink heavily but do enjoy a beer (which Ive currently cut out) re purines.

I'd imagine most people would agree that these are not the typical symptoms of gout; since they did not begin with swelling of the big toe, I have no 'redness' of skins, and I have sharp pains which have been going on for months, rather than 'flare ups for a few weeks only'.

However I think what's pushing my GP to think in that direction is the symmetrical nature (ie unlikely to be osteoarthritis but rather is inflammation of some kind) and the elevated uric acid. I've asked if I can be referred to a reumatologist and he's said they wouldn't look at my case while my bloods are not showing an issue e.g. no raised rheumatoid factor. Should I be pushing this? Or if necessary trying to get a (hopefully not to costly) private assessment?

I became convinced it was rheumatoid arthritis, however things are not worse in the mornings and as said bloods are not showing raised Rheumatoid factor. Reading about early stage RA experiences, it does however suggest that morning stiffness and positive blood tests may however not be present.

Appreciate greatly you reading my story (sorry for the length). If you have an observations then it would be much appreciated.

PS struggling to get pics of fingers to load but I'll try again later
想法帮助痛苦 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/49842/ideas-for-helping-pains 太阳,2018年11月25日06:48:58 + 0000 生活在关节炎存档 johnnyk32uk 49842 @ /讨论 嗨,< br / > < br / >我是新到这个论坛非常抱歉如果这已经说过,我将继续看旧的文章建议和想法。< br / > < br / >我最近从我爸爸药物由于我开始新的药物来治疗偏头痛,我不采取(或被告知停止服用)止痛药,因为他们让我的头痛更糟。我最近拒绝了生物处理但我抱怨,现在调查(但我不希望)所以现在我没有任何PA疼痛,他们正变得相当糟糕。我基本上只靠止痛药我停止apremilast后大约一年。< br / > < br / >我有一个热垫给我帮助了这么长时间,洗热水澡似乎有所帮助但又不长。我的脚痛所以脚部按摩,又这么多。我曾经尝试过手套关节炎,但没有帮助。< br / > < br / >我只是想知道是否有人建议/想法如何减轻疼痛没有服用止痛药吗?< br / > < br / >欢呼, 第二个腕关节融合后的生活 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/49981/life-after-second-wrist-fusion 星期二,2019年1月01 18:24:37 + 0000 生活在关节炎存档 魔景镜片 49981 @ /讨论 以来第一次完整的淋浴在我的第二个腕关节融合,忘了那将是多么的困难。< br / >上次我至少有一些其他运动在我的手腕上,而现在我都融合,最近的一个还在。< br / >但是一旦我缓解了防水保护解开了演员,有洗澡的时候确实感觉很好虽然非常困难。< br / >我需要找到一个更好的淋浴凝胶分发器使用1手,我仍然可以得到凝胶分发。< br / >充分利用我dissabled长到脚刷,脚趾海绵使清洗我的脚更容易一些。< br / > < br / > < br / >发送从我使用Tapatalk SM-G930F 眼插头。 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/50043/eye-plugs 星期五,2019年1月18日11:57:39 + 0000 生活在关节炎存档 Becky88 50043 @ /讨论 再次,我希望每个人都可以看到,如果你可以给我任何建议。

I have recently found out that my RA is affecting my eyes. The eye consultant said that it has made the tissue dry and is causing very dry eyes. It has also caused a corneal erosion. I am currently controlling this with hourly eye drops but he has suggested eye plugs as something that I could possibly try.

So.. I was just wondering if anybody out there has any experience of RA affecting their eyes? Also, if anybody has tried eye plugs, would it be possible to share your experience with them, (i.e whether you have found them useful, painful, etc).

Many thanks.
罪与罚 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/50049/crime-and-punishment 太阳,2019年1月20日11:56:34 + 0000 生活在关节炎存档 dreamdaisy 50049 @ /讨论 The crime? Enjoyment. I faffed about yesterday with changing lampshades (an absolute beauty from Habitat was delivered which resulted in five being swapped about) followed by preparing the house for dinner guests, washing stuff up, sorting the cheese course and staying up until 1am.

The punishment is the most severe to date. Hey-ho. I guess there will always be new depths to plumb. :lol: DD
Psoriatis关节炎,什么是最重要的? https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/50053/psoriatis-arthritis-what-works-best 星期一,2019年1月21日12:05:04 + 0000 生活在关节炎存档 播放音乐 50053 @ /讨论 大家好,我有‘享受’不适或疼痛多年,最后诊断。以前我是服用止痛药(cocodamol等)和CBD。我现在每天CBD也Etoricoxib;,和锻炼和理疗的帮助,但我得到一些副作用,至少我认为,Etoricoxib。医生说我可能有资格获得anti-TNFs我想听到一些想法从人用它作为我持怀疑态度。播放音乐的欢呼声 银屑病关节炎和甲氨蝶呤 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/50060/psoriatic-arthritis-and-methotrexate 星期五,2019年1月25日13:55:00 + 0000 生活在关节炎存档 Kozi27 50060 @ /讨论 你好,我刚刚被诊断(今天!)银屑病关节炎患者有各种关节肿胀了好几年。我不忍受牛皮癣但它运行在我的家庭,我的女儿!我已经规定的甲氨蝶呤(12.5毫克)开始但我一直在阅读,很多人似乎遭受疾病所以我想知道副作用发生的速度(如果发生)我试图找出哪一天最好把它当作我兼职工作。TIA。 姜黄 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/48810/turmeric 太阳,07年1月2018 12:27:19 + 0000 生活在关节炎存档 谢丽尔 48810 @ /讨论 新手不知道我还可以发布还是这样做正确有人发现姜黄有帮助。 创伤后关节炎 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/48986/post-traumatic-arthritis 星期二,2018年2月27日08:11:44 + 0000 生活在关节炎存档 克劳德特 48986 @ /讨论 任何人遭受创伤后关节炎患者请吗?我不知道我是“痛苦”和其他关节炎前弄伤了我的脚。它已经很长一段路试图接受这两个身体,尤其是,心理上。受伤发生在2年前。我现在在我的第三个理疗师,我第一次真正的心理学家。我的脚似乎受伤以来经历了一系列变化但复苏后,最初的东西就开始走下坡路。这是足几个关节的关节炎。< br / > < br / >更重要的是,我非常活跃,走路,骑自行车,游泳,跑步。我60岁。之间的纯粹的焦虑,抑郁,悲伤,我让自己试试,也许会有帮助。我终于使用一个nhs理疗(不能忍受等待所以私下支付)。 He seem to think there is hope for improvement but they have all said that. I certainly need to use it more. My walking is now very limited. I can cycle a bit and swim still. I think I have a fear of using the foot.

There doesn't seem to be a section on the forum for those specifically suffering from this kind of arthritis.]It might make me feel less alone if someone else was sharing my journey...maybe someone who has made progress psychologically at least.

缓解关节炎 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/47974/arthritis-relief 2017年5月06日坐13:28:15 + 0000 生活在关节炎存档 凯蒂 47974 @ /讨论 Hi all, hope this post gets through, just joined lol I'm diagnosed with reumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, stopped methotrexate meds as hair falling out, continuing bronchitis etc, my cousin who is a member of the ladies Wi came across a paste that had taken 80% of her arthritis swelling and pain which was the same as mine. I made the paste up and waited for it to 'kick in', I've been on it now 5 and a half weeks and it has absolutely taken 90% of my swelling and pain away also. Absolutely brilliant and all natural ingredients and easy to make, if anyone is interested in recipe, let me know thanx for listening 继续坚持下去… https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/47955/keeping-going 2017年5月02日星期二05:59:18 + 0000 生活在关节炎存档 mouse2009 47955 @ /讨论 你好,今天早上通常对生活感到疲惫。Am a mature student nurse (41) with two young children, qualify in 5 months. Mountain of study to do and on a difficult placement at the mo, which is causing me much stress. Diagnosed with sero-negative arthritis 15 months ago affecting all joints. Rheumatologist tried me on variety meds, on methotrexate (self inject) and various other oral anti-inflammatories. I am determined to keep going despite the pain and inflammation (some days unbearable), constantly tired. Just feel I am moaning to my hubby all the time how my symptoms make me feel. Methotrexate Friday is horrible and I dread it every week! Have many good things in my life, but struggling today [emoji853]

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骨关节炎 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/49951/osteoarthritis 太阳,2018年12月23日10:25:37 + 0000 生活在关节炎存档 johnnyk32uk 49951 @ /讨论 嗨,< br / > < br / >我已经躺低一段时间,我觉得事情没有变得更好所以我感到有点失望。< br / > < br / >在这里我周五拜访我的医生建议我可能有骨关节炎以及PsA。我告诉她后,她同意一切但我仍然需要去看一个潮湿阴冷的确保。我将看到一个新的阴冷的1月17日不是要等待很长时间。< br / > < br / >我预订在看到疼痛管理但不确定他们可以帮助与刚才我已经告诉止痛药将interefere偏头痛药物。< br / > < br / >我也订了一个鲍文治疗看看如果可以帮助我的一些痛苦,它可能不会,但我愿意尝试任何东西现在虽然这两个约会之后。< br / > < br / >我的脚(右脚尤其是)今天似乎更好,但过去的两周是真的不利于行走等但我注意到一段时间的痛苦继续移动的脚,手,背部,臀部,都总是痛但似乎总是一个领域更糟。天气也会影响疼痛是多么糟糕。< br / > < br / >我很高兴我发现这个网站不久之前,可以把事情从我的胸部最能与别人正在经历。帮助和建议是伟大的和非常友好所以大感谢每一个人。

If I am not back on soon I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

两只脚 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/50061/both-feet 星期五,2019年1月25日23:31:18 + 0000 生活在关节炎存档 davejjt 50061 @ /讨论 5年前我开始有点疼痛在我的左脚,这每隔几周和最后几个小时了,然后几个月后被诊断出患有关节炎。通常症状每隔几个月的脚。< br / > < br / >去年夏天从膝盖手术中恢复过来在我的右膝开始变得可怕的疼痛在我的右脚,我的膝盖很痛我在痛苦。几天后,它已经消失了。我工作5个月后手术,星期六我重返工作岗位是由于疼痛再次出现在我的右脚,所以我不得不采取3天假期在我的回报。恢复后我买了一罐CBD乳香面霜,这似乎工作直到这个星期三我的右脚开始悸动。今天是星期六不睡因为周三和疼痛已经从我的脚现在唯一,我几乎不能走路但是3狗和我不能工作没有休息。< br / > < br / >任何治愈这个大坝的东西,为什么在43岁,我在我的脚有关节炎吗?。我是一个园丁/花园的园丁和经常有湿靴子/袜子。