工作和财政支持——与关节炎beplay体育怎么下载 https://community.versusarthritis.org/ 星期四,2022年6月23日07:42:54 + 0000 工作和财政支持——与关节炎beplay体育怎么下载 我怎么解释我觉得皮普 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/57788/how-do-i-explain-how-i-feel-to-pip 星期四,09年6月2022 10:34:40 + 0000 工作和金融支持 过分拘谨的 57788 @ /讨论 < p >你好,我有类风湿性关节炎9年了,我仍然觉得很难解释/填写PIP受益的没完没了的形式。我唯一感觉就像你不相信的人吗?我总是觉得他们认为我做。< / p > 骨关节炎在臀部 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/57391/osteoarthritis-in-hips 结婚,2022年4月20日21:00:58 + 0000 工作和金融支持 Maryteresa 57391 @ /讨论 < p >嗨iv自2021年10月被诊断出患有骨关节炎在臀部iv失去工作了3个月了痛苦的但是是第四,戈斯有没有帮助我可以申请pip但不没有我是否会得到骨关节炎我很难管理谢谢玛丽x < / p > 皮普 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/57486/pip 2022年5月02日星期一12:43:38 + 0000 工作和金融支持 Kerry82 57486 @ /讨论 < p >你好,< / p > < p >我已经被诊断出患有银屑病关节炎主要影响我的脚手和膝盖,谁能给我建议我是否有权pip < / p > < p > < / p >谢谢你 如何处理告诉工作. . https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/56953/what-to-do-about-telling-work 太阳,2022年3月20日19:30:56 + 0000 工作和金融支持 Nicemonkey 56953 @ /讨论 < p >我5个月的现在状况,最后设法看到一个NHS风湿病学家。所以最后的结论是,这是defo RA。< / p > < p >这是我的问题. .我这一行的工作需要两次年度健康测试,每年医疗、5年度先进医疗……< / p > < p >,我很幸运,我的健康不受影响。我的症状仅限于脚部疼痛和疲劳,这两个目前通过药物控制。< / p > < p >我的年度医疗是在4月份。我必须披露的药物,因此条件。< / p > < p >我不想失去我的位置和移动在组织内部的其他地方,和在我看来不应该有原因的发生,除非是纯粹的规则或繁文缛节。< / p > < p >我想去医疗装备我可以可能阻止他们改变我的立场…< / p > < p >我的顾问的意见是,我不需要改变,为此他们写一封信。< / p > < p >任何人在这个位置吗?< / p > < p >谁能建议我的权利?< / p > < p > RA是公认的残疾吗?

do I have rights in that regard?

many thanks in advance

慢性疼痛和牛皮癣Arthritus https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/57565/chronic-pain-and-psoriasis-arthritus 2022年5月12日星期四,21:18:22 + 0000 工作和金融支持 alexander1 57565 @ /讨论 < p >看到疼痛诊所后再所有的测试和诊断牛皮癣关节炎。< / p > < p >的短,建议关注生活质量,我甚至可以实现什么。解释说,随着腰椎,thoratic和颈椎都受骨刺,椎间盘变性和神经撞击他会反对脊柱手术,因为它会导致我更多的问题和疼痛长期由于额外的压力在其他关节。他建议操作是唯一一次如果脊髓可能是永久性损伤的风险。< / p > < p >从任何类似想法。< / p > 老师吗?建议是伟大的…… https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/57446/any-teachers-advice-would-be-great 星期二,2022年4月26日07:09:37 + 0000 工作和金融支持 Steveg 57446 @ /讨论 < p >你好,< / p > < p >我已经被诊断出患有风湿性关节炎略高于12 m。这是在我的手指、手腕、肩膀和脚。虽然好的主要耀斑ups不太好了。< / p > < p >我最大的问题就是工作。在学校我是一名教师,我教一个各种各样的科目很多基础课程,因此负载饼干。这本身是一项困难的工作,但与网站的手腕和手使得它几乎不可能。如果我花几个小时标记它让我的手腕痛好几天了。我有一天价值超过几小时。< / p > < p >建议我可能会真的欣赏我挣扎,知道这可能只会变得更糟。我在40年代末与相当多的教学我的前面!< / p > < p > < br / > < / p > < p > < / p > < p >感谢史蒂夫< / p > 好处 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/56970/benefits 2022年3月21日,星期一,18:17:05 + 0000 工作和金融支持 Apache 56970 @ /讨论 < p >访问我的当地的流动商店看到很多事情我觉得会很有帮助。but they were so expensive.

任何建议将不胜感激! https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/57036/any-advice-would-be-appreciated 星期五,2022年3月25日11:22:49 + 0000 工作和金融支持 apinkegg 57036 @ /讨论 < p >我在我现在的工作已经将近一年,在一个繁忙的零售环境。当我应用我确保我的贾是提到我的应用程序中。直到最近几周我一直表现的很好,但是我最近出了车祸当我摔倒了,伤了我的左膝非常严重,由于一个偶然的布局的幕后/溢出的股票等等。< / p > < p >结果我有比平时更多的耀斑ups但是我还是做了我最好的工作转移到最好的我的能力无关,甚至出现膝盖支持和使用援助帮助我走(我花了背后的整个转变到!)我的老板一直非常支持和理解,我不能错,她是一个宝石。但是我觉得我的地区经理并不完全理解我的处境的严重性有时尽管我解释她在多个场合。她知道我有时需要一把椅子坐在我的关节疼痛,但显然她现在说,我现在不允许我——她的理由是,因为一个小时会减少我不需要它。(我忘了症状和耀斑ups和减少小时消失!)< / p > < p >看来,我对她的建议我们如何使存储一个更加安全的环境工作聋子的耳朵——现在我亏本,我怎么能让她看到的东西从我的角度来看。我的终极担心她会看到我作为一个障碍,寻找“更有能力”的人< / p > < p >谁有什么建议我可以和她交流,我能完成我的工作,但适当的调整? < / p > 医疗和健康退休 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/57247/medical-and-ill-health-retirement 太阳,2022年4月10 01:53:37 + 0000 工作和金融支持 alexander1 57247 @ /讨论 < p >你好所有的,我有一个羟基会话在11月21日,他们说,这可能是我不能回到我的工作,可能适合医疗退休。< / p > < p >我的养老金计划和自8月21日我已经下班,我的病情已经恶化。< / p > < p >如果我不能回去即使调整(我不能对任何长时间坐或站没有放下)。他们可能试图解雇或退出我的医疗过程。我一半的薪水和去没有支付在6月22日< / p > < p > < br / > < / p > < p >谁有经验和有什么建议你如何成功或反射,你会怎么做不同的< / p > < p > < br / > < / p > < p >多谢。< / p > 皮普 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/57023/pip 星期四,2022年3月24日12:28:16 + 0000 工作和金融支持 Staya55 57023 @ /讨论 < p >你好,4个月后发送我的应用程序,惊讶地看到今天钱到我的银行,没有通知或信件劳务和退休金部在这,我很高兴,但现在不确定发生了什么,我确实有一个电话评估上周被告知它会花费长达8周的决定。< / p > 护理津贴 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/56937/attendance-allowance 坐,2022年3月19日10:02:05 + 0000 工作和金融支持 rojoe 56937 @ /讨论 < p >骨关节炎和护理津贴,这是真的吗? < / p > 风险评估工作 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/56997/work-risk-assessment 0000年结婚,2022年3月23日09:07:05 + 工作和金融支持 Jools71 56997 @ /讨论 < p >大家好,经过近一年的被诊断为骨的在我手,膝盖和关节,腰椎方面得到covid花掉我一半,挣扎着支付的时候了我试图重返工作岗位。< / p > < p >我现在在零工资。ESA和加州大学我有一个15岁。我去我的博士和恳求他,试着每天帮我管理这个痛苦。所以他我的度洛西汀增加到每天90毫克。我感到更好的在过去4周所以决定让知道我想尝试回来工作。我工作在一个语言学校的幼儿园有90孩子年龄2/5。今天我要为风险测度与健康和安全委员会团队。同时我焦虑和兴奋!他们已经表示,他们将试图建立逐步回归,改变时间,和工作场所的合理调整,如果他们不能将重新部署。我只是需要再赚我因为财政困难! Can i ask if i do return and find after several weeks im not able do i just think of redeployment? I applied for PIP in November, still waiting an outcome.

Looking to the future or even currently what benefits are available for us? Is it just PIP? Is there a disability part of UC? Any help or encouragement useful.

Many thanks


皮普上诉倪 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/56965/pip-appeal-ni 2022年3月21日,星期一,17:39:32 + 0000 工作和金融支持 AmandaC 56965 @ /讨论

Hi everyone,

I am a new member, currently waiting for a PIP appeal hearing (applied in Dec 2019) re: the level awarded. Is anyone else in NI in the same boat / know if there is anything can be done to hurry this along and get a date?

Thank you!

皮普 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55983/pip 坐,2022年1月15日12:00:35 + 0000 工作和金融支持 Weepth2k10 55983 @ /讨论 < p >早上人< / p > < p >我没在这里,希望大家做的很好。< / p > < p >我想了解人民申请皮普的经验。我发布这个问题在这里大约4年前但我不能再次打开线程。< / p > < p >我去年9月申请皮普,电话asseasmenton周一就走了。Call lasted 1 hour 50 the lady went right into the thick of things, very embarasing at times.

How long did people wait after the assessment. I have heard people get a text from the DWP to confirm they had my report, i havent heard a thing.

A mistake i may have made was i never sent any medical evidence away with the application and i never told my GP or rheumatology clinic that they may recieve a letter from. I did send a letter that i got from a Dr my employer referred me to and one i got from NASS. I just dont like asking for letter from Drs as when i call some of the reseptionists can be quite rude, so i tend to only call when it is urgent ie meds i need.

I have thought about reducing my work hours for the last 4 years or so but i had this choice was taken away and was forced to.

It came to this after 1 and 1/2 years of what i call intermittant suffering, i never knew what i was wakening up to.

Thanks for reading my whinge

骨关节炎被认为是一个身体残疾 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55392/is-osteoarthritis-considered-a-physical-disability 0000年结婚,2021年10月27日21:09:49 + 工作和金融支持 Blueskyday68 55392 @ /讨论 < p >你好,我不知道我在右边页面,但我的问题是骨关节炎被认为是一种残疾谢谢< / p > 担心未来 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/52664/concerned-about-the-future 2020年结婚,05年8月15:18:11 + 0000 工作和金融支持 Nickyc 52664 @ /讨论 Due to severe osteoarthritis in my neck I have now been advised not to do any work that includes lifting by my Dr. I lost my job at the beginning of the lockdown and I can't think of any job that I am qualified to do that doesn't include lifting. I have been helping my friend with her jam business, however even a couple of hours chopping fruit gives me several days of pain.
I don't know if my osteoarthritis is bad enough to get some form of disability allowance. I'm getting scared about how I can cover my bills. I'm currently on job seeker's allowance, but that stops in October. I would appreciate any help or guidance. Thanks
普遍的信用报告的变化情况 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/56604/universal-credit-reporting-a-change-in-circumstances 2022年3月结婚,02年12:49:27 + 0000 工作和金融支持 scotleag 56604 @ /讨论 < p >三个月前我开始收到环球信贷和尽管恐怖故事我读一下这个过程直到昨天跑相当顺利。之前不知道这已经覆盖但值得指出他们不会接受通知的改变情况下<强>,直到它实际上已经发生了。< /强>我知道他们应该接受劳务和退休金部的任何变化直接付款的细节,但为了避免任何误解的可能性(即被控不通知他们更改的我知道即将发生的)我昨天试着告诉他们,在我下次UC付款日期我将开始收到国家养老金津贴和停止接收就业支持。从主页我试着做这个报告变更的情况下。的日期我给不能被接受,因为他们是未来(未来两周)建议报告任何通过日记不是我做不到。当我试图这样做我有类似的信息不能被接受。接下来我打电话给热线解释说他们不能接受任何提前通知通过电话或者我应该报告变化<强>当天发生< / >强或48小时内。< / p > < p >今天早上我看了我的日记,读< em >“工作和收入——宣布取消了变化。”< / em >我要离开,直到我的生日然后通知他们。不过就像我说的劳务和退休金部的应该通知他们。< / p > < p >我的妻子到达退休年龄在短短6个月时间。幸运的是不应该有问题她合格日期恰逢每月的第一天,加州大学。 At that point the claim should be cancelled altogether.

高等法院对政府未能给遗产受益人£20隆起 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/54163/high-court-to-rule-on-governments-failure-to-give-the-20-uplift-to-legacy-beneficiaries 星期五,2021年4月30日17:40:13 + 0000 工作和金融支持 Mike1 54163 @ /讨论 < p >高等法院是决定是否合法的政府不给近200万人伤残补助相同的£1040年收入增加了环球信贷接受者。< / p > < p >决定日期为4月27日最高法院准许申请人的就业支持津贴去挑战劳务和退休金部的决定不增加他们的利益与普遍的信用。< / p > < p >开始大流行的财政大臣宣布£20每周增加通用的标准补贴信贷,但这至关重要的增加支持不是延伸到那些所谓的“遗留福利”,其中大多数是残疾,生病或护理人员。< / p > < p >两个收件人的ESA挑战这种差异在治疗通过应用程序的高级法院的司法审查。他们认为这是歧视和不公正的。高等法院已同意它可以说是非法的,并将决定今年晚些时候。试验的申请人要求在2021年7月底之前被听到。< / p > < p >可以阅读整个故事:< a href = " https://osborneslaw.com/2m-without-benefit-increase-challenge-government/ " rel = " nofollow noreferrer ugc " > https://osborneslaw.com/2m-without-benefit-increase-challenge-government/ < / > < / p > 自己创业 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55049/starting-my-own-business 太阳,05年9月2021 16:22:06 + 0000 工作和金融支持 RedPanda 55049 @ /讨论 < p >你好,< / p > < p >我要成为自由职业者我打开一个狗日托。我很兴奋和紧张但我最大的担心是如何管理我的风湿性关节炎而经营自己的业务,特别是考虑到这将是一个非常的手。< / p > < p >我现在34岁的我拉了大约10年所以我很熟悉我的耀斑出发什么——主要是压力和推动自己(因此我的恐惧)。< / p > < p >他们其他企业主,能给我一些提示/技巧/鼓励吗?我知道太阳耀斑是会发生但是我担心我不会有很多的支持,特别是在一开始(因为我的员工人数世界很低)。< / p > < p >提前谢谢。< / p > OA在胸锁关节 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/56579/oa-in-sternoclavicular-joint 星期二,2022年3月01 08:37:23 + 0000 工作和金融支持 helloandgoodbye 56579 @ /讨论 < p >今天开始PiP索赔。是自我雇佣清洁工。发现越来越多的困难与痛苦和有限的运动关节疼痛+锁骨和肩痛后没有被诊断为6个月。终于有x射线,MRI扫描,超声波9 2022年2月。医生给了我曲马多和我现在痛得醒来< / p > < p >什么证据我能给和我说< / p > 皮普被授予,什么时候告诉的变化吗? https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/56564/pip-been-awarded-when-to-tell-of-changes 星期一,2022年2月28日12:44:15 + 0000 工作和金融支持 db10 56564 @ /讨论

Hi my son was diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis last July, we claimed PIP in September and he found out last week he has been awarded higher level for mobility and standard for daily living which I think is very fair and what we hoped for.

He is due to start infliximab infusions soon and I'm wondering what to do about PIP if the infusions work for him? (he hasn't had any improvement with DMARDS or Amgevita so we are keeping everything crossed that it does). I know we need to tell them if his condition improves but due to the fluctuating nature of arthritis I don't want them to stop his award then him have a flare and have to start again from scratch.

Does anyone know how long he needs to be well for before we let DWP know he has improved?

Thank you

工作和风湿性关节炎 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/56425/work-and-ra 太阳,2022年2月20日10:32:39 + 0000 工作和金融支持 Ader1 56425 @ /讨论

Hi, this is my first post as I have only just been diagnosed with RA having seen a doctor and blood test due to having the typical symptoms of early RA.

I wonder if anyone can help me regarding my questions concerning work. I do work which basically involves driving a HGV vehicle in order to deliver rather heavy items to businesses or domestic property. I struggled a little on one day last wee, and coped during the others. I had a couple of days off around September due to shoulder pain which I thought was a frozen shoulder but I'm wondering now if it was the onset of RA as it was a recurring pain. Anyway, if I would be unable to carry on with my employment, is it likely my employers would find me another job within the company. It's a large company. I would say a household name for what it delivers. And recently, due to the driver shortage, they have increased my wages twice in a year so the pay is pretty good at the moment. If I was assigned to another type of work, could they then lower my wages if the new role was usually payed less?

I haven't told my employer yet as I would like to see how things transpire. I am supposed to visit the rheumatology department of the local hospital in the next couple of weeks my doctor said. Incidentally, my employer does apparently have a HR department and there's at least one occupational therapist I believe the title is.

I am not a member of a trade union which I now regret for their support.

Any help would be much appreciated.

我会回去工作吗?建议请 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55871/will-i-get-back-to-work-advice-please 2022年1月结婚,05年11:19:04 + 0000 工作和金融支持 babeire 55871 @ /讨论 < p >我等了一年在covid ra的诊断后,在此期间我破坏了我的脚。Hydroxichloiquine没有帮助,但甲氨蝶呤有所帮助。我是个HLTA,已经下班,等待我的脚改善,3个月了。I just cannot imagine being on my feet 7hrs a day again. Any advice, experiences or just tough love would be appreciated.

在家赚钱 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/56343/earning-at-home 太阳,2022年2月13日16:11:39 + 0000 工作和金融支持 Tartanmist 56343 @ /讨论

Hi I am new to the forum still finding my way around.I have osteoarthritis in my right hip also pain in my knees. I am still working as a pharmacy dispenser which ordinarily would require you to be on your feet all day. But work is being very good in trying to give me a seated roll as much as possible. But I am still struggling with work. I wondered if anyone knows of any work I could do from home. Not expecting to earn a fortune but enough to pay the bills.

新手在这里!工作能力会议tomz https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/56204/newbie-here-work-capability-meeting-tomz 星期二,2022年2月01 10:18:09 + 0000 工作和金融支持 Jools71 56204 @ /讨论 < p >嗨新社区。被诊断出9个月前我的手骨关节炎,关节膝盖,腰方面。每天从手和膝盖疼痛,永远不会消失。我的背部疼痛辐射我的腹股沟(感觉我打破了我的骨盆一些天)。病假从工作近一年。我SLA托儿所和议会,刚刚完成了HNC童年的医生之前和期间锁定。哦,我50在更年期,荷尔蒙替代疗法! !< / p > < p >寻求建议。我有一个会议明天工作能力。与一位顾问聊天真的很有帮助。我真的不想离开。at my age but the constant pain im in is making me think otherwise. I take lots of drugs, gabapentin at night, duloxetine , paracetamol, tramadol. Glucosamine, turmeric too. I feel that the pain and inflammation must be more than just osteo but went to rheumatology 9 months ago i have a family history of chrones and ankyolising spondylitis. None of which i seem to have. I've had high colprotectin levels detected. I keep thinking there must be something else wrong??? Am i going to have to live with this pain forever? Is it just me?? How can i work? I had some visitors on Sat night for a meal and i could hardly walk by end of night as i was busy, 2 days later im still so sore. I have a high pain threshold normally but a year down the line this is really getting to me!

Sorry....rant over! Any advice and anyone suggest a job? The council said they will look at redeployment if necessary and also due to the disability act they need to give me a chance by putting safety measures in place for me.

I welcome any answers!

Thank you.
