聊天我们的热线团队——与关节炎beplay体育怎么下载 https://community.versusarthritis.org/ 星期二,2021年12月21日22:56:08 + 0000 聊天我们的热线团队——与关节炎beplay体育怎么下载 克里斯·莫蒂默的与团队听到Chris Mortee T / RA“教练”——反对或真实的吗? https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55800/has-the-versus-team-heard-of-chris-mortimer-t-a-chris-mortee-ra-coach-con-or-real 星期二,2021年12月21日18:37:07 + 0000 我们的热线团队聊天 Arthuritis 55800 @ /讨论 < p >这个年轻人在youtube上广告很多,(任何RA相关他的广告!)声称RA, Dx会在皇家自由,更重要的是,释放自己的类风湿性关节炎,声称有“3个月计划”缓解类风湿性关节炎。< / p > < p >这是他很有前途的行话。< / p > < p > < a href = " https://youtu。是/ UAqtX2ivSsk nofollow noreferrer ugc“rel = > https://youtu。是/ UAqtX2ivSsk < / > < / p > < p >也许他有报价,所以我不想把他的手,(因此热线请求来验证他的提议)或者他的绝望的痛苦,利用一个诱人的承诺。< / p > < p >,那将是非常有用的,如果热线团队/临床团队可以验证他的申请。

(Merck made huge claims for their anticovid pill, which they had to back track with the FDA, and only got approval as there was nothing better at the time, pfizer seems to have a much better product being reviewed by the FDA. The reason why I mention this is any treatment is likely to cost money, but its acceptable if it actually works).

(I tried messaging the helpline team direct instead of posting but helpline does not show up as a message recipient).

T恤 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55785/t-shirts 2021年12月19日14:17:37 + 0000 我们的热线团队聊天 AnnR 55785 @ /讨论 < p >大家好,< / p > < p >你能告诉我我们可以得到与关节炎的t恤衫在哪里? < / p >beplay体育怎么下载 类风湿性关节炎的膝盖,休息吗?使用热或冷吗? https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55777/rheumatoid-arthritis-in-the-knee-rest-using-hot-or-cold 坐,2021年12月18日15:25:55 + 0000 我们的热线团队聊天 bikingviking 55777 @ /讨论

Diagnosed with RA January 2021 I am 78 and otherwise very healthy and fit. I have a pacemaker since April 2021. So far I have only had bad RA in my hands and shoulders. It wanders and sometimes I have it in my neck and find it difficult to turn my head, then that goes away and I have had it my yaw too Burt suddenly I also have it now in my LH knee. Knee is very swollen and hurts very much when I walk. I am on Biological medication Adalimumab Amgevita, injecting ev 2 weeks. I have so far injected 4 times.

Should I rest the knee? Or can I cycle? Should I use hot or cold on the swollen knee? I was very happy that it had not affected my knees and now....!

Please advice.

镁喷雾的背部疼痛 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55776/magnesium-spray-for-back-pain 坐,2021年12月18日15:14:33 + 0000 我们的热线团队聊天 W6Eva 55776 @ /讨论 < p >嗨我新来的< / p > < p >我有系统性硬皮病有人用镁喷雾背部疼痛请< / p > Filgotinib https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55767/filgotinib 周五,2021年12月17日13:12:10 + 0000 我们的热线团队聊天 阿吉 55767 @ /讨论 < p >你好,我刚刚收到一封来自我的咨询师说我正在考虑治疗。< / p > < p >我现在在Amgevita和甲氨蝶呤,但仍有大量的痛苦和流动性问题。< / p > < p >我对别人感兴趣的经验这种药物及其有效性。< / p > 膝盖疼痛 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55765/pain-in-knee 周五,2021年12月17日12:28:01 + 0000 我们的热线团队聊天 AnnR 55765 @ /讨论 大家好,< p > < / p > < p >我被诊断为右髋关节炎,但我主要关心的是剧烈的疼痛在我的右膝。我试着帮助,热垫,晚上药物和各种各样的枕头。我每天锻炼,去游泳池锻炼一周两次。没有帮助,没有我读了太极端了。请帮助! !安R < / p > < p > < / p > 困惑的肿块在肘部 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55763/confused-re-lump-on-elbow 周五,2021年12月17日12:02:49 + 0000 我们的热线团队聊天 amjek 55763 @ /讨论 < p >去年我的右臂是痛苦的。这是一个痛苦的骨前臂和痛,辐射到我的手腕。我有疼痛时简单的任务,比如将一个门把手。我检查了我的胳膊,感觉1.5厘米,外侧上髁附近1厘米的肿块肌腱。超声波是要求;今天的任命,一年后。< / p > < p >超声波博士说,这是网球肘。网球肘引起肿块吗?< / p > < p >我有关节炎的颈部和臀部。我是女性,年龄在50年代中期和平均体重。 I hope someone can help with my query.

联合复杂胶囊(健寿) https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55740/joint-complex-capsules-healthspan 星期二,2021年12月14日18:19:00 + 0000 我们的热线团队聊天 Polyanna 55740 @ /讨论

Has anyone tried this for painful joints? I have tried so many things!! Glucosamine & /Opti Turmeric in a capsule? If you have...did it work...did it upset your stomach at all? Thanks for any help you can give me!!

膝盖和小腿疼痛晚上时间 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55716/knee-and-calf-pain-at-night-time 坐,2021年12月11日10:29:09 + 0000 我们的热线团队聊天 Sylv 55716 @ /讨论 < p >我在寻找我的建议可以购买“道具”我的腿/膝盖的时候睡在我身边。我试过枕头和垫子却不够坚定。网上有很多东西的广告,但我想知道的任何使用/测试并不是“都”。谢谢你< / p > 皮划艇和关节炎 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55746/kayaking-with-arthritis 结婚,2021年12月15日11:03:00 + 0000 我们的热线团队聊天 Sheena22 55746 @ /讨论 < p >你好,< / p > < p >我有普遍的骨关节炎,这是12年前诊断为退化的基础我的脊柱和颈部,也我的左膝盖。我最近遭受了强烈的抑郁症发作。< / p > < p >我有咨询了一年了,但是最近紧急顾问试图让我再次与我曾经享受的事情,她渴望得到我的房子。我以前喜欢皮划艇和自己的两个皮艇。我停止了,因为我不能装上汽车了。I also used to mountain bike and walk, but my knee clicks and pains so much that they are out of the question. I would love to kayak again, I miss it so much. I wonder if there is anywhere in the North West area I can go that specialises in water sports for people like myself. Where someone will help me get the kayak in the water. Better still, do you know of anywhere that has specials in lifting equipment that can aid someone who can’t lift anyone?

I am single and live with my 84 year old mother, so getting family to help is impossible. I lost touch with most my friends since the depression started.

Thank you,

Sheena (aged 54 and from Liverpool )

工作 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55707/work 2021年12月结婚,08年18:48:21 + 0000 我们的热线团队聊天 Brooky63 55707 @ /讨论 < p >我刚刚收到我的医生,被告知的结果我已经在我的脖子双膝骨关节炎手背部和双脚。我已经挣扎了几年,但越来越难做我的工作和我的条件我的工作作为一个重型机械传动和机械。我是一个非常适合人步行和骑自行车一天工作5英里。我下班了已经5周是我的情节是坏这一次,我也有振动白手指和慢性阻塞性肺病我矿工了14年。我写这篇文章,因为我觉得我的工作越来越难做,如果我可以得到任何支持如果我完成工作或者完成你能帮我工作一辈子,我59接下来请帮不不知道< / p > 练习对髋关节OA https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55701/exercises-for-hip-oa 星期二,2021年12月07 14:34:26 + 0000 我们的热线团队聊天 Whiskey26 55701 @ /讨论 < p >我有严重的骨关节炎在臀部和得到一些锻炼,我的理疗。问题是,这些练习是在地板上,我发现它非常困难和痛苦的下降到地板上,更不用说躺平,或站在我这一边。我考虑过要做在我的床上,但是只有尝试“桥”运动到目前为止。我想知道如果你知道任何我可以做轻松的运动,以站立的姿势,这将帮助我的臀部和膝盖的牵涉性痛吗?(不能做任何,因为我没有正确的椅子高度)。我不能承受重量的右腿,所以任何练习我做会让我守住厨房工作台,为例。谢谢你。< / p > 骨关节炎的问题 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55679/problem-with-osteoarthritis-at-work 坐,2021年12月04 13:29:30 + 0000 我们的热线团队聊天 MichieMich 55679 @ /讨论 < p >你好,< / p > < p >我最近开始一个季节性的工作,我想我可以应付但我没有正确地估计自己的能力。< / p > < p >工作涉及到很多站,我最近需要站立和行走12小时的转变除了休息45分钟和30分钟。疼痛开始恶化随着时间的继续,4个小时我的工作日结束之前我需要与可待因片扑热息痛。当我在公共汽车上为我在70分钟回家我痛苦时,我的脚和膝盖受伤所以坏我在流泪。我不能睡得好,只有一点睡着了,因为太累了,第二天早上我还在疼痛,需要请病假。< / p > < p >我有8和6小时变化也不是那么糟糕,但我还在痛苦而工作通过。< / p > < p >我有告诉我的主管对我的情况,问我是否可以有任何帮助,但没有提供。可能由于工作的性质,无事可做,这是我的错承担的工作放在第一位。< / p > < p >我已经定于下周三个连续12小时轮班,两个12小时,一个8小时,6小时接下来的一周,我有一个12小时后两周6小时。< / p > < p >我在零时合同结束在1月初开始,我知道我可以拒绝变化但我感觉不好让任何人失望他们足以给我这份工作,这是我第一次在很长一段时间支付工作。< / p > < p >另一方面,我让自己生病做这份工作,想交我的注意。< / p > < p >我只是不知道该怎么做最好的,任何的建议是最欣赏。< / p > < p > MichieMich < / p > 最近的医院参观。 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55677/recent-hospital-visit 坐,2021年12月04 13:29:21 + 0000 我们的热线团队聊天 Hillbrow47 55677 @ /讨论 < p >嗨我迫切需要一些帮助,我有骨关节炎自18岁当我trapeziectomy双手。我把它在我的膝盖和等待一个膝盖替换。过去6个月我有慢性疼痛在我的臀部,x射线后我被称为骨科,医生说,原因是肌肉在髋关节有钙化和转向骨头,我有一个米尔和他说,他将决定最好的治疗方法。我从来没听说过,我很担心我要留在这慢性疼痛。< / p > 不能应对慢性疼痛 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55659/can-t-cope-with-chronic-pain 星期四,2021年12月02 14:24:16 + 0000 我们的热线团队聊天 AiAi1111 55659 @ /讨论 < p > < / p > < p >你好我有问题我的臀部和膝盖好几年了。诊断出患有OA在膝盖和臀部。我的臀部过去两年一直在恶化,我等待髋关节置换,延迟至少8个月,告诉顾问。医生开始在吗啡我大约2个月前,现在我在氧contin oxynorm但尽管有这些我有不断严重的腿和脚痛,我不能从房间走一小段距离,或坐或躺下没有痛苦。我之前所做的运动,但在这地方是完全不可能的。一直分心的事情,但现在不能持有我的注意力。黔驴技穷了,不知道要做什么? < / p > 我需要骨密度测试吗? https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55644/do-i-need-a-bone-density-test 星期一,2021年11月29日16:27:23 + 0000 我们的热线团队聊天 AnnR 55644 @ /讨论 < p >在过去的几个月里我已经被诊断出患有骨关节炎在我的臀部和现在我的肩膀。我也在我的手腕和膝盖疼痛和肿胀。有可能我需要一个骨质密度测试我一下子似乎分崩离析?安< / p > < p > < / p > Covid注射和助推器戳 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55586/covid-injections-and-booster-jabs 太阳,2021年11月21日00:28:07 + 0000 我们的热线团队聊天 Emma45 55586 @ /讨论 < p >我硬皮病肺病和霉酚酸< / p > < p >我有2注射+辅助注射10月2日,< / p > < p >我已经收到一封来自风湿病学部门说我应该有3注射和助推器注射后6个月。< / p > < p > < / p >我做< p >问候。< / p > 获得第二个意见 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55657/getting-a-second-opinion 结婚,2021年12月01 21:39:46 + 0000 我们的热线团队聊天 stompboxmum 55657 @ /讨论 < p >我被诊断出患有骨关节炎在我的脚,脚踝,膝盖,手、手指、手腕、颈部和脊椎,6月。实际上我没有见过任何人面对面,只是电话。三年前我做了一个核磁共振脊柱在2020年9月,超声波扫描。风湿病学家说我不需要在风湿病学和全科医生将继续。我要第二个观点在不同的医院,想一些帮助。我不确定我可以OA在几乎每一个联合。我昨天是40。我应该问什么? < / p > 从疫苗佐剂关节炎耀斑ups . . https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55635/arthritis-flare-ups-from-the-vaccine-adjuvant 太阳,2021年11月28日11:13:20 + 0000 我们的热线团队聊天 Arthuritis 55635 @ /讨论 < p >我指出,最初在sept2020轻度(天赋)关节炎症状迅速加速~ 4周后每个疫苗接种(covid 1阿斯特拉,covid 2辉瑞和;流感)。< / p > < p >第一剂量后步行距离大大减少了从我平常每天12公里8公里,没有手的参与。放下运动损伤康复,而且似乎解决了。

After the second dose (+4wks) the stiff hand joints symptom first appeared. Walking further reduced to 4km before feet got too painful. Symptoms resolved after a couple of weeks. Referred to Rheumy.

After Sept Flu jab (+4wks) the RA went wild, first got my right index tendons, then all the joints, - elbows, hips etc. Rheumy confirmed high RA serology in Oct.

There isn’t much study of this in the UK, but I heard UCLH recommends (from my dentist) taking steroids before & after the vax to avoid adjuvant (immune stimulant) related flare ups.

In terms of studies there are a couple of limited papers (US) indicating the possibility.



Note it does not matter which vax, any that contains an immune stimulating/triggering additive (adjuvant). Normally this is a good thing, but in our RA case the last thing we need is boosting the immune system when we are trying to suppress it with drugs.

GP could not help, but honest enough to say “not aware of any new advisory to general practices” but specialist centres might know more at the coal face.

Any advice from the Team here?

My primary concern is that as my RA has moved faster & ramped up (but not down) after each vax, will the booster make it worse for me? Can it induce addl autoimmune problems?

帮助行走 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55630/help-with-walking 坐,2021年11月27日13:08:13 + 0000 我们的热线团队聊天 AnnR 55630 @ /讨论 < p >你好,< / p > < p >我刚被诊断出患有一些在我的左肩骨关节炎。我也等待右髋关节置换。因为这个我觉得走路困难和痛苦,用一根棍子在我左手的建议,但是我的肩膀的疼痛越来越糟糕,我发现棍子伤害。不好使用粘在我的右手而不是帮助行走吗?我知道这是一个愚蠢的问题,但我不想做任何更大的伤害。谢谢。< / p > < p >所有最好的,< / p > < p > < br / > < / p > < p >安< / p > 走在冬季 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55641/walking-during-winter-season 星期一,2021年11月29日10:57:12 + 0000 我们的热线团队聊天 ZaneLau 55641 @ /讨论 < p >你好!< / p > < p >我30岁,我一直是一个体操运动员多年来的我的生活。三年前我被诊断为脚踝骨关节炎,我做的很好。没有打扰我和我预期的一样多。我很负责任的和我的物理治疗,姜黄似乎也有所帮助。我也喝Piascledine和胶原蛋白。我不记得我上次喝了非甾体抗炎药!我是处理后抑郁的想法一个整形外科医师告诉我,在几年后我将接受关节固定术的手术,因为没有什么我能做的。我不明白他说. .因为它没有帮助我。 I do not remember the last time I cried so much. Last week a lot of snow came, and according to the weather forecast, snow is expected to last for a very long time. So I went out on my daily walk, and I felt pain in my ankle because it was twisting on ice and snow-covered sidewalks and I could not make it to walk normally, it bothered me so much I had to stop my walk and go home. I am worried that during this winter season my ankle joint will deteriorate faster. Could it possibly happen? During summer I was easily able to walk 10k+ steps a day! Since I do not own a car I have to walk everywhere and not every sidewalk is walkable enough, because even 3cm of snow is enough for my ankle to twist. Should I be worried, or I just have to adjust to this season and do some warmups? Could ankle orthosis help? Does pain during and after walk means that there is a structural damage? Since I have not booked my PT appointment until Christmas time I have no one to ask this. It honestly terrifies me so much. 

With greetings from nothern Europe!

关节炎 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55606/arthritis 0000年结婚,2021年11月24日10:54:25 + 我们的热线团队聊天 Outlander1956 55606 @ /讨论

Can you help please I’m a 65 years old I use to take gabapentin along with my co-codimals for my atharitis but doctor took me off gabapentin but I feel I need them what should I do as I got up yesterday morning in lot of pain in my legs and I was crying with pain

视力模糊。 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55617/blurred-vision 星期四,2021年11月25日17:37:39 + 0000 我们的热线团队聊天 Nicemonkey 55617 @ /讨论 < p >嗨. .我大约2个月后我的第一个处方RA诊断。< / p > < p >我在400毫克的羟氯喹(每天2 x200型标签)< / p > < p >我注意到我的视力不断模糊的. .我读过,它是一个影响,但我不确定该做什么?< / p > < p >有一个替代药物吗?< / p > < p >我被告知羟基不会影响12周左右,所以如果我改变现在我已经浪费了两个月吗?< / p > < p >我也每天姜黄疼痛管理帮助加载< / p > < / p > < p >感谢 回文风湿病查询 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55612/palindromic-rheumatism-query 星期四,2021年11月25日09:06:48 + 0000 我们的热线团队聊天 反复的 55612 @ /讨论 < p >你好,我是新论坛,不知道为什么我没有访问之前,因为它似乎是一个非常明智的地方获取建议。< / p > < p >长话短说我一直前后风湿病学过去4年左右。我开始与粗纱关节疼痛,血液测试显示,高反共产党和消极的射频。每当我看到顾问耀斑后问题已经解决和超声音稀松平常的。2019年,我是被一位研究员诊断RA后多普勒积极发现痛苦的肩膀和手腕。我开始对MTX和hydroxchloroquine。当我看到顾问几个月后我查询我是否应该留在药物,她说,她已经怀疑诊断和邀请我来了我的药物。我继续耀斑ups但之间在去年,她说,她认为这是回文风湿病RA可能会或可能不会发展。我发现它很有压力,因为我要求保持警惕和照片我的关节同时在同一时间继续我的生活,忘记可能永远不会发生的事情。< / p > < p > 9月我开始每隔几天就非常重要的联合耀斑和一些非常痛苦。我没有看到顾问虽然我发邮件给她。我看到了护理团队是伟大的但告诉我,我需要对MTX,是否它是回文中它将变得更糟,药物是表示。 They started me on 15mg of MTX. My ESR was 31 , they redid the RF at my request which was now positive with a reading of 36 , so still low.

I emailed the consultant to ask for clarification whether she felt the medication was warranted and said I would not want to cause systemic damage or joint damage and if I have shifted to RA then I would take the meds but if controlling the flare up was all I was trying to do without risking any other long term effects I would probably think twice about taking the meds. I asked if it was possible to X-ray my hands and wrists to see if there was any damage which might support taking the medication. She basically said it was up to me what I did , that even if the joints were swollen continuously I wouldn’t damage the joints for several months so I could wait if I wanted to. She said there was no way of knowing if it had flipped to RA . I asked her to tell me if she thought I should take the drugs and she wouldn’t commit, just said it was up to me but if I did take the drugs I should go on 25mg of MTX for up to 6 months not 15 as prescribed.

I feel very confused, I am getting conflicting advice and have a nurse appointment tomorrow but am not being offered an appointment to see the consultant. I get the feeling the consultant finds dealing with my need for certainty very tiresome and I feel like I now have to make these very significant decisions entirely alone.

so I turn to you for some direction. I don’t think asking for a second clinical opinion is going to get me anywhere as the face of medicine seems to have changed so much with Covid. I guess I wouldn’t have queried with the consultant the medication if I was sure in myself it was what I needed. Trouble is that when I’m not having a flare although my hands and wrists are a bit stiff and sore I feel ok. When the joints are painful, then it is a struggle and I accept there is something quite wrong but knowing the flare will pass within a day or so enables me to deal with it and although the joints are tender after a flare it is remarkable how they can go from being excruciatingly painful to clear of pain in a matter of hours.

I’m guessing what I have described is classic palindromic rheumatism, can anyone say what I should do about the meds and could these symptoms also be RA meaning I am doing myself no favours by not taking meds.

I am also concerned that every time I don’t take the advice they give or the medication it will make it harder to access treatment later on .

Thank you

疼痛 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55596/aching 星期一,2021年11月22日16:52:47 + 0000 我们的热线团队聊天 rambler70_ 55596 @ /讨论 < p >最近被诊断出患有关节炎的臀部……我能感觉到这些臀部的疼痛有时但我也疼我的腰和腿是这正常吗?谢谢苏< / p >