谈天说地,和关节炎beplay体育怎么下载 https://community.versusarthritis.org/ 坐,2022年1月22日13:05:24 + 0000 谈天说地,和关节炎beplay体育怎么下载 R.I.P https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/54074/r-i-p 星期五,2021年4月16日16:20:16 + 0000 谈天说地 rondetto 54074 @ /讨论 < p >女演员海伦McRory去世,享年52在与癌症的斗争中。你会知道她的脸不电视角色< / p > < p >尖峰的眼罩和哈利波特电影。< / p > < p > < br / > < / p > < p >也是海伦P < / P > 轻浮 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/52548/levity 太阳,2020年7月12日07:20:38 + 0000 谈天说地 Mike1 52548 @ /讨论 < p >的一些帖子在这里变得有点沉重,所以我虽然有点轻浮,请添加笑话和卡通提高几窃笑。

最奇怪的是什么圣诞礼物你给过吗? https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55798/what-is-the-strangest-christmas-present-you-have-ever-been-given 星期二,2021年12月21日13:24:15 + 0000 谈天说地 PeterJ 55798 @ /讨论 < p >我是兔八哥装< / p > 圣诞快乐,给我们所有的成员 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55816/merry-christmas-to-all-our-members 坐,2021年12月25日06:30:58 + 0000 谈天说地 艾伦 55816 @ /讨论 < p > < / p > < p >我想祝大家圣诞节最好的可能的,感谢大家今年你的帖子。< / p > < p >阅读每个人的贡献和看到彼此的支持一直是很振奋人心的。< / p > < p > < / p > < p >祝福你们所有人< / p > < p >艾伦< / p > 圣诞老人追踪 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55714/santa-tracker 周五,2021年12月10 14:36:04 + 0000 谈天说地 rondetto 55714 @ /讨论 < p >如果你有孩子或者孙子他们会喜欢这个。有圣诞游戏玩当然一年一度的圣诞追踪。< / p > < p > < br / > < / p > < p > < a href = " https://santatracker.google.com/ " rel = " nofollow noreferrer ugc " > https://santatracker.google.com/ < / > < / p > 游戏介绍:下面的人我。。。 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/53436/game-does-the-person-below-me 星期二,2021年1月19日13:44:43 + 0000 谈天说地 YvonneH 53436 @ /讨论 < p >想我开始一个新游戏——光救济无疑是需要。

It's called Does the person below me . . . DTPBM

Does the person below me

Like chocolate

你会嫁给什么样的名人的蓝色? https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55660/what-celebrity-would-you-marry-out-of-the-blue 星期四,2021年12月02 15:21:13 + 0000 谈天说地 Shaphron 55660 @ /讨论 < p >如果他们问你没有任何日期或你必须知道他们吗?你说是谁?< / p > < p >出于好奇…< / p > 宠物的角落 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/51748/pets-corner 星期五,2020年4月17日05:47:33 + 0000 谈天说地 Mike1 51748 @ /讨论

As many of us use a photo of our pet as our account photo I thought that it may be a nice idea of setting up a Pets' Corner to put larger photos up, photos of them doing something daft, accounts of things that they do, how they support us and so forth. Vixen is the third cat that I have had since leaving the RAF in 1988. My first was called Arnie but he disappeared when my ex-wife moved in with me, I found him elsewhere in the village and brought him home several times but on each occasion he legged it again, if only I had known then what I was later to discover I would have legged it with him! Fluffy was my next cat and she passed away 4 years ago which drastically affected me, more so than my parents passing. I went spiralling downwards until friends presented me with Vixen, initially I was told that she was a boy so I called her Vulcan, that was until I took her to the Vets for her first check up, on chatting to the Vet he announced that he was a she and it was the quickest gender realignment he had ever done! Living alone and virtually housebound (especially now), I would not be without her. I have the names of all 3 cats tattooed on my arm beneath a picture of a Sabre-toothed tiger.

圣诞颂歌的关节炎 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/47355/christmas-carols-for-arthritics 2016年12月结婚,07年10:56:02 + 0000 谈天说地 stickywicket 47355 @ /讨论 像我一样,如果你正在寻找一个沉闷的一天,圣诞节你唯一的想法是多少还是要做,酿造了一杯茶,坐下来与这些。他们和我从来没有恰到好处。我们是一群有才华的破旧!< br / > < br / >恐怕这是最好的我今天可以管理。它不是由悬崖理查德< br / > < br / >圣诞节。< br / >可可加香料的热葡萄酒。< br / >冰毒、羟基、青霉胺。< br / > trammies待命和pred抽屉里< br / >时间思考关节炎的关节是什么?< br / > < br / >我的膝盖是一个烂摊子。所以是我的脖子。< br / >我的手指了。我的脚摇摇欲坠< br / >外科医生的梦想。 Dreams of knees
Working. Pain-free. Please, Santa, PLEASE.
园艺——发生了什么在你的花园 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/51827/gardening-whats-going-on-in-your-garden 星期二,2020年4月21日19:52:28 + 0000 谈天说地 wazz42 51827 @ /讨论 < p >想重振园艺的讨论。很多人找到更多的时间花在我们的花园,所以我们应该多聊聊,向大家展示! < / p > 我崩溃 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55018/im-falling-apart 结婚,2021年9月01日13:29:32 + 0000 谈天说地 rondetto 55018 @ /讨论 < p >很有艺术分崩离析,随着年龄的增加,< / p > < p >和生活没有40岁开始。这是一个盛大的谎言。< / p > < p >我的头发越来越少了,我的身体不是;< / p > < p >几牙齿我开始腐烂。< / p > < p > < br / > < / p > < p >我闻到维克's-Vapo-Rub,不是香奈儿# 5;< / p > < p >我的新起搏器都让我活着。< / p > < p >当被问及我的过去,我知道,每一个细节< / p > < p >但我10分钟前做什么?< / p > < p > < br / > < / p > < p >嗯,你懂的,我还能说什么呢?< / p > < p >我去读讣告每天都像我一样,< / p > < p >如果我的名字没有,我将再一次开始——< / p > < p >完善的艺术分崩离析。< / p > Una斯塔布斯 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/54881/una-stubbs 星期四,2021年8月12日18:59:43 + 0000 谈天说地 Hazel18 54881 @ /讨论 < p >抱歉听到Una斯塔布斯已经死亡。总是给我的印象是一个可爱的泡沫夫人以及一个好演员。她总是有这么多优雅。RIP。< / p > 等待时间 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/54653/waiting-times 星期一,2021年7月12日12:29:10 + 0000 谈天说地 Dave460 54653 @ /讨论 < p >刚说去医院,他们仍然表示,他们正在研究人们从2019年一个笑话< / p > < p >别人已经延迟很长时间< / p > 银玷污快速查询 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/54752/silver-tarnishing-quickly-query 星期五,2021年7月23日09:19:31 + 0000 谈天说地 Dinkimandrake 54752 @ /讨论 < p > < / p > < p >你好我是新到这个论坛,我希望没有人主意我发布一个问题在这里我有类风湿性关节炎会住我不知道有多少信息在论坛上加上它会很高兴能够聊天我在同一条船上的人。< / p > < p >我目前每日服用100毫克的咪唑硫嘌呤关节炎。我最近买了银925我相信所有买潘多拉的抹黑以惊人的速度12小时在一个24其他手镯和魅力手镯,我试图在互联网上找到的药物可能会这样做,但我找不到一个。唯一的人告诉我它是商店的工作人员一个助理似乎认为这是常见的,我应该知道,但是经理说我只是第五届四年她看到这样的客户。发生了这种事情,我只是想知道别人。< / p > 我的昨天 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/54003/my-yesterdays 妈,05年4月2021 15:08:30 + 0000 谈天说地 rondetto 54003 @ /讨论 < p > < br / > < / p > < p >我的呼吸有点短了,< / p > < p >我的力量并不强大,< / p > < p >我的一步是缓慢,步履蹒跚,< / p > < p >很难相处。< / p > < p >我的身体现在少更直,< / p > < p >我的耳朵会错过你的话,< / p > < p >我的演讲身边的我,< / p > < p >有时不会被听到。< / p > < p >我的眼睛现在视力迟钝,< / p > < p >我的骨头都疼,疼痛,< / p > < p >我的骨架,使用< / p > < p >但有些事情依然存在。< / p > < p >我的记忆很年轻,明亮,< / p > < p >仍然充满活力,< / p > < p >与历史的简短的提醒,< / p > < p >发生,“昨天”。< / p > < p >‘昨天’,我坠入了爱河,< / p > < p >和‘昨天’,我们亲吻,< / p > < p >和‘昨天’,你走了,< / p > < p >尽管今天你错过了。< / p > < p >但‘昨天’,是‘年’,< / p > < p >,就是别人说的,< / p > < p >而不是我,因为在我的心,昨天< / p > < p >,“昨天”。< / p > < p > xxxx。< / p > 寻找朋友 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/53962/looking-for-friends 2021年3月29日,星期一,06:34:32 + 0000 谈天说地 EsmeeMorton 53962 @ /讨论 < p >你好。< / p > < p >有关节炎在我的生活让我无法做事情和建立友谊。独自生活,痛苦使我很孤独。我想知道如果任何人想成为笔友吗?< / p > < p >大家都知道。它很难社交abd满足人们当你花在床上95%的你的生活在痛苦中。< / p > < p >希望我得到一个回复< / p > < p > Esmee < / p > 爱好 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/52619/hobbies 2020年7月27日,星期一,10:06:25 + 0000 谈天说地 LindaK 52619 @ /讨论 < p >早晨,有点在船体的雨天. .我想我应该做一些卡片工艺和也许一点缝纫当天晚些时候…i've got a few xmas orders so on rainy days well most days really i do my Hobbies to pass time way and also to take my mind off my aches & pains ... what do you do to pass the time away ?‍♀️

一个奇怪的早晨 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/54328/a-strange-morning 结婚,2021年5月26日18:03:43 + 0000 谈天说地 stellabean 54328 @ /讨论 < p >我是早上4点起床像往常一样和我的直觉和喂马早在去镇上30英里远。我不得不接农场机器部件,决定做一个在超市购物,屠夫和花园中心,因为我很少去镇上。< / p > < p >我开路虎,我知道他们不是最环保汽车,但我们用它所以很少和其他汽车需要如此多的动物饲料,木头和东西和牵引拖车。I got out sorted the bags,my sticks and the mask and began to walk towards the shop a car drove past being driven aggressively so I watched where they parked. It pulled in to one of the two charging points and a woman got out. I thought no more and carried on into the shop until I heard someone call" excuse me can I ask you something personal?" I turned to see the woman from the car" I want to know why you drive such a polluting car," she said getting hold of the corner of my trolley.

" I can ask why driving an electric car makes you such a pompous prat, they are not as environmentally friendly what about the batteries, and I bet you have foreign holidays,"

" But we offset" she said

"and I bet you regularly buy new clothes I have work clothes that are 15years old, and you change your car regularly that isn't good either. I have owned that Landrover for 18 years it is regularly serviced and the emissions are way below what it could put out and it has done less than 5000 miles a year." By this point her aggression had gone she was beetroot and let go of my trolley and wandered off into the shop. One of the floor managers came over to see if I was okay and I found I was shaking. I think it was because she had hold of the trolley I panicked.

Things were okay after that until I drove home going along a straight bit of road I saw a cyclist in the distance get off his bike and stand on the verge and begin to urinate in clear view, I peeped my horn and he ended up wetting himself. I have to say I wasn't sorry he should have been more discrete the side of a busy A road is not the place for that.

对于那些与其他条件 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/54290/for-those-with-other-conditions 2021年5月20日星期四12:28:17 + 0000 谈天说地 基蒂 54290 @ /讨论 医疗警报手镯< p > < / p > < p >,我已下令4硅的,因为我是类固醇依赖、2因为我有哮喘。你也可以得到金属的和类固醇警告牌。< / p > 你可以把一匹马..... https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/53959/you-can-take-a-horse-to 太阳,2021年3月28日18:18:30 + 0000 谈天说地 stellabean 53959 @ /讨论 < p >水但你不能让它喝你不能让它吃。我31岁小宝贝(咬牙切齿地)我说最近瘦了很多。他curshings疾病和兽医来检查他的牙齿,他2宽松也被移除和锋利一些提起其他人,那些他已经离开。我们必须假定他是再也不能吃干草,他试着咀嚼它很久,不能让它纸浆他能够下来所以他嘴里滴出来。I have to feed him a soft diet which is the fibre he needs in a mash form plus as much cooking oil I can add that he will still eat it. He can't have nice things like treacle to make it tasty and we have to keep his diet low sugar low carbohydrate. He is fed 3 times a day which take me a hour each time some days he eats better than others, some I have to hand feed him,others he refuses to try ( he does graze but the spring grass is yet to grow.) Tonight I have just battled against 40-50 mile an hour winds horizontal rain and fed him, his reaction was to ignore his own food and steal Morris' instead, I am afraid I just left them to it I was too tired,wet and still had to struggle home and couldn't really see much with the rain.

I am just dreading the vets next visit when the boys are due their vaccinations if Sandy hasn't started to put some weight back on we may have to say good bye it can take 4 to 6 weeks for that to start to happen. It is 4 weeks on Monday so I am hoping to start to see some improvement soon it won't be for the will of trying.

我们的主持人团队刚刚赢得的奖项与关节炎! ! ! ! !beplay体育怎么下载 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/54109/our-moderator-team-just-won-an-award-from-versus-arthritis 结婚,2021年4月21日11:14:19 + 0000 谈天说地 YvonneH 54109 @ /讨论 < p >我们辉煌的mod团队提名一个精神奖的工作他们做缓和社区,欢迎每一个新成员和保持我们的社区安全、欢迎的地方或关心的人都患有关节炎。< / p > < p >好插件——你应该得到这个奖项的感谢与关节炎️< / p > < p >和一个大谢谢你从我们< / p > < pbeplay体育怎么下载 >沙龙,布瑞恩和伊冯xxx < / p > 倾斜的缓冲 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/54069/sloping-cushion 星期五,2021年4月16日11:06:24 + 0000 谈天说地 维姬 54069 @ /讨论 < p >的支持,我很高兴在这个网站上和别人如何互相帮助。 

I’m wondering if anyone had any suggestions for the type of padded, sloped cushions that they used to sell for car seats. They’re not available anymore. 

I’m currently not getting out , but use it on a sloping foldable chair in the kitchen. I need another one for a spare chair upstairs. I can’t seem to find any replacements online at all , I can’t be the only one who misses them. They were everywhere at one time 

威尔士选举2021年5月 - 2021年5月——https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/54067/wales——选举 星期五,2021年4月16日09:44:37 + 0000 谈天说地 杰拉尔丁 54067 @ /讨论


I emailed off to all our Cardiff councillors hoping to be elected the Versus Arthritis Statement. It's been disappointing that only one Councillor Sean Driscoll took the curtesy to mail back a genuine reply. Perhaps your local guy in Cardiff may like to contact him, and follow this up. If only we had Versus Arthritis posters to put in our windows at this time to really get a point across...that's it

让我们写一本书 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/53603/lets-write-a-book 坐,2021年2月13日08:19:07 + 0000 谈天说地 Mike1 53603 @ /讨论

Apparently everyone has a book in them so let's try writing something between us, one sentence at a time! The idea is that we take turns at adding a sentence to the preceding one and just see where it goes, don't worry about a theme or anything just try, hopefully, to make each sentence fit logically with the rest. Could be fun!

So here goes:

It was an extremely wet and windy start to the day when ...............

什么是祖父母? https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/54004/what-is-a-grandparent 妈,05年4月2021 15:12:32 + 0000 谈天说地 rondetto 54004 @ /讨论 < p > <强>什么是祖父母?< /强> < / p > < p > <强>(从论文写的类8岁)< /强> < / p > < p > <强>祖父母是一位女士和一个人没有自己的小孩。他们喜欢别人的。< /强> < / p > < p > <强>祖父是男人,,祖母是一个女人!< /强> < / p > < p > <强>祖父母不需要做任何事情除了有当我们看到他们…他们这么老不应该玩硬或运行。它是好的,如果他们把我们商店和给我们钱。< /强> < / p > < p > <强>当他们带着我们去散步,他们慢下来过去像漂亮的叶子和毛毛虫。< /强> < / p > < p > <强>他们告诉我们,和我们谈谈花朵的颜色,为什么我们不应该踩的裂缝。' < /强> < / p > < p > <强>他们不会说,“快点。' < /强> < / p > < p > <强>通常祖母很胖但不是太胖,将你的鞋子。< /强> < / p > < p > <强>他们戴眼镜和有趣的内衣。

They can take their teeth and gums out.

Grandparents don't have to be smart.

They have to answer questions like 'Why isn't God married?' and 'How come dogs chase cats?'

When they read to us, they don't skip. They don't mind if we ask for the same story over again.

Everybody should try to have a grandmother, especially if you don't have television because they are the only grownups who like to spend time with us.


It's funny when they bend over; you hear gas leaks, and they blame their dog.
