让我们动起来,与关节炎beplay体育怎么下载 https://community.versusarthritis.org/ 坐,2022年7月23日07:41:18 + 0000 让我们动起来,与关节炎beplay体育怎么下载 什么建议关于如何确保可的松注射成功? https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/58064/any-suggestions-on-how-to-ensure-a-cortisone-injection-is-successful 0000年结婚,2022年7月13日07:32:35 + 让我们动起来 Freeflyer 58064 @ /讨论 < p >好来到这里,我希望有人能告诉我他们的经验后可的松注射以及如何确保它工作得最好。我的膝盖,我希望我可以避免膝盖手术,让我们面对现实吧,不会发生与当前积压多年的操作。所以我的医生建议可的松注射,我这个星期五。我想知道的是有人有一个和你做了些什么准备工作,这样就有机会吗?例如,我喜欢骑自行车但这是我需要避免为了注射有最大的效果? < / p > 我们每月的挑战——可能会移动 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/57512/lets-move-monthly-challenge-may 2022年5月05日星期四13:13:19 + 0000 让我们动起来 YvonneH 57512 @ /讨论 < p >与关beplay体育怎么下载节炎看看每月的挑战是设计来帮助你把运动融入每天的月。本月,健身专业< em >莱昂Wormley < / em >,连同他的< em >妈妈Janet < / em >的<强> < /强>步骤挑战。< / p > < p > < >强我们所有的挑战都是专门为那些患有关节炎和关节疼痛。< /强> < / p >

In this short video Leon and Janet demonstrate different ways of performing the Step Challenge including indoor and outdoor options and alternatives if you don’t have a step.

This challenge helps to mobilise and strengthen the joints and muscles of the lower body as well as improve the efficiency of the heart and lungs.

Why not keep track of your progress using our activity tracker?


Remember to listen to your body and take it at your own pace. There are lots more movement videos and resources available on the Versus Arthritis YouTube channel and website.

游泳有关节炎 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/57929/swimming-with-arthritis 星期五,2022年6月24日10:27:07 + 0000 让我们动起来 dazzla 57929 @ /讨论 < p >我的手我有关节炎,不能找到任何压缩手套游泳。有人知道的任何游泳吗? < / p > 健身自行车替代 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/57933/exercise-bike-alternative 星期五,2022年6月24日11:41:28 + 0000 让我们动起来 jamieA 57933 @ /讨论 < p >风湿病队医建议我使用一个练习骑自行车去帮助我的膝盖。看买一个健身自行车我惊讶于好的- 30 - 40公斤的重量,他们占用的空间。我想出了一个选择。我有一个正常的自行车,所以我买了一个周期教练是一个非常稳定的三角形站,锁到一个标准的自行车的后轮解除掉地上。你也可以设置10个不同的阻力水平。这是一个比一个练习更多的便携式自行车所以我可以用我的自行车到后花园,周期停滞在露台。< / p > 锻炼与颈部OA https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/57925/exercising-with-neck-oa 星期四,2022年6月23日17:29:40 + 0000 让我们动起来 DonnaC 57925 @ /讨论

I’m at that age of 55 when skin is starting to sag, everything feels floppy and I’m putting on weight around my tummy. Have OA in left ankle as well as my neck. Thinking of joining the gym so can you weight machines etc. Don’t know if it’s a good idea or not as after carrying heavy shopping & usually have a migraine from my neck OA. What do you think?

让我们动起来——6月月度挑战 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/57682/lets-move-monthly-challenge-june 周五,2022年5月27日09:17:26 + 0000 让我们动起来 (删除用户) 57682 @ /讨论 < h3 >要走你可以塑造自己的挑战?< / h3 > < p >在英国有大约1000万人患有关节炎。它会影响所有年龄段的人,甚至是儿童和青少年。患有关节炎可以挑战——慢性疼痛能让日常工作,就像一杯茶,真的很难。通常认为,这可能导致隔离和沮丧。

Join our amazing team of steppers, coming together in June to defy arthritis. With your help, support is available and there are many things people can do to live a fulfilling life.

Read more to see how you can get involved in the June steps challenge.

洗澡太硬,我的胳膊和腿受伤 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55028/the-bath-is-too-hard-and-my-arms-and-legs-hurt 星期四,9月02日2021 21:28:20 + 0000 让我们动起来 巴鲁 55028 @ /讨论

What a baffling disease. Whatever the exercise was, the one that kept my arms and legs strong enough for using the bath, it has gone. Whats gone is strange because its not like I don't move around either, because I do, except it's mostly around the house these days. I climb the exercise steps, 12 minutes until out of puff, no problem. I lift the kettle to brew up regular, multiple times a day, a bit of a struggle, but I'm a man, I can do it. But step into an empty bathtub, and I can't get in. It might as well be crawling with tomb raiding spiders, or carved from carbon dioxide ice. Can anybody cure this Ablutophobia.

步骤6月挑战 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/57844/june-steps-challenge 结婚,2022年6月15日16:14:42 + 0000 让我们动起来 arvind 57844 @ /讨论 < p >我怎么让人们得到捐赠”年代?我怎么把它放在我的Facebook页面吗?< / p > < p >我叫arvind,我一直Rhumotoid关节炎遭受过去20年等等。我已经加入了国家管制当局方面组织,每个人都很有帮助。< / p > 坐下来达到挑战 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/57754/sit-and-reach-challenge 妈,06年6月2022 09:16:32 + 0000 让我们动起来 Brynmor 57754 @ /讨论

This June, we bring you the Sit and Reach Challenge.

This challenge, presented by fitness professional Leon Wormley, together with his Mum Janet, is designed to help improve the flexibility of your lower back and hamstrings, reducing tightness and stiffness. Over time this can help with tasks like picking things off the floor or putting socks on.

Leon and Janet demonstrate different ways to perform the challenge, including seated and floor-based versions. They will also take you through additional exercises you can do to improve the range of movement in the lower back.

All our challenges are designed especially for those living with arthritis and joint pain.

你能使用一个跟骨在骨膝oa exersoe自行车吗 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/57619/can-you-use-a-exersoe-bike-with-bone-on-bone-knee-oa 2022年5月19日星期四12:45:05 + 0000 让我们动起来 Blueskyday68 57619 @ /讨论 < p >我想使用一个运动自行车但是我有骨在骨膝OA可以使用一个感谢< / p > 跟上除草 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/57607/keeping-up-with-weeding 2022年5月17日星期二14:18:35 + 0000 让我们动起来 Renie 57607 @ /讨论 < p >我有一个漂亮的大花园和我有草坪和对冲玫瑰但杂草增长速度超过了我能处理这些问题。

Then I bought 2 marvelous gadgets, a Japanese hoe ( robust metal hook on a small handle ) and a folding stool. I can now weed vert efficiently sitting down !

Hope this may e hseful for some of you keen gardeners,

水疗 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/57543/hydrotherapy 2022年5月10日星期二13:33:41 + 0000 让我们动起来 sharon59 57543 @ /讨论

I have just completed 6 week hydrotherapy sessions via the physio department and would like to know if there are any hydrotherapy classes I can go to to follow on. I live in South Yorkshire. My physio has only been able to suggest Aqua-aerobics or Aqua zumba at my local leisure centre, both of which would not be suitable.


你还应该练习爆发的时候吗 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/56472/should-you-still-exercise-when-having-a-flare-up 0000年结婚,2022年2月23日15:12:50 + 让我们动起来 Blueskyday68 56472 @ /讨论 < p >你好你还应该锻炼当你拥有一个爆发我的左膝盖正在经历一场爆发是安全的我做运动的范围和加强练习谢谢< / p > 举重练习 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/57477/weight-lifting-exercises 2022年5月01日太阳17:37:34 + 0000 让我们动起来 DonnaC 57477 @ /讨论 < p >刚读一个神话破坏电子邮件从关节炎和运动/举重帮助建立肌肉,feel better. I have worn discs at C6 & C7 in my neck & Id love to be able to lift my little hand weight & build some muscle. The only thing is even loading & carrying shopping bags in & out of the trolley, in & out the car affects me, not straight away, I find I usually wake the next day, sometimes early hours with a really bad headache, so put pop the solphadine max!

什么慈善/资金的存在是为了帮我做一个简短的体育锻炼为关节炎 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/57010/what-charity-funding-exists-to-help-me-with-a-short-physical-exercise-course-for-arthritis 0000年结婚,2022年3月23日21:44:11 + 让我们动起来 GalaxyA12 57010 @ /讨论

My 12 week one hour a week Healthy Options a charity organisation funded by my GP referral ended today my GP made no offer of any further funds at all -paid direct by NHS / public purse. This organisation has offered me at a reduced price at £20 per month the above and additionaly Qi Gong a martial art but in essence only Tai Chi low impact course also aimed at those with health problems and Arthritis ( Please Community comments on effectiveness of Qi Gong for Arthritis sufferers - my research and discussion at length convince me its benificial. Bottom line is on £74 UC total income weekly "there is Zero money to pay £20 per month as poor. Healthy Options won't offer help with funding. How can i get this funding and which Charities. Is there a National UK sports charity. This is obviously a very small amount of Health training input.

西部高地的方式行走 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/57365/walking-the-west-highland-way 星期一,2022年4月18日08:55:53 + 0000 让我们动起来 Carolyngee 57365 @ /讨论

Hi, newbie here :-)

I've had RA for 20 odd years, I'm 52 just now. I've always tried to stay active but sometimes RA has put its foot down lol

I have always wanted to walk the West Highland Way and I feel its maybe now or never but I don't know if it's just a step too far.

I have a year to prepare and obviously judge my body's reaction to longer hikes but just wondering if anyone has attempted/done this. The plan would be to do it over 7 days and stay in hotels so limited weight to carry and a hot bath at night.

Any advice appreciated, many thanks.

运动课程与关节炎beplay体育怎么下载 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/57209/exercise-courses-by-versus-arthritis 星期二,05年4月2022 14:32:13 + 0000 让我们动起来 YvonneH 57209 @ /讨论 < p >运动为什么重要?

How can Versus Arthritis help you to plan time to exercise

How to exercise safely for those with painful joints


骑自行车和关节面 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/53996/cycling-and-facet-joints 太阳,04年4月2021 17:53:36 + 0000 让我们动起来 Lcc86 53996 @ /讨论 < p >你好所有的< / p > < p > < br / > < / p > < p >我有面关节综合症和大部分工作大约什么,避免什么是良好的锻炼,虽然有时有点碰巧。< / p > < p > < br / > < / p > < p >我的另一半刚刚买了一辆自行车,所以想去骑车。我已经两次,有下腰痛之后,但我不确定是否这只是因为我不骑车年龄或者是坏的。任何人都有经验和知识是否这是一件好事吗?我一直在思考一个电动自行车多年来帮助让我下车短途旅程但不想冒险,所以只使用标准山地车atm沼泽。< / p > 甜甜圈垫 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/57020/donut-cushion 星期四,2022年3月24日11:56:28 + 0000 让我们动起来 Mich_lee1 57020 @ /讨论 < p >你好,我是新论坛。有谁知道如果甜甜圈垫帮助尾骨疼痛吗? < / p > 半程马拉松赛在9月 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/56881/half-marathon-in-september 0000年结婚,2022年3月16日21:18:12 + 让我们动起来 DarreninBrighton 56881 @ /讨论 < p >大家好,< / p > < p >前马拉松运动员在这里,之前我1月份方面关节病的诊断。< / p > < p >我决心不让它阻止我做我喜欢的事情。我买了专业的跑鞋,Hoka邦迪,和感觉不可思议。我回到慢5公里,虽然我并不打算运行任何更长的时间,直到2023年,心血来潮我走进剑桥9月的一半。< / p > < p >我有一些培训计划我已经使用在过去,但其他关节炎跑步者有专家建议吗?< / p > < p >让我知道。< / p > < p >欢呼,< / p > < p >达伦< / p > 膝关节置换的并发症 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/53892/knee-replacement-complications 坐,2021年3月20日17:12:16 + 0000 让我们动起来 马丁 53892 @ /讨论 < p >我的妻子有一个膝盖替换4年前由于关节炎。从那时起她走路,有相当大的困难,遭受背痛。Covid没有帮助,游泳和健身房没有是不可能的。她无法长时间站立或行走。在这4年中,她有很多医生和理疗任命基本上所有人都告诉她,她忍耐和享受生活。她拒绝把鸦片止痛药,原因显而易见。< / p > < p >一年前她回到医生更多的帮助,并最终得到不同的理疗专家支持。在队医建议她比另一条腿长。事实上在进一步检查这是1.5厘米。< / p > < p >这是一个已知的髋关节置换手术并发症,和自己的研究显示了一个86% likelyhood平均1.5厘米的腿延长在全膝关节置换,确实高于髋关节置换。

Neither your advice leaflet nor the local NHS leaflet mention this as a complication, and certainly my wife was not informed of this complication.

Had she known about this 4 years ago, she might well have got a considerable improvement in her quality of life and freedom from pain by the simple expedient of either insoles or built up shoes.

Why haven't Versus Arthritis highlighted this?

缓慢和稳定的 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/56580/slow-steady 星期二,2022年3月01 08:45:27 + 0000 让我们动起来 Amandapanda 56580 @ /讨论

Hi all, so after a few days research I have found some physio exercise on YouTube & have begun doing them which do seem to be helping . I used to have a very active job till my mum who has dementia came to live with us 4 yrs ago & then my life totally changed I was in lockdown from then on as mum cannot be left by herself as a consequence my own health has been affected but I won't give in I will try all I can to improve my health also my own mental health which can be affected when I'm physically struggling, Wishing you all to be well X

普拉提 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/56235/pilates 星期四,2022年2月3日17:24:12 + 0000 让我们动起来 nicholaj 56235 @ /讨论 < p >你好…我贴下面,感觉精力充沛,我第一次尝试普拉提昨天我今天明显疼痛主要是我的腿的顶部还在我肩膀上。我想这应该是预期有可能以不同的方式使用肌肉或我应该阻止这种运动在未来?非常厌倦了< / p > 工作和亚历克斯 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/56128/work-out-with-alex 星期四,2022年1月27日10:34:55 + 0000 让我们动起来 YvonneH 56128 @ /讨论 < p > < / p > < p >你好我刚发现2更伟大的运动视频与亚历克斯,从“我们不败”系列,我们和资金帮助。第一个是< / p > < p > < a href = " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = 90 khz0gnmug nofollow noreferrer ugc“rel = >力量与亚历克斯< / > < / p > < p >,第二个< / p > < p > < a href = " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = jPfUjp3YTgo nofollow noreferrer ugc“rel = >能源与亚历克斯< / > < / p > < p >我看过第二个,真的很好,有3人锻炼,一个站着,一个坐着,一个在椅子上保持平衡和支持。< / p > < p >如果你还没有找到你的运动方式——试试这些15分钟!< / p > < p >我会让你更新他们释放更多的< / p > < p > < / p > < p >照顾伊冯< / p > 如何保持动力去锻炼? https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55869/how-to-stay-motivated-to-exercise 2022年1月结婚,05年10:02:00 + 0000 让我们动起来 Brynmor 55869 @ /讨论 < p > <强>读莱昂的建议关于如何找到什么运动适合你,如何保持动力。< /强> < / p >

Exercise and movement are one of the best ways to help you boost your physical and mental wellbeing.

You may have already started the Let's Move programme or perhaps you’re part way through.

The programme is designed to give you the tools you need to help get more movement in your life and give you more confidence.

To help you with any intentions you've decided on this year, here’s my advice on ways to find what works for you and tips to keep motivated.

