我的胜利 - 与关节炎beplay体育怎么下载 https://community.versusarthritis.org/ 星期六,1月22日2022年13:05:47 +0000 EN. 我的胜利 - 与关节炎beplay体育怎么下载 辣椒素霜 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55446/capsaicin-cream 星期三,11月2021日12:54:45 +0000 我的胜利 Sheelee. 55446 @ /讨论



我现在不知道现在可以在处方现场上市,所以谢谢与关节炎beplay体育怎么下载 赢得了我的PIP上诉 https://community.versusarritis.org/discussion/54455/won-my-pip-appeal-yessssssss. 星期二,15六月2021年13:32:13 +0000 我的胜利 wen69lee. 54455 @ /讨论

我刚收到了伟大的消息,我已被授予的日常生活率提高和增强的流动率。它已被授予2030年。我希望与我在兰卡斯特的支持小组出席我的支持小组的所有可爱的女士联系。由于Corvid和它如何影响我自己的心理健康,我回到了长期之后。 雕刻 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/52585/sculpting 2020年7月18日(星期六)17:16:00 +0000 我的胜利 n1gel. 52585 @ /讨论

I stopped working 9 years ago mainly due to a neurological condition then developed OA in my left elbow because of the extra stress on my joints (crutches, wheelchair) I think the right elbow is going the same way..

I always wanted to go to art college but at the time teachers/careers advisers advised against it.

So as soon as I had all the free time I worked with stone (ouch!) then some clay, now I've just started using wax with the intention of getting it cast in bronze. If you look up Castle Fine Arts Foundry - Free Wax, they'll send you a small block of free modelling wax by post and if you like what you've made, you send it back and they'll cast it in bronze for the introductory offer of £75!

Don't be put off by the hardness of the wax, if you chop off little bits at a time it soon becomes workable in your fingers.

Big Cat - about 3" tall and 5" long (ok, not so big)

'胜利的线程 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/49318/the-traiuphs-thread. 星期三,2018年6月13日06:01:58 +0000 我的胜利 stickywicket 49318 @ /讨论 DD徒步前往圣迈克尔山(并返回)的灵感和意识到这个论坛的方式是必要的有点不平衡(就像我们:wink:)支持困难和问题,我想,如果能有个帖子,让我们列出自己的成功经历,可能会很不错。


是的,会有回报的,但我们可以把它视为理所当然。No need to dwell on it :D

My first contribution - the other day we did a 'wheelchair walk' in which I walked far further than usual and, amazingly, without any payback. Nowhere near as impressive as DD's but it impressed me :lol: and made me feel good about myself.

Please contribute your own triumphs as and when you make them happen :D
完整的膝盖替代品 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/54819/total-knee-replacement. 太阳,01年8月20日16:52:33 +0000 我的胜利 ellie13. 54819 @ /讨论

Hi everyone, I can’t seem to find my post from a few weeks ago when I was very concerned about my post op assessment due to my weight. I received some very kind replies so thank you for that. It all went well, I wasn’t refused the knee surgery but I was informed that on the day of my op the anaesthetist may refuse to anaethetise me!!!! How comforting to know that!!

Anyway I’m here to say I had my knee replacement last Wednesday yaay and was safely home by Wednesday evening. I had a GA with no issues thank goodness. The physios saw me a few hrs post surgery and got me up and walking with crutches. I’m just so pleased so far with the progress and level of pain. I’m off the heavy duty painkillers and just take Paracetamol, Codeine and Ibuprofen although I’ve stopped that one due to heartburn. So I’m now day 4 post op. I’m due to be reviewed by the team tomorrow, they’ll redo my dressings and I’ll work on bending my knee some more. I’m up and about walking with crutches, pain is bearable so far and painkillers help so I’m grateful for that. I’ve been doing stairs too, both up and down but very carefully using my crutches and the info sheet my physio gave me about which leg to move first etc. I’d like to say a huge thank you the the Nuffield Surgical and day admissions teams for all the care and support they’ve given me. What an amazing team they are.

放弃了 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/53162/given-up 2020年11月19日星期四14:28:06 +0000 我的胜利 ah_1 53162 @ /讨论

是否有其他人会感受到ra对你的关系有所了解?IV有一个糟糕的一周TBH,只是从感觉中筋疲力尽,所以......你如何设法继续前进?你认为我需要接受并继续生活吗? 我的胜利 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/52693/my-triumphs 星期二,2012年8月11日20:39:53 +0000 我的胜利 MRSTIGGGYWinkle. 52693 @ /讨论 自2019年4月/ 5月的诊断以来,我做了一些胜利的东西。

一旦完成完成,我们就有CQC检查。再次,我一天和夜间工作,确保CQC将检查的所有领域都到位。最后一次检查报告结果是5个需要改进的5个区域中有2个。 Inspection day happened on the day the CQC decided not to do any more physical inspections due to covid19...though the inspectior didn't know until I printed off the email I'd got and showed her it! She completed the inspection that day, amd we waited a few weeks for the results. We achieved good ratings across the 5 key areas - the first time the care home had ever achieved all 5!

So, from joining a failing care home, we managed to achieve the impossible - especially as the owners provided me with zero management training and I'd never had a management position before! BUT....it almost destroyed me. Mentally and physically. So I sadly made the decision to resign amd return to something less stressful. I have gone back to being a receptionist in a hospital ward. Best thing ever!

I've also trained as, and graduated as a Clinical Hypnotherapy Practitioner. I'm not able to practice much at the moment, due to not being able to get set up thanks to covid19 amd lockdown etc, but I to be working part time as a Clinical Hypnotherapy Practitioner by early next year, with a view to eventually (hopefully) become fully self employed.
Additionally, I am nearing the end of a level 2 complimentary therapy course, about to start a level 2 mental health awareness course, and hope to embark on the level 3 aromatherapy diploma before too long.

I like to be busy, but now look at what I'm likely to be able to manage. The theory side of everything is not a problem, though the practical side does need some thought put into it to ensure I don't overdo things..... I'm still thinking that side through! But I aim to combine hypnotherapy and aromatherapy together, for as long as I can. When I can't do the physical aspect, I'll focus again solely on the hypnotherapy.
Those are my triumphs, my aims and my goals
锻炼 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/52608/exercise. 星期四,2012年7月23日17:22:59 +0000 我的胜利 Kazmac57 52608 @ /讨论 :) Hi there,am a newbie, just wanted to say I have been doing workouts with Lucy Wyndham-Read, she is brilliant there are things I can’t do coz of my hip and knee, but I still try to fight thru the pain, am proud of myself with what iv achieved I have lost 1 and half stone I feel good about myself a bit more, just thought I d share that with you 梯子大鼠! https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/52500/ladder-rat. 星期三,01年7月20日22:38:31 +0000 我的胜利 兰伊亚玛丽 52500 @ /讨论

嗨,今天,感到高兴,今天感到高兴,我的工作往往涉及上升脚手架,但在锁定的开始时被诊断出患有严重的OA后,它令我担心的是我担心能够管理梯子。但我今天做了前两个鲸鱼,所以我知道我可以继续工作。耶!(I was pretty scared though, as usual, but you just have to get on with it. Even the builder I was with said he didn’t like it much either !) had to go up leading with my good leg, so I was a bit slow, and I couldn’t squeeze into a few tight corners as my leg doesn’t like bending any more, but we managed ok between us.

完毕! https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/52509/done. Fri,03年7月20日03:50:33 +0000 我的胜利 Mike1. 52509 @ /讨论

它让我9个月,由于我该死的OA的时间大约10分钟,但我刚刚完成了我的N仪表模型列车布局。The layout is scratch built apart from the buildings which are from kits and it is loosely based on Marazion station which closed down in 1963. As a general idea of size the figures are less than half an inch tall (for those who are au fait with the new-fangled measurements they are 0.45 cm tall) and if you think that is small you should try finding the seagulls, swans, ducks, rabbits, foxes and badgers that are there somewhere!. Most of the buildings have lights inside which makes the layout look good at night. The whole thing measures about 4ft x 3ft and has a perspex cover over the top to prevent my cat from getting on there and playing with the layout herself.

Next project a Battle of Britain airfield diorama, pictures to follow next year sometime!

我的偶尔尝试 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/52169/my-excersice-attempts 星期六,2012年5月16日03:31:14 +0000 我的胜利 CZKD. 52169 @ /讨论 好的,所以这会发出声音愚蠢,所以道歉。
开始我的运动之旅 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/51942/starting-my-exercise-journey. 星期三,4月29日07:06:06 +0000 我的胜利 51942 @ /讨论 早上好,每个人都希望你们都很好,安全,在我的臀部和膝盖疼痛的另一个糟糕的夜晚,我早早醒来,今天决定是新的一天!我刚刚完成了一些对骨关节炎的锻炼,这有助于释放我的关节,我们有一只狗,所以我每天都在走路,我会小心我吃的东西,并在锁定开始之前尝试减肥失去了2石头,我设法维护了它,但我会有一个新的推动来再次进入。祝我好运。有一个美好的一天x 活动 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/52004/campaign 星期六,02年5月20日06:54:25 +0000 我的胜利 kenbo. 52004 @ /讨论 我上过《苏格兰新闻报道》。强调取消的手术和对关节炎患者的影响。在Covid危机期间。我甚至让自己听起来很有条理。我对自己很满意。