年轻人的社区,与关节炎beplay体育怎么下载 https://community.versusarthritis.org/ 星期一,2022年6月27日22:58:25 + 0000 年轻人的社区,与关节炎beplay体育怎么下载 26岁,生活在髋关节OA https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/57934/26-and-living-with-oa-in-hip 星期五,2022年6月24日12:47:29 + 0000 年轻人的社区 Daisyjune 57934 @ /讨论 < p >你好!< / p > < p >我26,发现2年前,疼痛/我的臀部是由于缺乏流动性OA由于受损的骨头。

I'm a very active person, climbing mountains, going to the gym and doing different sports with my friends is my entire life, so I'm not coping with the fact that I'm continually losing the ability to do what I love. The doctors just tell me to 'do less' and 'accept and adapt' my life. But to me that just isn't an option. I've had a couple of steroid injections but the second one has only lasted about a month before the pain is coming back and I already feel like I'm out of options as its 'not bad enough' yet for the consultant to consider surgery.

I'm scared of losing my 20s/30s to constant pain. I want to travel but I don't know whether I'll even be able to walk very far in a few months or years as its just so unpredictable. It just feels like I've constantly got a huge weight pressing me down and I'm struggling with the depression and anxiety of trying to live with this.

I watch my 'normal' friends go about their lives and just get so sad and jealous that they can do whatever they want and I can't.

Has anyone had experience of having surgery this young? Is it worth trying to push for it or is life after a hip replacement going to be worse?

Thanks! x

分娩的膝盖替换 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/57907/partal-knee-replacement 结婚,2022年6月22日18:55:52 + 0000 年轻人的社区 Dizzytiggy 57907 @ /讨论 < p >昨天发现三年级OA在我的膝盖会成为年级4周如果他们现在作用于受损的墨盒。< / p > < p >我的唯一的选择是部分膝盖替换。< / p > < p >但在此之前我需要得到我的身体质量指数。< / p > < p > < br / > < / p > < p >我38 -这对我来说是毁灭性的。< / p > < p > < br / > < / p > < p >别人我的年龄必须这个过程吗? < / p > 青年调查与条件良好的沟通和支持“admin” https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/57680/youth-survey-on-good-communications-and-support-with-condition-admin 星期四,2022年5月26日13:01:45 + 0000 年轻人的社区 VAYPFSteam 57680 @ /讨论

Natasha - one of our Versus Arthritis Young People's Panel members - is currently running a survey open for young people aged 16-25 living with #arthritis or a related condition for another week.

It focuses on good communications between young people and healthcare professionals as well as support needed to manage the admin of having a long term health condition.

Natasha will be sharing the findings with the VA Panel to help support services and shape our work at Versus Arthritis. She will also be sharing the learning with healthcare professionals we work with across the UK later this year.

It only takes two minutes and we'd really appreciation your thoughts : forms.office.com/r/WXf13SfsDH

If you need help with anything that comes up in the survey or you're looking to get in touch with other young people living with arthritis then please contact the Young People and Families Service : YPFSUKTEAM@versusarthritis.org

You might also find our Versus Arthritis Tracker App useful to download - it helps track your condition over time : Arthritis tracker | Phone app | Versus Arthritis

选择一种药物 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/57564/choosing-a-medication 2022年5月12日星期四,20:33:42 + 0000 年轻人的社区 charlottexmaths 57564 @ /讨论 < p >你好,< / p > < p >我目前对甲氨蝶呤和8月以来。这让我很我,我真的想要的,但说实话,我不认为我可以处理任何药长期。精神上我不是做得很好,我认为这是一个大的一部分。药让我觉得像我要通过注射,但让我肚子疼。任何人在任何能使他们感觉好。我甚至不知道该做什么我不想带任何东西,但是我不知道如何解释我的感受,就像我的医生。< / p > < / p > < p >感谢 如何与慢性疼痛的人交朋友 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/53772/how-to-make-friends-with-people-with-chronic-pain 星期五,2021年3月05 13:35:30 + 0000 年轻人的社区 chloeday 53772 @ /讨论 < p >嘿!我只是贴在部分问好,但想要来这里看看任何人想要聊天或交换一些故事/症状吗?< / p > < p >我从来没有和任何人有关节炎或慢性疼痛是我的年龄之前,认为这将有助于我在愈合过程正如我在精神上很糟糕这封锁! !< / p > < p >我22,来自埃塞克斯,我喜欢化妆,艺术,喜欢谈论有趣的话题不仅仅是疾病! !❤️< / p > 成人有关节炎,30岁的未来事件 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/57439/adulting-with-arthritis-up-coming-event-for-16-30-year-olds 星期一,2022年4月25日12:31:48 + 0000 年轻人的社区 VAYPFSteam 57439 @ /讨论 < p > 2022年4月30日星期六< / p > < p > 11:00-15:00 < / p > < p >成为一个成年人是这样一个激动人心的时刻,但这也打开了一个全新的问题,其中很多你可能不知道是谁问或去哪里得到一些信息。< / p > < p >如果你是16 - 30岁的你可能会将成人,但是如何做呢?以及如何你成人有关节炎吗?< / p > < p >与关节炎是一个事件被运行在人成年年轻人生活在北爱尔兰(@ Mac)。< / p > < p >第一次,我们也为年轻人提供一个虚拟呼叫选项和成人生活在英国。我们还会有会议的录音之后也对那些不能让它。< / p > < p >你可以匿名提问同行,青年工人和医疗专业人员。你会听到从其他年轻人一直在旅行。< / p > < p >活动是免费的,但预订是至关重要的:< a href = " https://forms.office.com/r/u95Thq365R " rel = " nofollow noreferrer ugc " > https://forms.office.com/r/u95Thq365R < / > < / p > 生活与RA 24 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55979/living-with-ra-at-24 星期五,2022年1月14日22:41:12 + 0000 年轻人的社区 Becca22 55979 @ /讨论 < p >我想我应该写在这里,看看其他人有同样的感觉。我被诊断出患有风湿性关节炎在23岁的现在,我24,发现很难应对一切药物,疼痛我完全失去了自己的事实。我刚开始生物治疗,一切都是让我不知所措。我有非常糟糕的焦虑和抑郁现在我每天在边缘。我不确定如何适应自己现在我感觉我总是希望我可以回到我好。< / p > 很难告诉朋友 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/56131/hard-to-tell-friends 星期四,2022年1月27日13:04:24 + 0000 年轻人的社区 Bea371 56131 @ /讨论 < p >嗨伙计们,< / p > < p >我在我30岁的最后诊断为,我发现很难告诉我的朋友,经常感到孤独是因为疼痛,很难描述,但它是一个救济听到你们完全理解。如果有人幻想会议的咖啡☕️或者聊天,这将是伟大的❤️我位于伦敦市中心,是一个化妆师。我爱电影,时尚和艺术xx < / p > 有人挣扎在锻炼吗? https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/53166/does-anybody-struggle-with-exercise 星期四,2020年11月19日23:29:56 + 0000 年轻人的社区 Jamielee 53166 @ /讨论 < p >我觉得如此痛苦的做任何形式的运动,它让我沮丧,别人奋斗这个吗? < / p > 十年的关节炎 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/56000/a-decade-of-arthritis 星期一,2022年1月17日03:52:25 + 0000 年轻人的社区 BluesWalk 56000 @ /讨论 < p >嘿伙计们,我有关节炎,溃疡,溃疡!< / p > < p >我在20年代早期被诊断出来,我的积极的生活方式和下班的朋友圈减少,最终生病了。< / p > < p >在接下来的几年里我将继续觉得人类豚鼠与治疗,虽然我侵蚀周围人的耐心我投诉。< / p > < p >慢性疲倦和慢性疼痛成了我新的最好的兄弟如果爆发是坏的痛苦,这是没有错过体验生活的精神上的痛苦,因为我太累了。< / p > < p >十年后,我有一个妻子,一个抵押贷款,可怕的2 s组的双胞胎儿子。我有一个残疾的徽章为我自动汽车,皮普,甚至设法获得一些医用大麻!我计划我的行程提前,与一个年轻的家庭一样,总有大量的提升。我与医生和护士推回去,如果我觉得我没有听到。< / p > < p >我经常想到如何描述关节炎是什么样的,我想被关进监狱并总结。您可能希望留下的痛苦但是它每天问候你,你不能出去。

If you new to the prison, I have some recommendations.

1. Realise that no one is going to care about your body and health as much as you. Although people can empathise, they won't know what it's like and that's ok.

2. Most medicines will clash with booze, so I think Cannabis will push more into the Arthritis Community, as its legal now and we can be open and honest about its effects. This is not available on NHS but worth looking into!

I don't know what the next decade holds for me, hopefully my boys will give me some slack.


I have Arthritis, it does not have me

生活在类风湿性关节炎 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/53116/living-with-rheumatoid-arthritis 0000年结婚,2020年11月11日18:57:32 + 年轻人的社区 Jamielee 53116 @ /讨论

I have never had a friend my age who can understand what I go through, I’m a young girl and can’t handle work as I am really struggling with my arthritis, I can’t even walk round my block :( I also have bad anxiety so I don’t talk to people much about what I’m thinking or going through, i never like talking about my illness to anyone I always try and hide it, so I’m glad I can be myself in here x

这就跟你问声好!新来的,想自我介绍,23岁。的帮助! https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55517/hi-new-here-and-wanted-to-introduce-myself-as-at-23-help 坐,2021年11月13日10:17:00 + 0000 年轻人的社区 Lucy1 55517 @ /讨论 < p >大家好!< / p > < p >我想接触一些年轻的社区,我对关节炎和新发现的旅程挑战特别是因为我周围没有一个人经历类似。< / p > < p >我一直与慢性疼痛/伤害在我低腰,从我十几岁但诊断今年23岁。总是推保持非常活跃(我爱户外活动),直到这个去年发生了翻天覆地的变化在我的职业生涯路径和通过时间对我来说是一个巨大的斗争。对未来几年感到凄惨,这变得更糟。我目前经历的大爆发我的臀部/骨盆和想知道你们的一些经历以及你如何应对吗?< / p > < p >我在非甾体类抗炎药在医院诊断后3个月但最终胃肠道出血和我仍然对抗损伤的慢性胃炎。我在评论我的医生,我们要细读生物制剂。我时我大多数晚上睡觉之间采用冰敷我的腿来帮助处理疼痛和炎症,我一整天都在痛苦中无论什么活动或缺乏我做。朝前看我的胃康复,这样我就可以恢复其他药物(尽管破坏使我有点紧张)。任何提示炎症和疼痛的同时骨盆区在哪里? (I already do lots of swimming which has helped it a little and I'm a normal weight).

Also, I hadn't dealt with much pain in my hips until a couple of months ago. It feels very sudden onset in the area and it's really severe. Has anyone else had a similar experience?

Hope everyone on here has been going well, take care!

Oligoarthritis https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55455/oligoarthritis 星期四,2021年11月04 18:20:44 + 0000 年轻人的社区 JenHB 55455 @ /讨论 < p >的晚上,我在我的膝盖已经被诊断出患有oligoarthritis(没有任何问题与我的膝盖关节,直到几天后骑自行车度假今年8月此时左膝非常肿胀)。我在网上能找到的所有信息链接到少年关节炎(我37……)I had fluid drained from knees and steroids put in at the start of October which has made a huge difference. Currently not on any medication and got a follow up appointment early January. Anyone else had a similar experience/got advice on outlook? I'm normally very active but fortunately have been given the OK to do a bit more exercise...

骨关节炎和股骨头坏死 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55236/osteoarthritis-and-avascular-necrosis 星期二,2021年10月05 06:34:47 + 0000 年轻人的社区 Damonk96 55236 @ /讨论 < p >你好,我有一个摩托车事故与药物司机19个月前。我有一个金属盆骨板放在以及一起抱着我的腿。我需要尽快髋关节置换。它是通过纳菲尔德,但现在我已经ipt回到英国国民健康保险制度。因为它是一个复杂的操作,需要发生。我也保持崩溃和医生似乎并不在意我24岁,我想要做的是回去工作了。我也给Covid护士。< / p > 麻木的脑袋 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/55039/numbness-at-the-back-of-head 坐,04年9月2021 18:47:29 + 0000 年轻人的社区 bilal2986 55039 @ /讨论 < p >嘿大家希望你做的好!< / p > < p >我是一个18岁的男孩,我感觉麻木的我的头点击声音有时突然运动的头上。我是流浪的社区是否有人能帮我知道什么条件和什么治疗! < / p > https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/54960/new 星期二,2021年8月24日20:02:24 + 0000 年轻人的社区 Paige99 54960 @ /讨论 < p >你好,< / p > < p >我22岁,我被诊断出患有银屑病关节炎3个月回来。My arthritis is very progressive so I have started with strong meditation such as methotrexate, salazopyrin and prednisone.

At the moment I feel as if I am being silly, as I find it hard to open jars and after a few hours typing on my computer my wrist and finger are extremely sore and swollen...

Just wanna know if anyone has any advice on what relaxes them or helps with their joints that isn't medication

新成员,愿意介绍我自己和我的旅程x https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/54787/new-member-would-love-to-introduce-myself-and-my-journey-x 0000年结婚,2021年7月28日08:16:58 + 年轻人的社区 emily15 54787 @ /讨论 < p >大家好,< / p > < p > 5的时候我有一个巨大的爆发在我的膝盖,在我6岁的时候,我被诊断出患有青少年特发性关节炎在我的膝盖和手腕。< / p > < p >经历了持续的治疗,物理疗法,给液体布洛芬,类固醇注射等。这是可怕的,我记得努力加入我的朋友,我不能弯曲我的膝盖正确肿大,我不能蹲到我的膝盖像其他正常的孩子一样,我不能和我的双腿交叉坐在地毯上和其他人一样,我不得不坐在椅子上。< / p > < p >我很快习惯了我的痛苦,总是记得我的父母说我是如何处理它并没有打扰他们。< / p > < p >医生总是说我的…在我十几岁的时候我想我那个时候,疼痛开始缓解,我在萘普生,我觉得医生是对的。我从医院出院< / p > < p >我17岁时,我注意到他们开始伤害更多,就像一个不断的疼痛和痛苦,我回到医院,他们做了MRI扫描回来,我没有太多炎症在我的膝盖,我困惑了。但是他们做了类固醇注射在我的膝盖,第二天我觉得我被治愈了,这就是一个普通的17岁的膝盖感觉,大约一个星期后,我开始感觉疼痛,膝盖,回到医院,他们把我放在羟氯喹一天两次,然后我回去,他们也把我放在柳氮磺胺吡啶每天4次。他们都是DMARDs。< / p > < p >我觉得这在一定程度上,由于COVID我无法检查等,我现在21岁,我上周去检查看看是否有什么可以做的,我有一个规定Meloxicam x射线,这是一种非甾体抗炎药与胃酸和奥美拉唑来帮助。< / p > < p >疼痛感觉更糟的是,疼痛和坏的刚度不断苛刻,我觉得很累和疲惫,但这不是一个新的平板电脑的副作用。< / p > < p >我已经生活了16年,现在我在一个我不知道该怎么做,这听起来像是没有什么炎症,但会是什么?< / p > < p >,我捻发音开始发生在我十几岁时,如果我伸出我的腿的膝盖裂纹很糟糕,不引起疼痛,别人经历过吗?< / p > < p >任何人羟氯喹,柳氮磺胺吡啶,还是Meloxicam ?< / p > < p >谁有什么建议吗?感谢您阅读xx < / p > < p >编辑:我收到了我的来信我最近跟进上周,医生说,她认为我有骨关节炎和打电话,类固醇注射如果我想的话,这是一个好消息,我希望它有助于更长时间。< / p > 勇士 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/54778/warriors 星期二,2021年7月27日09:33:35 + 0000 年轻人的社区 54778 @ /讨论 < p >嘿家伙< / p > < p >我的名字是迪米从印度米新来的< / p > < p >我想满足青少年特发性关节炎的人居住在印度< / p > 耀斑ups和TTC https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/54683/flare-ups-ttc 星期四,2021年7月15日19:28:09 + 0000 年轻人的社区 Abbs06 54683 @ /讨论 < p >你好,< / p > < p >我在3月被诊断出患有风湿性关节炎,穿上强的松的课程我在…直到我salfasalizine踢。此时我感到好多了,减少了炎症…但是现在我已经从上个月的类固醇,我觉得我已经回到起点…。Plus 1 stone in weight which I managed to gain whilst taking the steroids (I’m on the large side anyway, so the extra weight was not welcome) 

My wrists and fingers are absolutely killing me, it’s hurting to even type this, not sure if I’m experiencing what you guys call a ‘flare up’ but I have lumps on where my wrist joints are and my fingers feel swollen and tight… From my shoulders down I just feel bruised and wince when I do simple tasks like answer my phone or push open doors, I’m 26 and have a 2 year old and we are currently actively trying for our second child so I don’t want to be put on anything that may affect that… But I just don’t know what to do My last blood test showed that my CRP and ESR levels had doubled, but I haven’t heard anything from my consultant so assume that’s ok? 

I just feel so low at the moment and in pain but am trying to plod along and brush it off… not the smartest approach I know, but I think I’ve just hit a wall ‍♀️ 

Any words of wisdom or experience from yourselves would be great! 


如何让自己听到当没有人似乎在听吗? https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/54383/how-to-make-yourself-heard-when-no-one-seems-to-be-listening 星期五,04年6月2021 15:47:00 + 0000 年轻人的社区 SPN97 54383 @ /讨论 < p >我二十四岁,可以诚实地说,我从来没想过要被迫,我的身体健康是首要任务。< / p > < p >但唉,我们在这里,关节炎。< / p > < p >文档称之为温和。它不会感觉到它。< / p > < p >我热衷于足球,但更多的是包含在一个活动,每个人似乎很喜欢我现在的想法。因为它发生的事情我想追求,以减轻孤立的感觉使这一问题雪上加霜。< / p > < p >我现在发现自己的位置的年轻男性,没有前景的(这就是似乎表面上)在现实生活中我是一个勤劳的工人,他只是需要一点额外的支持。< / p > < p >我有跳每一个箍如果躺在我面前;诊断、疼痛管理诊所(有些有用的应该说),治疗、运动等;然而,人们似乎仍然认为我在撒谎? Somehow trying to deceive them? WHAT POSSIBLE REASON COULD I HAVE FOR WANTING TO BE ARTHRITIC AT 24?!

The concomitant depression and anxiety are also feeling chronic, along with the pain, and I simply don't know what options I have to lead a life - not a normal life, I never expected this to be the case - but a life that involves people who CAN. I'm surrounded by these people who CAN. Everything seems so easy and light and frivolous. Whereas my life seems marred, prematurely, by this pained brush.

Waking up in the morning I'm greeted with a fine mist of opportunity and possibility that I try so so hard to dwell in, hoping that some may permeate into me. Every morning I feel devastated that today isn't the day that something, anything, slots into place.

I have discussed my personal situation so often and shed so many tears over this left knee that I've even considered infecting my entire leg to have it amputated. THIS IS AN OVER REACTION - I AM AWARE. But given that so few people from University in particular are willing to react at all to my vulnerability I feel it is my duty to OVER REACT!!!! MY ARTHRITIC LEG DESERVES SOME ATTENTION. SOME LOVE FOR A CHANGE.

Inevitably this bodily prison has had an impact on my emotional, interior life. In a world (society probably more apt) the body is so heavily focussed on, by me too, that I feel an utter failure not being able to live my life physically. I was, not too long ago, in really good physical condition. However, what people fail to understand is that the effort I know I must put into the gym etc. in order to compete is so far beyond what a healthy person has to.

AND THEN, as I know every arthritis sufferer the world over has experienced, the lockdowns happened and no support whatsoever was available (speaking as a University student here with no option for income).

Initially I was looking forward to some respite from the constant effort of doing normal things. Now, however, I am completely terrified of doing most things as my leg feels so much weaker than it did. The solution to this is of course exercise, but I simply can't reconcile my interior self with my bodily self. It is very frustrating and as much as I understand that projection helps nothing in a case such as this I can't help but worry, excessively, over how I'm going to manage this for the rest of my life.

I don't think I'm in a place to receive suggestions I think I simply need an acknowledgement that this condition makes answering any question concerning desire to live life far more difficult to answer.

有人曾引发关节炎软骨穿刺吗? https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/53998/has-anyone-had-a-cartilage-piercing-that-triggered-arthritis 妈,05年4月2021 07:18:19 + 0000 年轻人的社区 MichelleRA 53998 @ /讨论 < p >我想让我的耳朵软骨刺穿,我找不到任何信息对RA是否它是安全的。我不想引发RA耀斑:(< / p > 甲氨蝶呤 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/53929/methotrexate 星期四,2021年3月25日12:16:56 + 0000 年轻人的社区 JadeV2000 53929 @ /讨论 < p >我只是把21和女性被诊断出患有银屑病关节炎。他们现在落后于我甲氨蝶呤。

I am terrified

all of the side affects and problems that can arise are so scary as I’ll be on these long term and don’t want to mess my system up even more. Please help

我怎么解释? https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/53187/how-do-i-explain 0000年结婚,2020年11月25日12:03:01 + 年轻人的社区 YvonneH 53187 @ /讨论 < p >嗨< data-username =“ah_1”data-userid = " 115458 " rel =“nofollow”href = " https://community.versusarthritis.org/profile/ah_1 " > @ah_1 < / >、< data-username =“Aching_not_breaking”data-userid = " 115538 " rel =“nofollow”href = " https://community.versusarthritis.org/profile/Aching_not_breaking " > @Aching_not_breaking < / >和< data-username =“Jamielee”data-userid = " 115558 " rel =“nofollow”href = " https://community.versusarthritis.org/profile/Jamielee " > @Jamielee < / > < / p > < p >我刚见到你都说你很难跟家人和朋友,,真的很难做。但也许他们正在等待你帮助他们开始交谈关节炎如何影响你和如何帮助。这就是在我们的网站上另一个人共享< a href = " //www.wfysxh.com/ " rel = " nofollow noreferrer ugc " > //www.wfysxh.com/ < / > < / p > < div data-embedjson = " {“body":“乔治Ivil他15岁时被诊断出患有enthesitis-related关节炎。读他的故事!”,“photoUrl":“https: www.wfysxh.com \ / \ / \ /媒体\ / 12974 \ /乔治-在足球- 600 x380.jpg"“url":“https: www.wfysxh.com \ / \ / \ / \ / 2019新闻\ / \ / the-hardest-thing-was-talking-to-people-about-it-it-s-definitely-a-pride-thing \ /“,“embedType":“link",“name":“”最困难的事情是与人交谈。It’s definitely a pride thing.”"}"> //www.wfysxh.com/news/2019/may/the-hardest-thing-was-talking-to-people-about-it-it-s-definitely-a-pride-thing/

Communication is hard but there is help in the section on your relationships. I find using I messages really good, so saying At times I need to choose whether I want help and what that help is to be.


I do hope that hasn't been too much information, it is wonderful you have each other to care for now and that friendship can last for ever - I hope

Take care

Yvonne x

在COVID建议去看医生 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/53034/advice-on-going-to-the-doctors-during-covid 太阳,2020年10月25日13:36:20 + 0000 年轻人的社区 CarysF 53034 @ /讨论 < p >大家好!< / p > < p >我是新来的,我24岁,我相信在我的膝盖关节炎的早期阶段。妇女在我的母亲的一面都有关节炎,所以它是传递给我。我妈妈都膝盖取代在她四十多岁的时候。< / p > < p >我的膝盖一直有点脆而痛苦的时候,但最近我认为他们已经变得更糟,所以我想让球滚起来跟我的医生评估我的膝盖广告密切关注他们如何。我只是感到有点焦虑,尤其是COVID期间,我将得到搪塞的医生告诉我现在还不够坏,或者我需要减肥。我承认我是一个弯曲的女孩,但我经常锻炼,pescatarian饮食不可能都是重量。我把血压药物治疗原发性高血压,医生爱用盐水浸泡我的体重在那些检查ups。我一直服用氨基葡萄糖补充但不够了,晚上他们伤害和觉得他们不支持我在我锻炼和日常活动,以及他们使用。有人有什么建议或鼓励的话语如何进行呢? Thanks in advance.

OA在臀部在28日!没有任何解释 https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/52053/oa-in-both-hips-at-28-no-explanation 2020年5月05日星期二09:42:22 + 0000 年轻人的社区 rcnz 52053 @ /讨论 < p >你好,< / p > < p >我被诊断出患有OA在臀部(只有MRI在左,回来中度严重)由于移民到另一个国家我不能访问医生,直到我的活力来自明年和我的医生在英国很糟糕(外科医生不是rhumatologist)他基本上是它是什么,给我说没有理由我的臀部被筋疲力尽的这样一个年轻的年龄。第四总是脆膝,这不是让我担心我也有在我的膝盖。我在建设和工作我很害怕有一天我将不得不停止工作。< / p > < p >谁知道多久你可以有严重的关节炎和抵御髋关节置换?任何人有任何指导,原因behidn吗?< / p > < p >希望你都好< / p > < p > Russ < / p >