COVID-19的疫苗 - 您的问题已回答


Last updated: 22 December 2021

There are some types of arthritis which are caused by the body’s immune system, which usually protects us from infection. When the immune system is affected by arthritis or drugs to treat the condition, the risk from COVID-19 is increased.


Vaccines are a good way for people with rheumatology conditions to stay safe. Vaccines teach the immune system to recognise infections, stopping people becoming unwell.

你可以find out more about vaccines on ourVaccinations webpage

When will people with arthritis receive the vaccine?

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation has produced someadvice on the COVID-19 vaccine and priority groups to decide the order in which people should receive the vaccine


Who can get the vaccine currently?

The vaccine is currently available to everyone over 12. People aged over 16 will be contacted by the NHS when it’s their turn to get the vaccine.

那些年龄在12至15岁之间的人能够服用两剂辉瑞-biontech Covid-19疫苗,第二剂在第一次剂量后12周。您可以在我们的网页上找到更多信息:新冠肺炎 |儿童和年轻人的信息。


你可以find out who is able to get a third dose of the vaccine, and a booster dose, in the sections below.

在英国, you can access theonline national booking system在上午7点至晚上11点之间进行预约或致电119。

In Scotland, if you're in the priority groups, you should already have been invited for the vaccine. If you haven't, contact your GP or访问NHS信息网站。你可以在线预约,如果您有资格获得疫苗。


In Northern Ireland, if you’re 18 or older, you can在线预约


有些事情你可以降低你的风险COVID-19 outside the home, such as wearing a mask, washing your hands regularly, and keeping a distance from other people as much as possible. All healthcare settings delivering the vaccine, including GP practices, still require patients to wear a mask and maintain social distance to lower the COVID-19 risk.

If you are offered the vaccine and delay taking it, you leave yourself at risk of COVID-19.


有一些报道的人接受已婚的女人dulent calls, emails and text messages offering the COVID-19 vaccination. The vaccine is not available privately and a genuine contact from the NHS won’t ask for payment as the vaccine is free.



This is because research has found that people in this group are less likely to have received a good level of protection from their first two doses of the vaccine. A third dose is being offered to this group to try to increase their initial levels of protection.

Booster jabs are being offered to everyone over 18, and some people in other age groups, three months after the last dose of their initial course. See the section below for details on who can have a booster dose.

您可以下载流程图,以帮助您解决,如果您有资格获得第三剂量或Covid-19疫苗的助推器(PDF, 57 KB).


Who will receive a third dose of the vaccine?

In September 2021, the JCVI announced that people who have severely suppressed immune systems at the time of their first and second doses of the vaccine would be able to get a third dose.

This is not a booster dose, but an additional ‘top-up’ dose to increase protection from COVID-19 for people who may not have not had a good response from the first two doses. People who have a third dose will be offered their booster after three months. Your GP or rheumatology team will invite you for your booster dose when it's due.

根据JCVI的指导,the British Society of Rheumatology (BSR)has recommended that that most people who were taking the following treatments during the time of their first two doses, be offered a third dose of the vaccine:


A third dose is recommended at least 8 weeks after the second dose of the vaccine.


Rheumatology teams and GPs have been asked to review their patient records and invite people with severely suppressed immune systems to get their third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Everyone who is eligible for a third dose of the vaccine should have been contacted by either their rheumatology team or GP by 11 October.

If you have not been invited to receive a third dose, but you think you should have been, you should contact your GP or rheumatology team.


你可以下载此信件模板以帮助您注册GP,以免受到严重免疫抑制。(PDF, 116KB)



Booster doses will be available for the following people:

  • 18岁及以上的人
  • people who live and work in care homes
  • 一线健康和社会护理工作者
  • 16岁及以上的人患有健康状况,这使他们处于高风险中,即从Covid-19患病,但没有受到严重抑制的免疫系统(改为提供第三个初始剂量的疫苗))
  • 16岁及以上的照顾者
  • people aged 16 and over who live with someone who is more likely to get infections (such as someone who has lupus or rheumatoid arthritis).





Covid-19有许多开发疫苗,但我们不知道何时可以使用。到目前为止,在英国可使用三种Covid-19疫苗 - 辉瑞/Biontech疫苗,牛津阿斯利康疫苗和现代疫苗。


If you’ve already had the first dose of your Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine, you should still get your second dose. If you have a condition that causes problems with how your blood clots, speak to your healthcare professional for advice.



There are many different types of vaccinations for COVID-19 in development around the world, which act in slightly different ways to cause the immune system to respond.


Could my medication or condition mean I can’t have the COVID-19 vaccine?

People with some types of arthritis take medicines to suppress the immune system. In general people on these treatments need to avoid live vaccines. You can find out more about live vaccines and how they can affect people taking drugs to suppress the immune system on our疫苗接种网页

All of the COVID-19 vaccines available in the UK are safe for people with arthritis and people taking drugs that suppress the immune system, even if your condition is active.

The Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines are not made from a real virus, and people who take medicines to suppress the immune system can have these vaccines.


People on drugs that suppress the immune system are on the priority list for vaccination that has been produced by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI).

Is one vaccine more suitable than another for people who are on drugs that suppress the immune system?

没有充分的证据表明疫苗suitable than another for people who are on drugs that suppress the immune system. It may take many months of further research to determine this.

People with suppressed immune systems who need a third dose of the vaccine will usually be offered the Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna vaccine if they’re over 18, regardless of what initial vaccine they received for their first and second doses. However, JCVI guidance does allow for Oxford AstraZeneca to also be used for third doses if it is available. The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine is preferred for third doses in people aged 12 to 17.




Some people who are taking drugs that suppress the immune system may be given advice to continue avoiding exposure to COVID-19 after they have had the vaccination. This is because their medications could mean their immune system doesn't respond as strongly to the vaccine as people who don't take these drugs.


The OCTAVE study is exploring the effectiveness of the vaccine after two doses in people with autoimmune conditions. Read more about the八度研究及其初始结果



If you’re already taking medicines that suppress the immune system, you shouldn’t stop or delay these to have the vaccine, as doing this could cause you to have a flare-up, which can increase your risk from COVID-19.

If you haven’t yet started treatment with medicines that suppress the immune system, or if you’re about to have a repeat course of treatment to suppress the immune system, it might be a good idea to delay this for a period after you have had a dose of the vaccine. But you should only think about doing this if your rheumatology team say that it is safe to delay your treatment.

Everyone in the UK will need to follow government advice on reducing the spread of COVID-19, even after they have had the vaccine. People who are clinically extremely vulnerable will need to follow the local advice for this group, even if they have been vaccinated against COVID-19.

Can I have the vaccine if I am taking steroids?

It’s fine for you to have the vaccine while you’re taking类固醇。如果您服用类固醇或最近有一个,没有理由推迟疫苗类固醇注射或完成类固醇治疗的过程。



Do children need to have the vaccine?


The government has said that children aged between 12 and 15 can receive two doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.



It’s recommended that pregnant women are offered either the Moderna or Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine at the same time as the rest of their age group, or if they are at an increased risk of COVID-19 due to a medical condition or treatment.

If you have already received a dose of the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine and are pregnant, it’s still fine for you to have a second dose of this vaccine.

It’s recommended that breastfeeding women can receive any of the available COVID-19 vaccines, as long as it’s suitable for them. Trials on using the vaccines during pregnancy and breastfeeding are still in the early stages, but there is nothing to suggest that they are harmful during pregnancy or breastfeeding.




Are there any side effects?

The person giving you the vaccine will be able to let you know about any side effects that you can expect, and these may differ depending on which of the vaccines you have. It’s common to have some pain at the injection site following a vaccination.

As well as pain at the site of the injection, you may other side effects that include feeling tired, achy, feverish or sick, or have a headache. If you do have side effects, they usually come on shortly after the vaccination and are not linked with more serious or lasting illness.

如果您对疫苗有任何不良反应,请务必告诉医疗保健专业人员,以便他们将其报告给Yellow Card Scheme。Anyone is free to use the scheme to report adverse reactions, but it’s still important to tell a healthcare professional if this happens to you.

How long will the vaccine take to work?

All three of the vaccines are thought to offer short-term protection after the first dose. The second dose is important for longer-term protection from COVID-19.


建议对严重抑制免疫系统的人进行第三次疫苗。This is being given as a ‘top-up’ to increase protection levels for people who may not have had a full response to their first two doses, rather than as a booster to stop high immunity levels from lowering.

Do you still need the vaccine if you have had COVID-19?



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