“The relationship between sport, exercise and OA is complex"

09 July 2020
Professor James Bilzon, researchers in a lab and a lady with her running medal.

Exercise is one of the best things you can do to improve your symptoms of arthritis.

我们支持重要的研究,以进一步了解这一点,包括我们的研究中心之一 -运动,运动和骨关节炎与关节炎中心beplay体育怎么下载, based at Nottingham Universities Hospitals NHS Trust, working alongside the Universities of Nottingham, Bath, Oxford, Southampton, Loughborough and Leeds.

由于该中心成立于2012年,所以making strides towards understanding the links between sport exercise and osteoarthritis , and developing ways to help keep people active throughout their lives.

We’re delighted to announce Professor James Bilzon as the new director of the centre.


Tell us about yourself and your research background

Since my first academic appointment at the University of Bath (as Director of Studies for the MSc in Sport and Exercise Medicine) my research has increasingly focused on exercise-based rehabilitation in the prevention and management of disabling conditions and chronic diseases.


My research has always had a strong focus of health and exercise.

I studied Sports Science at Loughborough University and worked with the Ministry of Defence (MoD), before moving to the Institute of Naval Medicine, where I studied for my PhD and focussed on nutrition, physical training and injury prevention research.



The relationship between sport,exerciseosteoarthritisis both complex and intriguing. It’s no secret that some sports can present a small risk of musculoskeletal injuries, which can, increase the future risk of osteoarthritis.



Understanding how sport, exercise training and general movement can contribute to a reduced osteoarthritis risk profile is crucial to support public health advice and reduce the global impact of arthritis.

How does the research at the centre benefit people with arthritis?


  • 分层护理和个性化医学以及
  • 生命过程对肌肉骨骼健康的影响。

Valuable insight from patient representatives also steers our research strategy to ensure it delivers tangible patient benefit.

We work closely with Versus Arthritis to provide expert advice and input into patient-facing initiatives.

Including being part of the Versus Arthritis Physical Activity Expert Advisory Group, helping to shape patient-facing services based on the latest scientific evidence.


Our Centre has benefited enormously from the leadership provided by Professor Mark Batt over the last 8 years. We’ve worked hard to ensure a smooth transition and I hope to continue that style of leadership for our talented research ‘family’.

We continue to work closely with Versus Arthritis to ensure our evidence is rapidly translated into user-focused advice, guidance and services to help people living with arthritis.

How is the centre adapting its research to the COVID-19 world?

There’s no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on our research, but this has raised opportunities as well as challenges.

Some centre staff and some equipment have been redeployed to support COVID-19 related clinical trials. We’ve also put some new clinical trials on hold until we can safely recruit patients again.


We expect to be back in our research laboratories very soon and are developing procedures to ensure social distancing and the safety of our staff, students and participants.

There has been a renewed focus on our research to engage people with osteoarthritis using digital tools and platforms which will inform and motivate them to remain fit, strong and active during this period.

有关更多信息关节炎和运动exercises to manage pain.

Read more about our research

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