


在这里,她分享了自己的经验并与Toby聊天,Toby是一位自适应的冲浪教练表面性,,,,about living with the mental and physical impact of arthritis.

表面性is a community company working to make surfing as inclusive as possible for people with additional needs.

“一点点,人们看到我的方式以及我如何看待自己,从运动变成了懒惰。”- 安哈拉德的故事

我曾经喜欢运动成长,但是当我背疼started around the age of 15, thepainand疲劳意味着我会定期找到积极避免运动的方法。





By opening up new possibilities, lessons with Surfability can change your perspective, as well those of your family and friends, who are invited to be part of the lessons.

After reading more about Surfability, I learnt that one of their coaches, Toby lives with强直性脊柱炎。Diagnosed in 2015, Toby continued coaching at Surfability and he discovered how the sport has helped him live with his arthritis.

“我开始对背部/脊柱状况进行自己的研究,并遇到强直性脊柱炎(AS)。”- 托比的故事



“I have found surfing to be very useful in helping me to live with ankylosing spondylitis.”



了解我的姿势产生了很大的影响。我还改变了饮食,因为某些食物会增加某些人的炎症。 It’s been trial and error, but it’s made me more aware of what works for me. 


My flare ups normally consist of chronic fatigue, pain in my lower back and hips, stiff joints, occasionally costochondritis and most recently uveitis.


Teaching means I am constantly active and I’m not fixating about how much pain I’m in.

Seeing the smiling faces, hearing the laughter and contributing to people’s joy, gives me inspiration and makes me realise it’s not all doom and gloom.



The physical side of surfing has proved beneficial as it requires different types of movement. From carrying the surfboard down the beach, paddling out through waves to navigating your way across the changing surface of the water.






Adapting my mindset has been the biggest thing for me, my flare ups would make me feel very negative towards most things. I took steps to be aware of how I was thinking and how I could change my thinking.

For example, if I felt like I couldn’t go to the gym one day, that’s fine, days off are needed.

“Learning to live with my arthritis was really difficult at first.”

I spent a long time feeling ashamed and embarrassed. I thought that people would treat me differently and think that I'm disabled, or they might think I was lying because of look ‘fit and healthy.’



“Be inspired to take control.” - final words from Angharad

Toby has inspired me to override my fear and uncertainty of exercise, to not give up if I flare up - but instead adapt and get into the water and try surfing!

A lot of my life has been trying to advance despite arthritis. What Toby does is to demonstrate how you can work with the challenges of arthritis.


beplay体育怎么下载与关节炎具有惊人的资源运动方式,,,,including on how to get started and what types of movement may work best for you.

Toby and I may have different careers, but we’ve shared our challenges and hopes together, and we’ve learnt how to grow together.

Versus Arthritis provides opportunities to connect with other people with arthritis, which is so vital when you’re first diagnosed.

Read otherpeople’s stories关于他们如何患有关节炎。这些是一个很好的提醒,您并不孤单。


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