Arthritis and kitchen hacks: easy ways to eat well


Planning meals, pacing yourself and eating a healthy diet will help you keep your arthritis in check. Check out our top kitchen hacks and advice from people living with arthritis to get you started.

Making the most of your store cupboard

A well-stocked store cupboard is the first step towards being able to cook tasty and healthy meals. Here’s some easy ideas for you to try.

Use tinned sardines and mackerel for a boost ofomega 3 fish oils,这些在沙拉中效果很好,用烤土豆或简单地烤面包。

Tinned tomatoes are a versatile ingredient. You can make a big batch of tomato sauce and freeze portions to use when you are ready. It can work well as a base for pasta sauces, chilli or curry.

为什么不尝试香料姜黄, garlic and生姜to add more flavour? Some studies have shown that these can reduce inflammation and pain. Learn more about thedifferent types of complementary treatments.

Love your freezer

水果和蔬菜是梅nstay of a healthy diet and make dishes tasty. Many are also packed with nutrients but cutting and chopping can be painful.


“Avoid emptying heavy vegetable pans of water, put the veg in a colander and then put into the water to cook. Then use the veg water for soup stock.“


Frozen vegetables can sometimes have more nutrients in them than fresh and will count towards your five a day. Having a bag of peas in the freezer means you’ll never be short of a vegetable to serve with your main meals.

Check out热爱食物,讨厌废物的存储A-Z有关如何使食物新鲜更长的指南。


TheLiving Made Easy website就小工具和设备提供有用的建议,以使日常活动更轻松。

Here's some suggestions you've shared with us:

  • An electric tin opener is a must.
  • 微波炉烹饪。它使用较少的水,烹饪容器可能是两个处理的。
  • Lightweight pans are easier to lift and double handled are easier to handle.
  • 用电动蒸锅煮蔬菜,或在锅中放漏液,因此无需抬起锅即可滤水
  • Try using a lighter travel kettle.
  • Cut up food with scissors, it can be easier than using a knife.
  • 您可以购买可以更容易握住的改装餐具,以及在厨房表面上不滑的底部的斩波板。



看看我们的Inspire杂志的食谱,其中包括一系列simple family dishesto无烤迷你芝士蛋糕.

Check out our online community and readstore cupboard thread for more foodie inspiration.

Taking a seat


For instance, if your bowls, knives and chopping boards are all in different areas of the kitchen, pull them into one useful area. That way, you don’t have to move around very much, making cooking that bit easier. Have an area where you can sit down and work on the kitchen counter, or have a low table and chair, so you don’t have to stand for long periods.


Slow cookers can do all the work for you; you can throw in meat and/or veg and let the cooker do the rest.

If you struggle to cook, but still want to eat homemade meals, one way is to cook a big meal, or several if you have the energy on that day, then divide them up and freeze them. That way, on the other days in the week, you can use your energy to do another activity. Your meals will already be prepared, just get them out of the freezer when you need them.

Share your experiences to help others

Suzette was diagnosed withosteoarthritisin 2013. It affected mainly her spine and hips and made going about her normal life very painful.

When she started to research more about the Mediterranean diet and which foods might help decrease her arthritis symptoms. This helped her to feel better informed and how diet could play a positive role in her journey back to wellness.


“The physiotherapist also gave me a booklet on eating well which mentioned the link between food and arthritis symptoms. The main recommendation was to adopt a more Mediterranean-style diet.

“This really struck a chord with me. Firstly, as I was born in Gibraltar, I already had a good understanding of what was meant by eating in a Mediterranean way. Secondly, the notion that symptoms could be improved by eating certain foods was very edifying.

“I already had quite a healthy diet and cooked mainly from scratch. The main changes I made were to considerably increase my intake of extra virgin olive oil, garlic, oily fish, walnuts, almonds, ginger and raw salads. I also cut down on those foods I knew worsened my symptoms.”

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