
23 February 2022
A lady meditating and holding her fingers in a relaxing yoga pose.

It’s important to try to be kind to your mind and your body when you live with arthritis.


When you’re in pain, getting ‘comfortable’ to relax your mind may feel challenging. Here’s some advice and tips to give you a positive toolkit of meditation and mindfulness techniques.

We’re all different and finding what feels right and works for you is important. It might be that you choose yoga as your preferred meditative exercise or you find that 5 minutes practicing breathing exercises every morning helps.

Learnhow breathing exercises can help you relax and ease insomnia and pain.

What is mindfulness?


Some people find the practice helpful as it can relax the mind and with regular practice it can change thinking patterns to encourage physical and emotional wellbeing.


“We often don’t realise that our minds are constantly chattering, which can be stressful. What will I make for tea? How am I going to manage in 10 years’ time? You have to bring yourself back to the here and now – push negative thoughts away. Stress intensifies pain, but being mindful means, I am less stressed, so the pain is more manageable.”


Read more aboutcomplementary therapies and which ones might be right for you.

What are the benefits of meditation and mindfulness?

Studies have documented a variety of benefits from practising regular meditation and mindfulness. By taking the time to look after ourselves, we can take a pause, recognise how we feel, take time to recharge, understand how our minds work and experiment with activities to help sooth our wellbeing.

These can vary from yoga, tai chi, relaxing breathing or using a guided meditation app such asHeadspace或者Calm.

Read more from the NHS about thebenefits of mindfulness

“I use a combination of methods to help manage my pain. I use mindfulness, stretching exercises, walking, arthritis gloves, a TENS machine, analgesic gels as well as painkillers. I try to go walking and cycling as much as possible and having a mainly positive attitude has helped me get through.”


Tuning into your thoughts and being aware how you feel can be beneficial to you and to others living with arthritis.

“Being able to link up with other young people has completely changed the way I feel about my condition. I used to feel very alone. I hope that this (Arthritis Tracker) app helps other young people to become part of a community who are here to support each other.”


我们针对年轻人的关节炎跟踪器应用程序正在帮助受影响的人跟踪疼痛,疲劳和情绪健康等症状。Read more about the app.

Find what works for you

There are many different techniques you can try if you’re new to mindfulness and meditation.

For Sharon, noticing the small joys in everyday and keeping a gratitude diary has helped her. Read沙龙的故事.



Full body stretching: Evening routine


Here are our tips to help you get started with meditation, breathwork and mindfulness:

  • Find a place to practice which is comfortable for you. This can be inside your home, in the garden, out in nature or during a break in your working day. For your meditation, you can choose whether to be seated, standing or walking.
  • Choose a regular time that works for you, whether that’s first thing in the morning or before you go to sleep.
  • Set aside an amount of time that feels right.
  • 实验并找到自己喜欢的东西。如果10分钟的会议听relaxing musicgives you the boost you need or if you prefer a weekly yoga session, that’s all ok.
  • 如果您进行冥想,并且您的思想会分心,那也可以。如果发生这种情况,只需让思想来来去去。
