MSK Calculator FAQ

What is the Musculoskeletal Calculator?


What estimates are available?

在这个阶段估计可供osteoarthritis of the hip and knee (general (i.e. total)/severe), back pain (general (i.e. total)/severe) and rheumatoid arthritis for England and Scotland. Estimates for Wales and high risk of fragility fractures for all countries are expected to be available soon. Prevalence estimates for Northern Ireland are not possible due to a lack of local risk factor data.


Location Osteoarthritis (hip/knee) Back pain Rheumatoid arthritis High risk of fragility fracture
England YES - LA, CCG YES - LA, CCG 是的-CCG NO - TBC
Scotland 是的-LA,HB 是的-LA,HB YES - HB NO - TBC
Northern Ireland NO - N/A NO - N/A NO - N/A NO - N/A

为什么我们开发了the Musculoskeletal Calculator?


Why are they estimates?


What data sources were used to calculate local estimates?


Condition Source of numerator Description of source 分母的来源
Osteoarthritis (hip/knee) The English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) Wave 1 (2000/01) – Wave 5 (2010/11) 艾尔莎(Elsa)是对50岁及其年轻伴侣的大型多中心和多学科研究,居住在英格兰的私人家庭中。

This survey was chosen because the sample used in ELSA was designed to be nationally representative and osteoarthritis is most common in those aged over 45 years of age.

The survey uses patient-reported doctor diagnosed disease criteria; it includes questions concerning limitations with activities of daily living allowing us to differentiate disease severity.
ONS mid-year population estimates for 2012.

People aged 45 and over only.
Back pain Health Survey for England (HSE) 2011 HSE是对成年人和儿童的年度调查,是国家和地区级别的整个人口的代表,旨在衡量与健康和健康相关的行为。

This survey was chosen because it contains several questions around pain or discomfort and specifically chronic pain, which allows us to differentiate disease severity.
ONS mid-year population estimates for 2012.

People of all ages.
Rheumatoid arthritis Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD)-extracted 23/01/15 The CPRD is governmental, not-for-profit research service that provides anonymised primary care records for public health research.

ONS mid-year population estimates for 2015.

High risk of fragility fracture TBC TBC TBC


Condition Source of numerator Description of source 分母的来源
Osteoarthritis (hip/knee) Scottish Health Survey (SHeS) 2012-14 SHE是对成人和儿童的年度调查,可定期提供有关公众与健康与健康相关行为方面的信息。

This survey was chosen because it contains the relevant health questions and additional risk factor statistics needed to estimate the prevalence of these conditions, which cannot be obtained from other sources.
General Practice workforce and practice population statistics 01.04.2016

People aged 45 and over only.
Back pain Scottish Health Survey (SHeS) 2012-14 Same as above General Practice workforce and practice population statistics 01.04.2016

People aged over 18 years.
Rheumatoid arthritis Scottish Health Survey (SHeS) 2012-14 Same as above General Practice workforce and practice population statistics 01.04.2016

High risk of fragility fracture TBC TBC TBC

1Note –population estimates at health board level for RA do not always match those for Back Pain. This is not an error but a consequence of missing local data. The RA MSK Calculator model uses deprivation as a risk factor for RA, however missing deprivation scores were identified for six GP practices and were therefore not included in the model. This accounts for a total population difference of 37,576 people. This discrepancy does not affect Local Authority estimates.

How are the estimates calculated?


  • Identify risk factors: A literature review was conducted via the MedLine database and supplemental references provided by Versus Arthritis to identify risk factors and comorbidities (if applicable) associated with an outcome (i.e. osteoarthritis of the hip/knee).
  • Choose data source: Several existing data sources were analysed (i.e. HSE, ELSA, GLS, CPRD) to identify which dataset best records the outcome in question (i.e. osteoarthritis of the hip/knee). The final data source was selected based on its data qualities (i.e. validity, completeness, timeliness etc.). For example, ELSA is more specific than HSE or GLS, because it allows a specific type of arthritis to be recorded, which was an important reason for selecting it when examining outcomes (i.e. osteoarthritis of the hip/knee)
  • 数据映射:文献综述中确定的风险因素和合并症(如果适用)在数据集中绘制了以确定1.)丢失数据的比例2.)需要多次插补以弥补丢失的数据和3.)在回归模型中包含风险因素数据。
  • Regression modelling and validation: Baseline characteristics and regression analysis was conducted via Stata 11 to identify the relationship between risk factors and comorbidities (if applicable) available in the dataset and the outcome variable (i.e. osteoarthritis of the hip/knee). Sensitivity and specificity were calculated using the area under the ROC curve to validate results.
  • Synthetic estimation: application of the model to small population data: Derived Odds Ratios from regression modelling were then used to estimate prevalence of the condition in small population subgroups (i.e. General Practice and Middle Layer Super Output Area (MLSOA) populations) using local population breakdowns for each risk factor where available.


肌肉骨骼计算器的数字和百分比是基于统计模型的估计值。However, the data sources used to produce these models and estimates are designed to give a representative picture for the whole of England. National bodies routinely use survey data: for example, ELSA is jointly funded by UK government departments and the National Institute on Aging (USA) and “helps the government plan health care services and pensions systems to accurately meet the needs of older people”.

How did we identify data on the risk factors?


As with all datasets, some data was missing, in which specific statistical techniques were used that take into account missing data.

What locally available risk factor data was used to calculate the local prevalence estimates?

Osteoarthritis (hip/knee) Back pain Rheumatoid arthritis
Age group
Socioeconomic factors
Smoking status
Membership at gym/sports club
Age group
Socioeconomic factors
Smoking status

How can you know how many people have osteoarthritis or back pain if so many go undiagnosed?

There is no simple test for conditions like osteoarthritis or back pain, diagnoses vary greatly between individual GPs and across general practices. GPs often use symptom labels such as 'knee pain' rather than a diagnostic label of osteoarthritis and by the time someone has a GP appointment, their back pain may have subsided.


Similarly, the Musculoskeletal Calculator defined someone as having back pain as survey respondents who said they are 1. currently troubled by pain or discomfort, 2. the pain or discomfort lasted for more than three months, and 3. the site of the pain was identified as “back pain”.


Total includes all cases of osteoarthritis of the hip or knee or back pain. Severe includes cases that would require special attention, and additional resources, from healthcare providers and commissioners.

严重的骨关​​节炎(臀部/膝盖)and back pain are defined as follows:

Condition Definition
严重的骨关​​节炎(臀部/膝盖) This severity of osteoarthritis was determined using two survey questions:
  • “大多数时候的疼痛严重程度”
  • 'Difficulty walking ¼ mile unaided'.
Respondents were deemed to have 'severe' osteoarthritis if their answers included any one of the following statements:

They have severe pain most of the time (as opposed to 'mild' or 'moderate').

They're unable to walk ¼ mile unaided (as opposed to 'no', 'some' or 'much difficulty').

Back pain 背部疼痛的严重程度是使用基于GCPS 2.0版的慢性疼痛等级确定的:

Grade 0 - no pain problem
Grade I – Low intensity, low interference
II级 - 高强度
Grade III – Moderate interference (limiting)
Grade IV – Severely interference (limiting)


Where can I learn more about what you are doing for people with a musculoskeletal condition?

beplay体育怎么下载与关节炎is constantly seeking to make sure that the needs of people with musculoskeletal conditions are considered when decisions are made about the healthcare system. You can learn more about what we’re asking politicians to do by reading our manifesto.

