

We work in partnership with others to maximise the impact of our research funding and allow us to achieve more than we could do on our own. We work with organisations across the UK and abroad including other research funders, universities, hospitals and commercial organisations. Some examples of our exciting partnership work are highlighted below.



UKMSK TRC的简介from the previous Chair, Professor Costantino Pitzalis

英国MSK TRC是什么?

The UK Musculoskeletal Translational Research Collaboration (UK MSK TRC) is a joint initiative between Versus Arthritis and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) for early phase translational research. The collaboration brings together our previous investment in Experimental Arthritis and Osteoarthritis Treatment Centres with the NIHR infrastructure through their relevant Biomedical Research Centres.

By bringing together national expertise in musculoskeletal translational research, the collaboration aims to create a UK-wide ambition and focus to drive cutting edge translational research and will move us closer towards a world free from pain, fatigue and isolation of arthritis. The UK MSK TRC will also provide industry with streamlined access to world leading academic clinicians and scientists with expertise in conditions including:

  • 结缔组织疾病
  • inflammatory arthritis
  • osteoarthritis
  • 疼痛

In addition, by providing a network of expertise and a collaboration in which to undertake clinical studies, we hope that this collaboration will stimulate industry activity in musculoskeletal research and will play a role in increasing the investment in musculoskeletal research to levels that equate the scale of the impact of arthritis.

英国MSK TRC与健康和护理生态系统的所有领域合作,包括生命科学行业,慈善机构和其他资助者,以进一步研究肌肉骨骼疾病,并帮助开发新的诊断和治疗方法。定期审查未满足需求的领域,以确定可能成为该小组重点的新兴主题。

Patient and public involvement and engagement is a central theme of the TRC approach, through a strong relationship people with arthritis via both Versus Arthritis and the NIHR.

“By working together, we can accelerate the development of new treatments, devices and diagnostics to tackle complex areas of unmet healthcare needs.”

彼得·泰勒(Peter Taylor),牛津大学

英国MSK TRC合作伙伴组织

Lead academic 中心
Professor Costantino Pitzalis 中心for Experimental Medicine and Rheumatology, Barts Health NHS Trust; Queen Mary University of London
戴维·伊森伯格教授 NIHR大学学院伦敦医院生物医学研究中心
劳拉·科茨博士 NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre
Professor John Isaacs NIHR Newcastle Biomedical Research Centre
Professor Maya Buch - Chair NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Centre
Dr Andrew Filer NIHR伯明翰生物医学研究中心
娜塔莎·乔丹(Natasha Jordan)博士 NIHR剑桥生物医学研究中心
Dr Matthew Pickering NIHR Imperial Biomedical Research Centre
安德鲁·科普教授 Nihr Guy和St Thomas的生物医学研究中心
大卫·沃尔什教授 NIHR Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre and Pain Centre Versus Arthritis
Dr Francesco Del Galdo NIHR Leeds Biomedical Research Centre
Professor Chris Edwards NIHR Southampton Biomedical Research Centre
Professor Michael Beresford 利物浦大学;儿童实验关节炎治疗中心
Athimalaipet Ramanan教授 NIHR布里斯托尔生物医学研究中心和EATC4CHILDREN
欧内斯特·乔伊教授 加的夫区域实验性关节炎治疗和评估中心(创造)
Iain McInnes教授 格拉斯哥大学;研究炎症性关节炎中心与关节炎(种族)beplay体育怎么下载

有关更多详细信息,或了解如何与我们合作,请与Caroline Aylott联系。research@versusarthrtis.org.

Arthritis Research UK MQ Fellows award

我们加入了心理健康研究慈善机构,MQ: Transforming Mental Health, to award a fellowship to Dr Sam Norton at King’s College London in 2016. The project aims to create an app to help healthcare professionals track symptoms and identify people with rheumatoid arthritis at risk of ongoing problems, including mental health issues. We awarded the 2017 MQ fellows award to Dr Jessica Eccles from Brighton and Sussex Medical School, who will be creating and testing a new therapy to treat anxiety in people with hypermobility. We will be looking to fund more fellowships alongside MQ.



  • MRC-Arthritis Research UK Centre for Musculoskeletal Ageing Research
  • MRC-Arthritis Research UK Centre for Integrated Research into Musculoskeletal Ageing
  • 关节炎研究英国MRC肌肉骨骼健康与工作中心

我们也有一些其他的共同战略awards, as well as the latest partnership to fund a clinician scientist fellowship in the musculoskeletal research field, which hopes to further build on musculoskeletal research leadership in the UK.

National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs)


To address this, we’ve come together with the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) to co-fund and co-sponsor a NC3Rs CRACK-IT challenge. CRACK IT Challenges are competitions that fund collaborations between industry, academics and SMEs to solve scientific and business challenges involving animals. The title of the CRACK-IT challenge is 'Osteo-Chip: an in vitro model to recapitulate the human osteoarthritis joint', it aims to develop an advanced in vitro model of the human osteoarthritic joint.

Design Council SPARK

我们与设计委员会合作,为他们的Spark产品创新基金(Spark Product Innovation Fund)合作,这是一项快速轨道计划,提供指导和定制培训,以帮助英国基于英国的产品发明者开发其市场产品。2017年的奖项授予了杰夫·罗兰森(Geoff Rolandsen)的《沃基钥匙》(Workey Key Turner)的发明,该产品有助于缓解钥匙的使用和管理,特别受到降低的手动灵活性的产品。

访问我们的研究人员的新闻page to keep up to date with the latest news on our research partnerships.

If you are interested in becoming a funding partner, please contact the research team onresearch@versusarthritis.org.