

Sarilumab is a type of drug called a biological therapy. It’s sometimes known by its trade name, Kevzara.

它可以由顾问风湿病学家为了rheumatoid arthritis。如果您患有类风湿关节炎,您的身体可能会产生过多的称为IL-6的蛋白质,会影响您的免疫系统。Sarilumab通过阻止IL-6来起作用。

Inflammation is your immune system’s way of fighting infections in your body. Inflammation can cause swelling, heat, redness and pain – you might notice these signs when you have a cut or a wound.



这可能是您给予的第一种生物疗法,或者您可能首先尝试过其他人,例如rituximab或者an anti-TNF drug.

Are there any reasons I won't be prescribed sarilumab?


  • your arthritis isn’t active
  • 你有感染
  • you haven’t tried two disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs), such as甲氨蝶呤hydroxychloroquine, first.

Usually, sarilumab will be prescribed in combination with methotrexate.

Doctors sometimes use a score known as DAS28 to work out how active your arthritis is. This counts how many of 28 specific joints are tender and swollen, and looks at inflammation levels in a blood test. You'll also be asked to score how well you feel on a scale of 0 to 10 (DAWN).


  • 重复或严重感染
  • 胆固醇高,或者血液中的某些脂质或脂肪含量高
  • have a liver disease, or if your liver function tests are higher than the normal range
  • have a history of intestinal ulcers or diverticulitis
  • 患慢性肾脏疾病
  • have or have had any type of cancer.


You’ll also be checked to see if you have previously had hepatitis, as sarilumab can increase the risk of hepatitis starting up again.


Sarilumab is given as an injection under the skin, known as a subcutaneous injection, once every two weeks. This is done using either a pre-filled syringe or an injector pen.

You, your partner, or another member of your family can learn to give these injections.


如果您错过了一剂sarilumab并在三天之内意识到,则应尽快服用,然后按计划服用下一个剂量。如果自错过剂量以来已经四天或更长时间了,请不要服用sarilumab - 只要下一个剂量即可。

Side-effects and risks

The most common side-effects aren’t usually serious – they include:

  • a cough or sore throat
  • 阻塞或流鼻涕
  • 唇疱疹
  • urinary tract infections
  • 注射部位发红和瘙痒。

Sarilumab can make you more likely to pick up infections and it can also make them harder to spot. Tell your doctor or rheumatology nurse if you develop a sore throat or fever, or have unexplained bruising, bleeding or paleness. You should also tell them if you have any other new symptoms.


You should also see your doctor if you develop chickenpox or shingles, or come into contact with someone who has chickenpox or shingles, as these can be severe if you’re on sarilumab. You may need antiviral treatment, and your sarilumab may need to be stopped until you’re better.





For advice on avoiding infections from food, read NHS Live Well's防止食物中毒的10种方法

Effects on other treatment

You shouldn’t use sarilumab if you’re taking any other type of biological therapy, but it can be prescribed alongside other drugs, including甲氨蝶呤

Check with your doctor before starting any new medications, and remember to mention you’re on sarilumab if you’re treated by anyone that isn’t in your usual风湿病团队


You can carry on takingnon-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)或者止痛药if needed, unless your doctor advises otherwise. Don’t take over-the-counter or herbal remedies without talking to your rheumatology team first.

建议您携带生物疗法警报卡,因此任何对待您的人都会知道您在Sarilumab上 - 您可以从风湿病部门获得一张卡。



带状疱疹疫苗(Zosta生活vax) isn’t recommended for people taking sarilumab. However, there is a non-live shingles vaccine (Shingrix) so you may be able to have this instead.

Having an operation

If you’re having an operation, you may be advised to stop taking sarilumab for a few weeks before and after surgery – check with your rheumatology team or surgeon about this.


There’s no reason to avoid alcohol while on sarilumab, but you should stay within government guidelines for adults of no more than 14 units per week. You should try to spread these units out over the week, and not have them all in one go .

Fertility, pregnancy and breastfeeding

Because sarilumab is a relatively new drug, we don’t yet know how it might affect pregnancy or an unborn baby. Tell your rheumatology team immediately if you become pregnant whilst taking sarilumab.

