Natalie's story

It is very uncommon for someone my age to have ahip replacement, and many people fail to understand the difficulties a younger person has to face when living with a chronic condition, especially one that is worsening.



My first year of university in 2004 went really well; I made lots of friends and had fun! But when I started my second year my left hip began hurting when I walked. I thought it was nothing I couldn’t handle. Over Christmas 2005 it got worse. I saw my orthopaedic consultant who said my hip was showing signs of severe degeneration; I needed a replacement. At this point I was still active, and convinced myself that I’d be OK to wait to have the operation in summer 2006. The thought of having a hip replacement really scared me. I didn’t want to have it unless I absolutely had to.



I now wasn’t able to go out with my friends, go shopping, or walk around campus. I had no choice but to use the scooter to get around, but I hated it. Normally I hid my arthritis well; few people had ever noticed that there was anything ‘different’ about me and I liked it that way. I had always hated anything that drew attention to my illness or showed people how I wasn’t like them.

My academic life was suffering as I was constantly tired and always drowsy from the painkillers. Doing coursework was difficult, as I just stayed in my room and slept. I missed days and had to catch up. I think I was in denial, believing that as I had coped with pain before, I could cope now, convinced I didn’t need the surgery. At the time I felt waiting was the right thing to do. The thought of being set back a year at university for something that wasn’t my fault was in some ways my motivation to continue and a way of me controlling something for a change.

But by March 2006 I really couldn’t kid myself any longer. I couldn’t cope any more and university was becoming a nightmare. I still feel sad that I lost out on a lot of my university life in that second year; I’ll never get that year back. I kept in contact with my friends but I couldn’t feel a part of things like I did.

I had my operation in June 2006 and the pain immediately disappeared, which was a really strange feeling. The pain had become a part of my life – I had been experiencing it everyday. Afterwards, I was completing four hours a day of physiotherapy alongside hydrotherapy. I still felt as though I had no life, as my life had become filled with the exercises I had to do to get my hip muscles strong. I found myself in a really low state, and one night, the realisation of the operation I’d had suddenly hit me, and I felt nobody understood what it was like. As I didn’t get to see many friends or family following the surgery, I was convinced that nobody cared. At this point I was feeling physically well and I was dying to get back out with friends, but due to the precautions I was following for 12 weeks I couldn’t. Now the pain had gone I just wanted to be normal...and get on with my life.




现在,两个臀部感觉都很好,我做的比很长一段时间以来所做的要多得多。我去过一日游,漫长的散步和长途旅行 - 我非常想念这一点!

The past two years have been the hardest of my life but I never wanted to let my arthritis get the better of me. I am glad that I managed to finish my degree on time and with a good result. One thing I will say to others with chronic conditions is, just because you have an illness, do not let this affect something you want to do. There is always support and ways to get around a problem.
