Keyboards and Mouse

Laemchabang MemberPosts:2
嗨,新用户提醒。去简单!我最近diagnosed with RA, started methotrexate/ hands/fingers/wrists and elbows are my main pain issue. I work 10hr shifts with computers and work have asked me to look for any equipment for my desk and they will provide whatever i need. Can anyone advise regarding best mouses/keyboards to use? Any advuce appreciated. I have been on the rsi site and there doesn't seem gonomuch choice for ergonomic mice/keyboards.


  • moderator
    moderator ModeratorPosts:4,088
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    Welcome to the Forum. I am sure you will find help, advice, empathy, support and information from our members. There are several who have Rheumatoid Arthritis and may have had to look for special mouses and keyboard.

    Arthritis Care produces a booklet called Independent Living and arthritis which can be found here:

    Arthritis Research UK produces a fact sheet:

    I hope these are helpful to you. I am sure some members of the forum will be able to offer you information about different types of gadgets.

    I am one of the moderation team, we all have one or more of the Arthritis 'hangers on' or look after family with the same.

    I look forward to hearing more from you and to hear if you have found any gadget that has helped you.
    Best wishess

  • stickywicket
    stickywicket MemberPosts:26,379
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi and welcome. I am in my very easiest mode:lol:

    I, too, take meth and hydroxy and I hope it works for you as well as it does for me.

    My RA started in my fingers but that was well over 50 years ago:oThey look a mess because the modern DMARDS that I take now didn't become available until - I think - the '80s. However, they function quite well and i don't need adaptions to my keyboard, mouse etc though I'm not at them all day long.

    We have had similar threads in the past and, if you put the relevant terms in the Arthritis care search engine (above) some might come up. Unfortunately, what works for one person doesn't necessarily work for another. I am pretty useless on anything but a standard, flat keyboard. I know there is voice activated software but not many get on with it. Dragon is, I think, the best or, at least, the one people seem to have least difficulty with. Trying out different things is, I have found, the best method of getting anything new. Most places that have things on display will let you if you ask though it could be awkward if you're not actually buying.

    I suggest you re-post your thread on the Living With Arthritis forum as more people look on there and, I guess, it's not solely a work thing. Good luck!
  • daffy2
    daffy2 MemberPosts:1,636
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    In a work environment it's usual to have an occupational health person look at what you do and how you can be helped, as s/he will know what is available. It's good that your employer is open to providing support etc, but it would be to their advantage as well as yours to try and get it reasonably right as quickly as possible, rather than spending time - and money! - on things which might not suit your needs once you are using them.
    I'm assuming that existing best practice is in place already(seating position, lighting, regular breaks away from the screen etc) if you are spending so long at a time working with computers? Again this is something that an OH person would look at.
  • YogaJones
    YogaJones MemberPosts:18
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I know this is late to that party but my work has set me up with a short keyboard and an upright mouse (your hand is sideways). It's definitely allowed me to work in a more neutral position. Get your OH to do a workstation assessment, as they're able to recommend the right equipment.
  • Slosh
    Slosh MemberPosts:3,194
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Contact Access for work, they will do a full workplace assessment and provide grants towards the costs involved.
  • LesleyJ1509
    LesleyJ1509 MemberPosts:29
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi there and sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I have OA in my hands wrists and fingers. I have had joint fusions on 2 of my fingers on each hand and now the rest of my fingers are close to needing fusions. I was sent to an Occy health and they recommended an ergonomic keyboard and a trackpad82729333ec4fe89b3a1430b32a0bd935.jpg

    I have no grip anymore as my fingers don’t bend so the flat trackpad works for me. I also have 2 screens which lessens the clicking on the trackpad. I have an electric stapler and a guillotine as I can’t hold scissors. I also have OA in my back and neck and knees so a good chair is essential for my comfort at work. You should have a display screen assessor in your work, get them to do an assessment and see what you need.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • premierscfc04
    premierscfc04 MemberPosts:57
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis and hope you get all the help/advice you need on this site, which is always helpful when you need it.

    I have tried many mice over the years but I find the Vertical mice to be by far the more comfortable to use with sore hands/wrists.

    I hope you find what works for you and you're pain free soon.
  • emmalforbes
    emmalforbes MemberPosts:3
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    I'm a IT analyst and I use the microsort ergonimic keyboard and Logitech Trackball mouse. They take a couple of days to get used to but wouldn't be without them now. Hope that helps x

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