
annie41 成员Posts:25
编辑19. 2019年1月,20:57 in问好Archive


  • 主持人
    主持人 主持人Posts:4,088
    编辑30. 11月1日,00:00

    Good to see you again but not so good that your RA has been running riot! How is it going now? We need any tips you have picked up for putting the pain aside for a bit. My latest diversion has become knitting! My oldest g'son who is 10 asked me to teach him to knit so needles have been picked up. Do you know one bright spot is that all the wool gets your hands toasty warm. I’ve never got the hang of finishing anything - I lie I did finish a jumper for myself with very fluffy wool and some animal on the front in the late '70s - I did wear it too

    Take care
    Yvonne x
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy 成员Posts:31,557
    编辑30. 11月1日,00:00
    你好, I apologise for not remembering you. I am one of the lucky ones for whom the dross has stayed at a constant level, currently my OA is being troublesome whereas back in the summer it was the PsA. I hope that things are under better control for you now. DD
  • StickyWicket
    StickyWicket 成员Posts:26,358
    编辑30. 11月1日,00:00
  • annie41
    annie41 成员Posts:25
    编辑30. 11月1日,00:00


    Good to see you again but not so good that your RA has been running riot! How is it going now? We need any tips you have picked up for putting the pain aside for a bit. My latest diversion has become knitting! My oldest g'son who is 10 asked me to teach him to knit so needles have been picked up. Do you know one bright spot is that all the wool gets your hands toasty warm. I’ve never got the hang of finishing anything - I lie I did finish a jumper for myself with very fluffy wool and some animal on the front in the late '70s - I did wear it too

    Take care
    Yvonne x
  • annie41
    annie41 成员Posts:25
    编辑30. 11月1日,00:00
    谢谢你梦雏菊和粘性检票口的客气话。它的GD回来。自从我上一篇文章以来,我在这个论坛上错过了很多消息。Dream Daisy,很遗憾得知您与OA和PSA相处愉快。我十分明白你的感受。我知道关节炎可能是多么不可预测和令人沮丧的关节炎,有时看起来像是过山车。我确实希望您现在感觉好些。但是从事物的声音来看,您是幸运的人之一。粘性检票口,我现在会尝试坚持下去,因为在那里也很棒的新手和常客。我希望你能和那样。 wishing you both a very warm, happy and merry christmas and a better and happier new year to come.
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy 成员Posts:31,557
    编辑30. 11月1日,00:00

    I hope you have as pleasant as Christmas a possible and I hope to see your name again soon. DD
  • annie41
    annie41 成员Posts:25
    编辑18. 2019年1月,20:51
    Hi Yvonne and dreamdaisy, I hope you both had a very gd xmas and new years. I hope that you are both as well as can be as well. To Yvonne, unfortunately, MY RA has been in an acute status for the last few months, as the winter weather always makes things worse for me and all my major joints tend to revolt as well. Also, the meds that I am currently on have stopped being affective, so i've also been battling an extended flareup for the last few months. I tend do a little sketching, when my hands and wrists start hurting, to keep them mobile.I also tend to keep myself distracted from pain and stiffness by going to the gym for a good solid workout and for a swim, as I find that swimming eases the pain and stiffness. After that I treat myself to a nice soak in the jacuzzi and sauna, as i find that my joints love the heat. After I get home from the gym, I rest in bed, and i watch my favourite old tv series re-runs and I treat myself to some good food .
  • annie41
    annie41 成员Posts:25
    编辑30. 11月1日,00:00
    Dreamdaisy,我在l你听起来有点幸运east, as it sounds as things are going ok for you at the moment. Unfortunately for me, things have not been going well with regards to my RA for the last few months. Sadly as a result of my RA being out of control and the further damage that my joints have sustained, I have been told by my orthopaedic surgeons, I will have to undergo multiple major surgeries on the affected joints in the near future. My doctors, nurses and other specialists are doing their very best to keep me out of a wheelchair for as long as possible, but I have been told that I should start looking into either renting or buying a wheelchair in the next year or so. But despite everything, I am trying to keep thinking positive and I am trying to enjoy everyday and my life as much as possible. i refuse to let this awful illness dictate what is going to happen in my life.I hope that you had a gd xmas and new years and I hope that you are as well as can be.
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy 成员Posts:31,557
    编辑30. 11月1日,00:00
    I have a wheelchair and a mobility scooter, I don't use either of them regularly (nothing to do with vanity, pride or the supposed loss of dignity) but they are there for when things are really not worth trying to overcome.

  • annie41
    annie41 成员Posts:25
    编辑30. 11月1日,00:00
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy 成员Posts:31,557
    编辑30. 11月1日,00:00


    I'm sticking to my arthritis ABC: adapt, believe, compromise, a process I began as a child. The docs are doing their best, it's not their fault that it's not enough but it's good enough for me. I am blessed to live in an age where there are the drugs, the aids, the surgeries when needed. DD
  • annie41
    annie41 成员Posts:25
    编辑30. 11月1日,00:00
    对于Dreamdaisy,我完全了解您对可能会冒犯我的评论的其他人的话。我想,因为我的关节炎已经处于急性状态很长一段时间了,所以我不再相信治疗在地平线上的任何地方。我猜是因为我过去十年来我只有RA,而且我还年轻,最近我一直在发现一些更令人沮丧的事情。我同意VA至少正在尝试,并且正在继续提高人们对关节炎如何影响年轻人和老年人的认识。我想他们只是想尽力提高所有人的意识。我实际上真的很喜欢您的关节炎ABC。听起来它确实有助于您保持积极的思考。如果您不介意,我可能会借它。我认为这对我来说可能会派上用场。另外,我第二,所有参与我正在进行的护理的医疗保健专业人员都尽力为我提供最好的护理。 And in a way, I guess what they do is never enough, but I am very grateful that I am under the care of the best specialists, doctors nurses etc and It is more than enough for me. I'm also blessed and very lucky that i live in an age where there are amazing medications and drugs that can really help, there are state of the art aids and adaptations that can be made and that there are surgeries available if needed.:)

