Feeling Rubbish

你好,我是57岁,有风湿性关节炎/办公/纤维肌痛和Anklosing Spondylitis, I work part time and recently employer just seems to not understand when I’m struggling at work, case of if you aren’t well enough don’t come in attitude. Last week there was a bit of an argument, not on my part I just sat and took it, but things aren’t getting better with my health and the stress of work is getting me down and having to go into work and make out life is just great. I worked full time since I was 16 and only went part time when illness started over ten years ago and am beginning to wonder if life is worth it as quality of life isn’t always good as get so fatigued and in days off can’t do much. Sat here today feeling rubbish due to Methotrexate injection last night, some weeks ok but this week not, sat here worrying about everything and have always been known as such a positive person but feel I’m not anymore.


  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member帖子:1,383
    edited 1. Aug 2021, 22:30

    对不起,您目前经历了如此艰难的时刻。I know something of how you feel, having battled through at work with two bouts of ME, without telling anyone, and although I’m self employed, my clients were not remotely interested in my OA, they just wanted their work done well and on time. I just had to tough it out. While recovering from THR, I haven’t been able to work much at all, so they’ve just had to put up with that!

    很难与那些适合和健康的人相处,使这些疾病变得虚弱,包括一直痛苦的效果。您是否有可能与老板进行公开对话,也许将他们引导到该网站上描述您各种条件的某些链接,以便他们可以更好地每天了解您的处理方式。您可能会说您想按照老板想要的方式来完成工作,但是也许您可以提供更多的支持?This may just mean changing the way you do things, how often you can rest, get a better seat etc etc. (Hard to be specific without knowing what you do - you don't need to tell us but hope you know what I’m getting at).

    Meanwhile, when not at work, be kind to yourself, prioritise how you use your energy so you don’t burn out, schedule in quality rest time, and try to make time for things you enjoy rather than just getting through the basics like shopping, food prep etc. (Cleaning? What’s that??). When you’re not working, your second “job” is to nurse yourself.


    小心。我们都知道这里有多难。可以不时感到不满意。LM X

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member帖子:27,051


    I am so sorry you are having such a tough time

    Is this a new manager? If the company is big enough maybe get on to Occupational health? Or maybe better still have a chat to ACAS they are there to support all working people.

    I hope today is a better day and this was partly 'Sunday blues' getting to you - the thought of another week at work and the MTX being so yukky yesterday ((()))

    Oh and have you thought about ringing the helplines here? They were so kind and helpful the time I rang them.

    Take care

  • Brynmor
    Brynmor 行政人员帖子:1,447


    作为@frogmortonsays, you might like to chat to someone from our Helplines team on08005200 520

    Calls are free and the lines are open Monday–Friday, 9am–6pm. They are really good to chat to when feeling a bit rubbish and are very helpful in helping sort out problems.

  • Trees
    Trees Member帖子:11

    非常感谢您的客气话和体贴,昨天是如此的垃圾,我觉得我是唯一一个处理这个问题的人,我不是。昨天和我的丈夫坐下来,他建议我应该考虑放弃工作,就像我有糟糕的一天而不是挣扎着工作时,我可以尝试找到一些更灵活或家庭秘书工作的东西,因为很多公司如今,让办公室工作人员远程工作。因此,我想我会开始看这些选择,因为我还没有准备好放弃工作,但要开心工作。He’s always saying be kinder to myself too and to stop going around saying I’m fine all the time and have more quality time in between work, so after final taking stock and listening to him and reading your messages I think I need to think about myself a bit more. I feel a lot more positive than I did yesterday and thank you again for your messages, can’t tell you how many messages I started to write then deleted, glad I eventually sent one.

    Take care all of you xxx

  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member帖子:1,383

    Sompleased you are starting to see a way forward. And having a supportive partner makes such a difference. Do keep us posted, and feel free to come on again when you next need to have a moan or need a bit of support. We all know how rubbish this can get.

  • Jona
    Jona Member帖子:340

    Hello Trees,

    Just to let you know your not alone, I like you went part time couldn’t take my medication and drive the 40 mins to and from work put myself and others at risk got home took meds then bed then shower bed and work no life I was just existing I was getting things wrong at work some part of me was always in pain but realised that apart from work and pain that was all I had so I decided to stop, I have no other means of support at 62 and on my own it’s really scarey

    you wouldn’t believe how I’ve been treated by the medical profession working in that field but it has not been a nice one nor to mention navigating the benefit system treated much worse I’ve even been called a liar and made to feel like I’m past my sell by date classed as non compliant as medications give me more side effects and I refuse to add to my already long list of problems I’ve not give up but I’ve given in so I’ve applied for ill health retirement and that has been a challenge 4 drs reports later and cross examined like being in court has been a real eye opener as to how much the govt care about it’s ageing population so I’ve realised no one cares about me so I’ve started caring about me being able to take medications that do work, rest when I need to and be kind to myself has made a huge difference I still don’t know how I’m going to support myself but as covid has shown life is short so do what’s right for you stress only adds to pain funny really if I won millions on the lottery I bet I’d have a lot of people wanting to care about and for me

    take care


