Morning folks

I havent been on here for a while, hope everone is doing well.

I just want to find out about peoples experience of applying for PIP. I posted thIs question on here about 4 years ago but i cant open the thread again.

I applied for PIP sept last year and had a phone asseasmenton monday just gone. Call lasted 1 hour 50 the lady went right into the thick of things, very embarasing at times.

How long did people wait after the assessment. I have heard people get a text from the DWP to confirm they had my report, i havent heard a thing.

A mistake i may have made was i never sent any medical evidence away with the application and i never told my GP or rheumatology clinic that they may recieve a letter from. I did send a letter that i got from a Dr my employer referred me to and one i got from NASS. I just dont like asking for letter from Drs as when i call some of the reseptionists can be quite rude, so i tend to only call when it is urgent ie meds i need.

I have thought about reducing my work hours for the last 4 years or so but i had this choice was taken away and was forced to.

It came to this after 1 and 1/2 years of what i call intermittant suffering, i never knew what i was wakening up to.

Thanks for reading my whinge


  • ToneBlues
    ToneBlues ModeratorPosts:65


    It is difficult to know how well the assessment system is working at the moment because of the pandemic - it wasn't very quick prior to the pandemic. When I applied some years ago the process from application to decision took around 4 months. I did send medical evidence with my application so did not undergo a separate assessment either by phone or face-to-face.

    There is a good deal of information on theCitizens Advice websiteand you may be able to contact your Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) either by phone or email - a web search should find their contact details. Some CABs used to offer help with applications, and appeals against decisions, in the past - unfortunately I don't know if this currently the case - the Citizens Advice service has changed a good deal in the last decade when I was last familiar with it.

    I very much hope that your claim is successful. If you are turned down, some local disability/carers organisations (and maybe CABs) can help you appeal against a negative decision. How much help is available depends very much on where you live.

    Very best wishes


  • Terry
    Terry MemberPosts:6

    It is hard to comment as every one has a different experience, I applied many years back went to a face to face meeting, that was a joke IMO, I felt like the person dealing with me did not have a clue.

    她开始问我如果我要做的事情certain exercises, I asked if she was a trained muscular doctor to which she replied NO I am a health care worker, Now no disrespect to health care workers but I did not feel she had the knowledge to ask me to do certain exercises.

    I refused on these grounds which she was not happy about and stated it may harm your claim, I responded if she wanted to be responsible for any injury she may cause then put that in writing.

    Any way my claim took six weeks to come through I was awarded the lowest rate.

    Six months back I contacted them as there has many a big change in my problems, I struggle to do my job and have since been told my condition is now much worse and has spread.

    Telephone meeting this time and even though it was not face to face I felt more intimidated by the Man doing it, 8 weeks later I received my reply: No change to my claim and the reasons but reading through the notes they were not the words I used and not my replies to questions, I tried to call up to contest it but gave up after several weeks of hanging on the phone for hours and no one picking up.

    It is a sham all about how little can they give you.

    Good Luck if you do get it you will get back paid from date claim made.


  • Chris_R
    Chris_R ModeratorPosts:416


    have answered your queries on Hello.

    All the best Christine

  • Hi,

    The DWP will not contact your doctors. They go on the evidence you give them. You can submit evidence anytime so I suggest you get reports ASAP and add them to your claim. If you are refused an award then appeal. I took mine to a tribunal where I was awarded highest rates after being refused altogether initially. It’s a hard slog and they don’t make it easy. Good luck.


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