May 2021 research newsletter





如您所知,去年10月,由于担心慈善机构的欺凌和种族主义,我们向慈善委员会报告了自己。现在,我们从慈善委员会那里听说,在严重事件报告后,他们将不采取任何行动。虽然很高兴知道不会采取任何行动,但我们并没有自满,continue with the work we are doing to become a fully inclusive and actively anti-racist charity。这包括实施和鼓励我们支持的研究和研究人员的多样性和包容性。

We continue to contribute to and engage with the wider research and funder community, advocating for musculoskeletal research. We know that the outputs of research are vast and not limited to publications and journal impact factors. This is why we are signing up to the研究评估声明(DORA),这认识到需要改善研究人员及其研究成果的方式。

We will also be contributing to the government review of research bureaucracy, and look at our own processes with the aim of making them more agile and to free up more time for you to spend on research.

我们继续致力于支持发展of future leaders in musculoskeletal research, and in this newsletter we are pleased to share our latest fellowship and PhD scholarship calls. We currently have a number of opportunities for you to get involved with upcoming projects, and we always enjoy hearing from you so do get in touch with any feedback.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我们很高兴成功举办了第一个虚拟研究员的年度会议。我知道这对我们所有的研究员来说都是一个大事件,他们像我们一样,每年都期待着它,并要感谢所有100多名(!)的与会者,他们登录并在整个三分之二的时间里留下来日活动。我们的许多研究员和博士生都有一些精彩的演讲和海报演讲 - 感谢您与我们分享您的研究见解。我还要感谢我们在这里的演讲嘉宾 - 卡罗尔·布莱克教授和我们的耐心洞察合作伙伴弗朗西斯·博雷(Frances Borrer)与我们分享了他们令人振奋和令人振奋的生活故事。我们将进行他们的演讲,我强烈建议每个人,尤其是我们的早期职业研究人员,准备受到启发!




基金会奖学金are our first postdoctoral awards, which aim to retain the best postdoctoral researchers, and provide an opportunity for fellows to develop independent research ideas at an early stage in their career. Career development fellowships are our intermediate postdoctoral awards, which aim to attract and retain talented postdoctoral researchers, and provide them with the opportunity to develop an independent research career.



New webpages for our Research Advisory Groups

我们的研究咨询小组(RAGS)以及儿童性关节炎,小儿风湿病学临床研究小组(CSG)团结专家研究人员,具有关节炎经验和卫生专业人员的经验丰富的人具有一个共同的目标 - 以突出一项重点的研究,以突出该研究,以推动退缩的研究反对关节炎。We now have a new set of webpages for our RAGs and our CSG, which contain information on their individual focuses and group membership, as well as details of any current vacancies.


这个独立review into research bureaucracywill examine why bureaucracy has increased across the UK’s research system and provide recommendations to help reduce administrative demands, freeing up researchers’ time to concentrate on research activities. Within the charity, we are aware that the application process is long and the timings of this can be restrictive, particularly for early career researchers. We will be looking closely at our processes with the aim of making them more agile, and will be coming to you for your help with this work.


最近,我们聚集在一起参加我们的第一次完全虚拟的年度研究员会议,我们的研究研究员有机会分享他们的研究,网络以及参加职业发展研讨会。今年,我们很高兴欢迎卡罗尔·布莱克(Dame Carol Black)教授,她为她的生活和职业提供了鼓舞人心的演讲。以及许多有趣且信息丰富的科学会议,探索骨关节炎和疼痛的病因,利用数据,炎症,疾病生物标志物和治疗性干预措施。我们还从我们的一个MSK冠军校友and Good Boost CEO, Ben Wilkins, who shared his approach for making things happen in the MSK community, and frompatient insight partner弗朗西斯·博雷(Frances Borrer)分享了自己的关节炎经历,以及与关节炎与关节炎的介入对她的意义。beplay体育怎么下载


沃里克大学教育研究研究员汉娜·詹姆斯博士(Hannah James)博士的第一名。

Second place for Fellow with most accessible talk: Dr Charis Pericleous, Career Development Fellow, Imperial College London.

First place for PhD student with most accessible talk: Imogen Wells, PhD Scholar, University of Birmingham.

Second place for PhD student with most accessible talk: Lucy Marshall, PhD Scholar, University College London.

Thanks to all who attended, asked questions, and engaged with the presenters via the conference software, which scored attendees based on their participation in the meeting. Congratulations to Dr Stephanie Smith of the Pain Centre Versus Arthritis for scoring the most points!


As you know, we reported ourselves to the Charity Commission when a number of people raised concerns about bullying and racism last summer. This is because as the regulator responsible for charities (on behalf of the regulators in each of the nations), they require charities to tell them about anything they would define as a “serious incident”.

They’ve now confirmed that they will not be launching a formal investigation, as (in their words) they are “assured that that the charity has taken the appropriate steps to now move forward and is doing its best to resolve the issues of concern.” And they “therefore don't propose to take any further action or think that the charity will benefit from advice at this stage.”



Professor Christian Mallen has been appointed as the new Director for the NIHR’s School of Primary Care Research, taking over from the University of Oxford’s Professor Richard Hobbs.

His appointment coincides with the start of a new chapter for the school, with a refreshed membership and a new focus on supporting the full spectrum of primary care research and building research capacity.




Deadline 14 July 2021

Deadline 14 July 2021



Quality improvement in rheumatology practice: Delivering change for patients


With the launch of our new strategic priority later in the year, we are taking the opportunity to redesign the research section of our website to ensure that current and prospective grantholders can easily access relevant, up to date and engaging information on our research priorities, opportunities and latest news.

We need your help to make our pages the best they can be!

How can I get involved?

We are looking for people who would like to:

For more information please

