
Weniki13 申请人2帖子:4
编辑25. 2017年9月,14:45 利益和工作事项档案
I work in retail and iPhone launch day worked 11 1/2 hrs straight with no break but have not been to a dr to be diagnosed with RA which I’m most positive that I have after much research and coming home every night to a hot bath and foot soak along with as manny meds to try and help relieve the pain. I also use a heating pad daily. They think I’m just complaining and say “yeah my feet ache too”. Well I have at least 10 yrs on all of them and some I’m 20 yrs their elder. I have worked in retail for 26 yrs now with the past 10 being on my feet after they did away with our desks and the ability to sit and help the customer. I believe my symptoms have gotten much worse. Could this all be a cause of RA? If so and I finally get my diagnosis, should I continue in retail? I don’t feel like doing anything when I come home but get off of my feet. Now my knees and hands are stiff, swollen and achy on a daily basis. This job is killing me. I’m close to retirement (at age 55...I will be 49 this Dec) but don’t think I can make it through all of the holiday hours. What are some of your suggestions? This is all new to me. I’ve been healthy all of my life until this bone and joint pain. I went to the orthopedic dr and have a large ganglion cyst which I’ve had for 8 yrs and now have 2 bone spurs on top of that on my big toe and need surgery for that. Is this job doing this to me? I’ve always been so active and have never had surgery of any sort. I feel like I’m too young to feel like this daily.


  • Dreamdaisy
    Dreamdaisy 成员帖子:31,520
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    我不能帮助在工作方面,我现在退休了d - I finally stopped work aged 54 (having begun arthritis aged 37) but was fortunate in that I was self-employed so could adjust things to suit myself. Employment can aggravate matters arthritic but not necessarily cause the disease. I might be able, however, to shed some light on the confusion that is arthritis.

    RA是一种自身免疫性的关节炎,不能由GP诊断 - 它由风湿病学家的职责。诊断不一定是直接的业务。全科医生处理骨关节炎,但它们是可以开始转诊为风湿病的过程,而他是您需要去看的那些。


    I have psoriatic arthritis and that in turn has led to osteo meaning I have a creaky foot in both camps, lucky ol' me:眨眼:Arthritis has no respect for age or gender and, as you are coming at it from a healthy background, it's something you've never had to think about. Whether you do now or not I cannot tell you because I am not a doc but I have amassed some knowledge over the years about stuff. It may be worth your posting again on the Living with Arthritis board (or at least having a read through) as that is where we deal with matters relating to diagnosis, treatments, meds etc.

  • [已被删除的用户]
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00

    There are many people here who have had their Rheumatoid Arthritis diagnosed and are being treated for it.






    I am one of the moderation team and we all have one or more of the arthritis “hangers’ on” or care for family with the same.


  • Frogmorton
    Frogmorton 成员帖子:27,568
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00


    Hopefully before the Christmas extra work pattern which is looming.


    Toni xx

