
Quintus 成员Posts:62
编辑2. 2019年3月,16:02 inCommunity Chit-chat archive


  • 气波!
    气波! 成员Posts:2,424
    编辑30. 11月1日,00:00

  • Quintus
    Quintus 成员Posts:62
    编辑30. 11月1日,00:00
  • dreamdaisy
    dreamdaisy 成员Posts:31,520
    编辑30. 11月1日,00:00
    Hello Quintus, it's lovely to see you here again. I hope all is well with you as it can be.


    The mis-handling of the process by our government is appalling. If we manage to lurch out of the EU with any resemblance of dignity that will only be by accident, not design. DD
  • Quintus
    Quintus 成员Posts:62
    编辑30. 11月1日,00:00
    但是您在那里有一个观点:您的政客现在似乎比我们的业余爱好更加业余。我不确定我们是否可以将其称为悲剧,喜剧或仅仅是某种开放式肥皂剧。可能只是关于演员的玩笑。我特别喜欢约翰逊和莫格·梅斯先生。The name alone... Sir Dyson too. It could be amusing if it would be fiction
  • 气波!
    气波! 成员Posts:2,424
    编辑30. 11月1日,00:00

    There may be x disruption ir two but business will get over it, a new firm of closeness with europe will surface, we'll still buy cars, drink french wine and go on hokidays (mines all booked up) and when we come back the laws we live under will be the ones we vote for through our oarliamentary system. Our fishing fleets will be a growth industry with bew oppotunities and we can sink or swim under our own choice not a committee led decision by a federal state where one size fits all. We shall see what we make of it.
  • Quintus
    Quintus 成员Posts:62
    编辑30. 11月1日,00:00
  • 气波!
    气波! 成员Posts:2,424
    编辑30. 11月1日,00:00
    艾尔?They had two vreferendums with the second deciding to stay in the EU, I see them as EU and trying hard to push our politics by pressing unneccessary buttons.

    I doubt that if we leave without a 'deal' it will stay that wzy for long since both sides will want to talk, maybe it will work out better with more pressure on the EU and they will at last step away from their united federal state and deal in the realities of politics rather than an idealistic view.
  • StickyWicket
    StickyWicket 成员Posts:26,718
    编辑30. 11月1日,00:00
    政客们陷入了不可思议的混乱,他们比自己的国家更关心自己的工作。一切似乎都是在自身利益的祭坛上牺牲的。我投票了,但想象一下,如果我们现在仍在欧洲最终!他们必须讨厌和鄙视我们浪费很多时间,而天堂只知道他们多少钱。我们将获得我们应得的东西 - 对于一个小小的小小的国家来说,这是一小部分。
  • Quintus
    Quintus 成员Posts:62
    编辑30. 11月1日,00:00
    但是讨厌,亲爱的sticky w夫人W与它无关!请!
  • Quintus
    Quintus 成员Posts:62
    编辑30. 11月1日,00:00
  • StickyWicket
    StickyWicket 成员Posts:26,718
    编辑30. 11月1日,00:00
  • Quintus
    Quintus 成员Posts:62
    编辑30. 11月1日,00:00
    好的 - 回到防守海岸。为什么不。可以很有趣。当然,昨天很有趣。所有这些都是完全荒谬的。悲伤。谢谢,英国。
  • 气波!
    气波! 成员Posts:2,424
    编辑30. 11月1日,00:00


    Please dont think we didn't kniw what we were voting for in 2016 (just more soundbites from remainers), I ignired all the rhetoric and voted and yes I am over 60 and my vote counts as much as any younger person, I may live for another 50 years! I may be poorly educated but I know my own mind and am well aware of history.

  • daffy2
    daffy2 成员Posts:1,636
    编辑30. 11月1日,00:00
    Airwave I voted the other way but I share your opposition to another referendum. Whatever the result it would do nothing to heal our internal divisions and we would still have the same set of incapable politicians to screw up its implementation. They certainly would not wish to ensure that the voters had a better understanding of the extent to which much of what people voted against was the result of UK 'interpretations' rather than actual or intended EU policy; possibly the biggest elephant in the room in that respect is Mrs May when in the Home Office choosing not to implement the immigration controls available within EU legislation, and used by the other EU countries. Regardless of whether one is pro- or anti-EU, four decades of using it as a scapegoat has led to a generation of lazy politicians free to pursue self-interest and 'the good of the party' rather than the good of the country. If the vote had gone the other way there would have been no attempt to deal with the concerns of those who voted Leave, just business as usual, squashing the weak and hiding behind the EU. Sadly for those who voted Leave it's still 'as you were' anyway in that respect, with the added uncertainty of the effect of a withdrawal on commerce and industry, supply of goods etc.
  • StickyWicket
    StickyWicket 成员Posts:26,718
    编辑30. 11月1日,00:00
    我对你完全,愚笨的。欧盟一直是whipping boy for our own incompetence and lack of interest in sorting the true problems of our own country. Will things change if / when we are out of the EU? I don't know. I hope so because there is a lot of anger and blame around now and that gives rise to extremism on all sides.
  • DinoRul
    DinoRul 成员Posts:1
    编辑30. 11月1日,00:00
    Honestly, I was expecting another referendum. Which would be the end of democracy, even on paper. The people had a vote and it must be carried out. End of.
  • Quintus
    Quintus 成员Posts:62
    编辑30. 11月1日,00:00
    嗨,Dinorul-这是有趣的部分:执行!显然没有人知道如何。甚至不是为什么。他们现在谈论了另一个延长。这根本没有任何意义。英格兰已投票。领导者完全无能执行后果。英格兰应离开三月底的工会。正如英格兰人民投票的那样。巴斯塔。 It is still pathetic. And the reason for I am against referendums. I simply don't trust the common sense. 1933, for example. Brazil right now...
    well- you wanted to get out: get out. May is riding on a razor blade. She won't last much longer. Labour is going down the pipe as it's collègues all over Europe. England voted populism. And populism is always the equivalent of right wing. As patriotism is.
    英国脱欧 - 每日肥皂。它确实应该在三月份结束。
    To be frank- the tiny and insignificant rest of the world seems to be fed up by England's demands and mercantile ( not human) interests. Best of luck, anyway. I always liked being in GB. Especially at school. I won't come back, I think. Too patriotic and right wingish.
  • Quintus
    Quintus 成员Posts:62
    编辑30. 11月1日,00:00
    Good evening Mister Airwave, Sir.
    只是一个问题:如果您声称为捍卫英国海岸的祖先感到骄傲 - 它也很重要吗?在德国前任和她的堂兄之间,争夺英国宝座的战斗是法国人的统计?一代之后?另一个法国人和他的妻子不是那么法国公爵夫人吗?“您的”国家历史何时开始?从什么角度来看是“真正的”英语。还是为了上帝的英国人?您的祖先是否为萨克森·科伯格哥达(Sachsencobourg-Gotha)捍卫了您的岛屿?最近更名为温莎?只是代表爱国主义或某种问题的问题。

