Getting more depressed and frustrated

Mike1 成员Posts:1,992

I watched the item on GMB featuring the two psychologists this morning about being isolated and the resultant risk of mental health problems and suicide. Indeed there have been a multitude of items all over TV and Radio since lockdown about how people are not managing being in lockdown. My point is HOW THE HELL DO PEOPLE THINK THAT PEOPLE LIKE ME MANAGED BEFORE LOCKDOWN. I am physically disabled, using crutches around my bungalow and a wheelchair. I live alone and have been virtually housebound since the DVLA withdrew my driving licence on medical grounds and I had to get rid of my car. I used to have a Home Help who came once a week for two hours but she is now in 12 week isolation, apart from that I used to see one of my sisters about once a week for an hour, the other one I may see once a year maybe. Other than that I had no social contact. I don't do Facebook or any other form of social media so have no contact that way either, indeed this forum is about the only way I do communicate with others (other than talking to my cat). I appreciate that there are organisations who provide phone support but I do not feel comfortable using them as it means talking to strangers and I have had to rely on myself for the past 20 years, I suppose it is also my ex-forces mentality.





  • It is hard. Im in the same boat with isolation. Iv stopped watching tv or listening to the radio. It cant upset you if you dont hear it. ♀️ stay positive! An do things you enjoy!
  • EIR1971
    EIR1971 成员Posts:20

    我认为这是自然的正常生活的人ves to struggle in isolation, I don't think having someone to isolate with means it is easier for them or that they have any more support. A lot of households are feeling the strain from being together for virtually 24 hours a day, the rise in domestic violence reflects this.

    If it's making you depressed maybe you should stop watching these programmes, concentrate on yourself and improving your own wellbeing rather than focusing on other people.

  • 恩典123
    恩典123 成员Posts:7
    edited 8. May 2020, 08:34
    Hi I’m sorry to hear you feel like this. I think the media have turned this into a bit of a competition and it really shouldn’t be. Every single person is experiencing changes to their lives to some extent and everyone is potentially struggling.
    Everyone is facing their own problems and they shouldn’t have to hide how they are feeling. Please don’t think it means people don’t care or are not aware that there are others are in a more difficult situation than themselves. Sending you best wishes at this very difficult time.
  • Mike1
    Mike1 成员Posts:1,992

    Thank you Grace for putting my comments into context; I apologise for the way in which I framed my comments, on reflection I probably should not have commented on the subject in the first place. As I did mention I have dark days and it is often easier for me to descend into the abyss than pull myself up. You have my admiration and total respect.

  • 嗨,迈克,我的帖子确实是为了突出显示并试图向您保证,许多面对自己的问题的人仍然真正关心他人。这是一个非常奇怪和孤独的时期,正如您所说,对于一个独自生活的人来说,这一定很难。保重xx
  • 嗨,迈克,I am so sorry to read that this horrible, tragic and, as I often feel, frightening situation, is having such a profound affect on you. I cannot say truthfully that I know how you feel, although my mobility problems sound very similar to yours, I have my Husband and 32 year old Downs Syndrome Son to share my home with. I find my mood changing so dramatically from hour to hour and I have to keep reminding myself how lucky I am and not let the feelings of real terror of how I will cope if I should lose my Husband first. How Selfish does that make me sound!! I'm ashamed of these feelings and keep reminding myself how my glass is half full and not half empty. Do you like writing? I find it very helpful to write a sort of diary/journal, it is quite challenging to be totally honest with yourself. You will have helped a lot of people to understand things that they couldn't even imagine and you have my total admiration and respect for managing to share your feelings. Please know that I am thinking of you and praying for you to receive whatever will bring you comfort. Sending a big cyber hug.

    Lyn x

  • Aj_x
    Aj_x 成员Posts:206




    我知道你说过你不想和陌生人交谈,但我一时兴起,我把关节炎与关节炎相关编号beplay体育怎么下载0800 5200 520以防万一您想与某人交谈。

    Also Lyn1066 you don't sound selfish at all. Why would you? If truth be told I am the same. I wouldn't cope at all if my husband was to go first.



  • 您好迈克(Mike) - 我完全感谢您的感受,并尽可能地避免新闻 - 幸运的是,我的爱好正在研究任何我不了解的一切 - 除了病毒(!)。我们的患者需要的是一种止痛药,它是安全的,可以让我们独立的。当思想接管并感到迷失时,我会生我的气,所以我完全理解 - 但是我们不需要被告知“持久效果”或其他东西 - 不会有任何迈克 - 我们仍然是我们的身份最好的健康和活跃的人也都有“休息日”的日子,因此下车是完全正常的。你听起来像个坚强的人,没有什么能让你夺走的 - 不会!承认您有时候的感觉就是一切!达夫。

  • kazandnoo
    kazandnoo 成员Posts:126

