

从字面上看,一旦完成,我们就进行了CQC检查。再次,我日夜工作,以确保CQC检查到位的所有区域。最后的检查报告结果是,在5个领域中有2个需要改进。检查日发生在CQC决定不再因Covid19而进行的任何物理检查的那一天...尽管检查人员不知道直到我打印出我收到的电子邮件并向她展示了它!她完成了那天的检查,AMD我们等待了几周的结果。我们在这5个关键领域中获得了良好的评分 - 这是Care Home首次获得5个关键领域!

因此,从加入失败的护理之家开始,我们设法实现了不可能的事情 - 尤其是当业主为我提供零管理培训时,我以前从未担任过管理职位!但是....这几乎摧毁了我。精神和身体上。因此,我可悲地决定辞职AMD恢复压力不足的事情。我回到了医院病房里的接待员。有史以来最好的东西!

我还接受了AS培训,并毕业于临床催眠疗法从业人员。由于Covid19 AMD Lockdown等,我目前无法进行太多练习,但我将在明年年初兼职担任临床催眠疗法从业人员,以最终认为(希望)变得完全自我雇用。

I like to be busy, but now look at what I'm likely to be able to manage. The theory side of everything is not a problem, though the practical side does need some thought put into it to ensure I don't overdo things..... I'm still thinking that side through! But I aim to combine hypnotherapy and aromatherapy together, for as long as I can. When I can't do the physical aspect, I'll focus again solely on the hypnotherapy.


  • 百合
    百合 成员帖子:1,522


    I’m a shocker for doing too much, and for wading through years and years of unremitting severe stress at work, then pushing myself up mountains and huge trekking holidays and restoring a decrepit house and garden single handedly in my time off. My body eventually paid me back with ME (twice, for 18 months and 3 years respectively) then with OA in my ruined joints. And let’s not talk about what it’s done to my brain chemistry. Lockdown was the first time I’ve properly relaxed in 40 years.

    对不起,我不记得你的年龄段,虽然I have so much to look back on, and don’t regret the majority of choices I’ve made (which lead to an interesting, unusual and challenging life), and I’m glad I’m still able to do much of the work side of it, I have paid heavily with my health, which has repeatedly frustrated my ambitions. If I could have done one thing differently, I would have been kinder to myself. Remember to make time for yourself. No-one’s expectations of you are worth burning out for them.

  • 考虑到我们的疾病,你们两个都做得很好。我患有关节炎已有40多年了,不能说这是一段简单的旅程。我阅读了与关节炎有关的任何事情,在饮食中尝试了各种各样的事情,但无济于事。


    We were amazed when about 20 people rocked up with their pies and cakes as well. I had no idea how to lead the meeting but everyone just started talking about their aches and pains and the time just flew by. It became a regular date alternating in each other's homes. When arriving in the UK 16 years ago with my husband I was recommended by the GP to see a Rheumatologist in North Shields. During our chats I mentioned about the support group that I ran and he said that he was teaching the following week and would I like to come along. On agreeing I was the "model" for Newcastle University 3rd year medical students and this I did for a few years. I was then invited with a few others to attend a meeting at the hospital with Rheumatology nurses to form a support group for arthritis sufferers.I was chosen as their treasurer and later on secretary as well.I did this for about 4 - 5 years but had to leave the group when my husband and I moved to Northumberland. Since moving I have attended a conference for people to qualify as consultants and once again a "model". I enjoy reading posts on Online Community, and have been invited to join a Versus Arthritis group online and now I have joined Lets Move with Leon.


  • That’s fantastic Constance, thanks for being such a star in setting up these groups and raising awareness! Xx

  • 我的荣幸x

