
Hi everyone,

我在NHS工作,一直从Homensince March Shielding工作。我要今晚要接种疫苗。只是想知道是否有人在伊姆拉迪(Imraldi)上有其他人?



  • Ellen
    Ellen ModeratorPosts:1,122



    You are about to have the COVID-19 Vaccine this evening and are taking Imraldi.


    Very best of luck and please do let us know how you get on people will be very, very interested


  • 我还没有,我也没有imraldi

    I am very interested to see how you got/get on though@gemma09

  • silverfoxxxx
    silverfoxxxx 成员Posts:125
    编辑16. 2020年12月,08:44

    I’ve not heard anything yet, I had a rough reaction to imraldi and had to swop out to an alternative so I’m hoping a similar carrier isn’t used in the vaccine.

  • Kazza52
    Kazza52 成员Posts:74



  • 我有我的第一个剂量和我没有反应n what so ever. I spent 2 days feeling a bit groggy but nothing different to any other jab really.


  • I had my first vaccine on 23rd December and just had a sore arm for two days, I am on Sulfasalazine.

  • Looking good so far folks. Well done I am waiting to be called


  • Hi everyone,

    Well done to all those who have had the vaccine so far. I am waiting to be called to have mine but as soon as I hear I won't hesitate to get it done. The more of us that have the vaccine the sooner this horrid life threatening virus will be a thing of the past and some form of normality will return to us all.

    Stay safe everyone.


  • Mike1
    Mike1 成员Posts:1,992


  • StickyWicket
    StickyWicket 成员Posts:26,975


  • Does anyone know whether the vaccine will interact with Methotrexate. I take six tablets every Friday and folic acid tablets the days I don't. I would like to have the vaccine but I am worried about the side effects. <\/p>

    Karen 🐶<\/span><\/p>","bodyRaw":"[{\"insert\":\"Does anyone know whether the vaccine will interact with Methotrexate. I take six tablets every Friday and folic acid tablets the days I don't. I would like to have the vaccine but I am worried about the side effects. \\n\\nKaren \"},{\"insert\":{\"emoji\":{\"emojiChar\":\"🐶\"}}},{\"insert\":\"\\n\"}]","format":"rich","dateInserted":"2020-12-19T13:22:48+00:00","insertUser":{"userID":114177,"name":"Kazza52","url":"https:\/\/community.versusarthritis.org\/profile\/Kazza52","photoUrl":"https:\/\/w6.vanillicon.com\/v2\/6d9c15bf49ea58b9d3f04df6c7cee6c3.svg","dateLastActive":"2022-02-21T21:40:55+00:00","banned":0,"punished":0,"private":false},"displayOptions":{"showUserLabel":false,"showCompactUserInfo":true,"showDiscussionLink":false,"showPostLink":false,"showCategoryLink":false,"renderFullContent":false,"expandByDefault":false},"url":"https:\/\/community.versusarthritis.org\/discussion\/comment\/675278#Comment_675278","embedType":"quote"}"> https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/comment/675278#Comment_675278

    嗨 - 周日我接受了第一次辉瑞疫苗。像你一样,我每个星期五都在甲氨蝶呤 - 8片。有人告诉我要继续正常。我的手臂有点受伤,有点疲倦,但没有比流感刺痛的差!

  • Ellen
    Ellen ModeratorPosts:1,122


    Please excuse the interruption@kazza52, but I just want to welcome L3ytongirl to the Online Community and thank her for already supporting someone.

    If you feel comfortable do please tell us a little more about yourself and join in wherever you want to L3ytongirl.



  • l3ytongirl
    l3ytongirl 成员Posts:4
    edited 14. Jan 2021, 09:39

    Thanks! I was diagnosed in late 2018 with Psoriatic Arthritis. I was prescribed methotrexate and while it does have side effects it has had a positive impact. I am not taking any painkillers. I’m sure my experience will be similar to many of you. I didn’t even know PSA was a thing until I got it. My psoriasis doesn’t look like the common image. I though the scalp psoriasis was dandruff. All the symptoms seemed unconnected.


    I don’t exercise enough. Compounded by shielding. I’ve signed up for the exercise videos. Plan to start in February- January is always to gloomy!

    most importantly I try and stay positive!

  • Ellen
    Ellen ModeratorPosts:1,122


    Here's a link to a recent thread:

    Hey !! <\/p>

    I have just recently been diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis as well in December ! <\/p>

    ive been quiet lucky in the respect of a quick diagnosis I started of the stuff joints in fingers April it did take quiet a few calls but I insisted on being referred because I didn’t like popping pills and not knowing why I was in so much pain if that makes sense I had a telephone consultation then xrays and Mri and then a 2nd consultant just before Xmas when he told me I had PSA .<\/p>

    im due to have steroid injections into the affected joints next Monday not looking forward to that but some pain relief will be nice and I guess he will tell me about medication I need to take !<\/p>

    so sorry it’s taken so long for your diagnosis please rest when you can even on days you feel ok that’s advise someone have me and it’s good to take time out and don’t over do things xx<\/p>","bodyRaw":"[{\"insert\":\"Hey !! \\nI have just recently been diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis as well in December ! \\nive been quiet lucky in the respect of a quick diagnosis I started of the stuff joints in fingers April it did take quiet a few calls but I insisted on being referred because I didn’t like popping pills and not knowing why I was in so much pain if that makes sense I had a telephone consultation then xrays and Mri and then a 2nd consultant just before Xmas when he told me I had PSA .\\nim due to have steroid injections into the affected joints next Monday not looking forward to that but some pain relief will be nice and I guess he will tell me about medication I need to take !\\nso sorry it’s taken so long for your diagnosis please rest when you can even on days you feel ok that’s advise someone have me and it’s good to take time out and don’t over do things xx \\n\"}]","format":"rich","dateInserted":"2021-01-03T18:17:41+00:00","insertUser":{"userID":115898,"name":"Hairobsessed123","url":"https:\/\/community.versusarthritis.org\/profile\/Hairobsessed123","photoUrl":"https:\/\/us.v-cdn.net\/6031919\/uploads\/userpics\/FRX2XCGNW9AP\/n0AL0NYJ6CA3H.jpeg","dateLastActive":"2022-09-01T11:24:02+00:00","banned":0,"punished":0,"private":false},"displayOptions":{"showUserLabel":false,"showCompactUserInfo":true,"showDiscussionLink":false,"showPostLink":false,"showCategoryLink":false,"renderFullContent":false,"expandByDefault":false},"url":"https:\/\/community.versusarthritis.org\/discussion\/comment\/675673#Comment_675673","embedType":"quote"}"> https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/comment/675673#Comment_675673


    It's good to hear that Methotrexate (MTX) is really helping you. People new to it very often fear the side effects so your story will reassure many.

    I'll leave you now to join in wherever you like.



  • 我有palindromic RA,每周服用MTX 5片。医院RA专家护士的建议(非常出色)是在我得到疫苗接种后避免服用MTX 2周。显然,这也适用于流感疫苗,尽管以前没有人提到过。但是,显然可以提高疫苗的功效,但是,GP手术似乎没有意识到。还有其他人收到这个建议吗?

    No idea when I'll be offered the vaccine as the rollout in my area seems very slow.

  • Ellen
    Ellen ModeratorPosts:1,122

    你好@bluepoint欢迎to our Online Community.

    Your RA specialist nurse has advised you to not take your Methotrexate for 2 weeks after you get your COVID vaccination and are wondering if anyone else has had this advice too.

    Here is some information about vaccines//www.wfysxh.com/about-arthritis/living-with-arthritis/vaccinations/当您等待某人的经验时。

    This is part of this thread, but I'm picking it out for youhttps://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/comment/676022/#Comment_676022as it's relevant to your query.



  • Hi@bluepoint

    That's interesting. I've been receiving flu jab for over 25 years & been mon Methotrexate (20mg weekly) for past four years. Never heard that about stopping for a couple of weeks before. When I get Covid vaccination invite I'll be sure to ask about this. Thanks

  • Had my 6/12 review by phone with the rheumatology pharmacist today. A very useful appointment!


    I’m on Benepali and methotrexate. The Pharmacist said it doesn’t matter which vaccine they have as either will be ok.

    I asked if it would be worth stopping my DMARDs for a week or so to allow my immune system a chance to respond to the vaccine - I’m due a dose of Benepali tomorrow - and she said the usual advice is not to stop but IF I’m well controlled at the moment, I could make the decision for myself. Anyone with active disease should not stop their DMARDs.


  • Good luck for tomorrow@BettyMac

    Great news for you


  • 我也希望,托尼!

    Fingers crossed - while they’re still behaving

