
This is so frustrating. I've been checking the coronavirus vaccination section of the NHS website occasionally to see if I'd become eligible yet for vaccination on grounds of clinical extreme vulnerability. Up until yesterday the message was that I wasn't. Last night though it changed and after inputting my details was offered a choice of four venues to book a vaccination. Great, you might think. BUT..... the nearest centre is seventeen miles away, I don't drive and current shielding advice is not to use public transport. However there was also a message saying to check again regularly as more centres are opening all the time.


The woman answering was very helpful. I explained everything as above and she told me not to worry about it saying I'd missed an appointment as if I'd booked I'd have been texted a reference number which obviously I hadn't. She said I could check back on the website regularly without fear of being dropped off the system because it was wrongly assuming I'd missed appointments.

That was some relief but didn't address the problem of actually making an appointment. Her advice was to phone my GP surgery. So I did. Only to get a message saying if I was calling about vaccination to hang up and wait to be contacted. But as I'm clearly eligible now and haven't heard anything from my GP I am now concerned that I may not be registered on their system as being in the extremely vulnerable category.




对不起,这篇文章的长度but if anyone has any ideas on how to break the logjam I really would appreciate it.


  • Can I ask if you have received your invitation letter? I don't think you can complete a booking without that even if you are now in one of the eligible groups. However, it is misleading and there is a great deal of conflicting advice about how people will be contacted. The rollout is patchy and in my area of Bedfordshire it is very slow. GPs surgeries here are the same will not take calls about the vaccine at all. If it helps lots of CEV people don't appear to have heard yet. Apparently if you have had a shielding letter you are in the system and will be contacted. Stress is very bad for arthritis and if you are feeling very anxious could you make an appointment with your GP on that basis without mentioning the vaccine?

  • 谢谢。是的,您可以在收到该信件进入系统时收到该信之前预订,这可能需要一周的时间才能到达。明天早上,我被任命为预约 - 今天早上。

    In the end I persevered to get through to the GP, was profusely apologetic to the receptionist and explained I was only calling because that's what the covid advice line said to do. They confirmed exactly what you say - that they have a list of people shielding and I'm on it. That was my worry - falling through the cracks. Being on one list but not another. So I'll be called in due course. I do know they started 75-79s over a week ago so when they get to 70-74, CEVs are included with that.


  • 哦,对您有好处,希望它能使您放心。一如既往的沟通一直是最弱的部分。我知道收到疫苗的少数人说,在交货时期这是非常有效的,他们没有任何不良影响。最好的祝愿。

  • duffer
    duffer MemberPosts:45

    I can sympathise - I have osteo and haven't been in a car or out of the house for more than a year. Unfortunately (what a whimp!) I also suffer from car sickness and vertigo. I have a wonderful carer once a week but the only jab I could get was on a Saturday and the carer company don't work on weekends.......not happy about using public taxis as the virus is very high here in Dorset. So.......I sit and wait and hope to get a home visit.......Helen.

  • scotleag
    scotleag MemberPosts:62

    Oh that's awful it being a Saturday only. Couldn't they re-arrange for a weekday. Agree absolutely re taxis.

  • 快速更新。手术响了,并在本周五在当地健康中心预订了我。高兴极了。

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton MemberPosts:27,878

    Brilliant! Best of luck

  • scotleag
    scotleag MemberPosts:62


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton MemberPosts:27,878


    Glad it's done anyway!

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