
Yvonneh 成员帖子:1,133

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  • 乔纳
    乔纳 成员帖子:393

    Hi, I have read this barbaric proposal and talk about taking us back to the dark ages well I’m shocked and appalled, it takes forever for tests and referrals and the govt only say test and refer if a medical professional suspects something is wrong again dr knows best what are we in the 40s in the meantime what are people supposed to do. If paracetamol cause problems or don’t help why are they still being sold?

  • 对我读书,就像告诉人们走开并进行运动意味着不必对他们做任何进一步的事情。当患者说不能运动时,哦,好吧,他们没有遵循治疗计划,因此无法帮助。

    我想运动 - 我不能。即使是少量的活动也使我几天不动,什么时候有一对一的生理学,她一直说我必须做一些少的事情。痛苦不是懒惰。剧烈痛苦的人通常尝试了书中的每个自助技巧,没人愿意无法身体做事

  • Mike1
    Mike1 成员帖子:1,992


  • 乔纳
    乔纳 成员帖子:393

    Who are these people that sit in an office making this up as a way to save money because that’s all it boils down to saving money at the end of the day disregard people who are in pain or are old or just give everyone anti depressants they may I add are also addictive do they honestly think people want to live like we do not everyone is the same some find mild pain exercise helps but multiple joint arthritis or as drs say wear and tear is fact these govt drones need to keep it real we are not a spreadsheet

  • 我最近与一位全科医生交谈,他告诉我,我手中没有再注射可的松,并且没有意义的处方我可以缓解任何疼痛,因为它无助于关节炎!老实说,这几乎使我脱颖而出,以至于随后与我自己的全科医生进行了讨论,包括对心理健康团队的紧急转介,值得庆幸的是,与大麻息息相关的可待因处方。对我开处方运动的问题会加剧我的COPD,并且无法在不喘气的情况下行走自己的长度。我接受丰满无济于事的,吃蛋糕和饼干只会使关节炎变得更糟,但善良和理解也不会不对劲。

