转介疼痛 - 但这是我的膝盖!- 感知说明了!

I am a retired Hypnotherapist, so I know a thing or two about the mind - one of the most interesting facts being that your perception can lie to you - remember the phenomenon of "is the dress white and gold or black and blue?"? I was one of those who would have sworn in blood that it was white and gold, until it was proved to me that it was in fact black and blue - yet my perception continued to lie to me!! I still only see white and gold to this day. Many an optical illusion, including all those pitchside adverts on sports fields that look 3D, exploit these limitations in our perception.

尽管知道了这一切,但是当我的臀部软骨开始崩溃时,我完全没有准备好自己对我的感知。在二月左右,我以为我已经扭伤了两个软骨 - 一个在大腿上,另一个在膝盖上 - 还是坐骨神经痛?还是所有人?

在接下来的两个月中,我努力思考膝盖和大腿支撑会有所帮助 - 但他们没有!更奇怪的是,我的腿的哪一部分受伤 - 它不断移动。而且情况越来越糟!

Finally once Covid restrictions were eased to allow indoor non-essential consultations, I immediately sought out a Physio - I didn't want to wait around for months on the GP just to be seen. I knew exactly what I wanted - to have the problem diagnosed and a treatment plan to fix it.

Physio 1 said the problem was a weak hip, which was affecting my knee, and prescribed the exercises to strengthen it. In the coming days, I decided that I just didn't buy it. My knee was in AGONY and to me that was the prime issue. I fired off a somewhat terse e-mail accusing him of being fixated on one thing and ignoring the other. Physio 1 referred me to Physio 2. Physio 2 gave me the most astonishing demo. He pummeled and wiggled that knee for all it was worth and got no pain response at all! A few tugs of the thigh revealed a hip in trouble. He showed me a diagram of all the areas a hip can refer pain to, and guess what, that's where I hurt!

毫无疑问,我已经清楚地表明,由于神经的连线方式,我的看法被公然撒谎。有趣的是,我发现了一篇类似的文章,使同一观点在这个公平的站点上有些藏起来,而不是在活动结束后。当然,Physio 2放弃了他的重磅炸弹改变生活的诊断 - 根本原因是髋关节骨关节炎。****。和双****。

My experience makes me wonder how many poor s*ds have gone to the GP complaining of knee and miscellaneous leg pain, months of investigation revealing nothing, when all along their hip was gradually disintegrating. Someone needs to shout from the rooftops that KNEE PAIN MIGHT BE ACTUALLY COMING FROM THE HIP!! Every GP, chiropractor, osteopath and orthopaedic consultant needs this fact burned into their brain.

Oh btw the dress - on average 57% will see this dress as its true colours of blue and black; 30% as white and gold; 11% as blue and brown; and 10% will see between any of the colour combinations. Less than 1% will see it as blue and gold. Women and older people disproportionately see the dress as white and gold.



  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member帖子:1,522


    即使有我可爱的医生,我最喜欢的(to the point that when she left the practice to join another, I seriously thought about moving house, but then also realised that couldn’t be seen as stalking)... anyway, even my lovely GP rejected the first recommendation from my physio for an X-ray to see what was going on in my hip, on the basis that “there is no treatment for wear and tear”. It was only when I turned up in surgery with mobility in my hip reduced to around 40% (even less laterally) that she agreed it was time to X-ray, by which time the damage was so bad I was put straight on the list for a new hip.


    (And the dress is white, bordering on very pale blue, and gold, don't let anyone tell you otherwise ! )

  • 我绝对同意GPS - 在重症监护下,NHS是世界上最好的,但是在慢性护理中,根据我的经验,这是一堆****。您必须对自己的病情比以往任何时候都更加了解自己的病情,因为它们也是所有行业的必要性和无人的杰克,并且比使人衰弱的情况更适合杀手条件。但是,我通常发现,如果您是明显不会拒绝答案的急躁类型,并且准备好搅动各种****,如果您没有得到想要的答案,他们就会'无论您需要什么,都会给您毒品/推荐,只是为了使您离开他们的咨询室。示例:被鼠标咬伤后,小姐去了GP进行破伤风戳。护士说:“我们通常不会为这些事情散发破伤风戳。”“我想要它!”小姐说。她得到了戳戳。

  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member帖子:1,522


    Add to the mix that each body they are presented with is so individual, there are so many variables imposed throughout our lives on bodies that probably weren’t equal even from the date of birth, that it’s both a matter of luck as much as professional judgement and experience that they hit on the right diagnosis. In my consultations I probably overload them, albeit succinctly, with case history, as the bit you inadvertently leave out may be the vital clue. I know this from my own work. (I’m not a medic, but my work involves a lot of forensic fact gathering and analysis, and asking of seemingly daft questions). So our health care workers are really up against it from the moment we walk in, and I try to make it a team effort. Sometimes this may involve being politely persistent, particularly for referrals to the right specialist to take your case further, which I've found usually works. Sometimes I think the GPs are happy to do this as it gets you off their desk, so to speak, but then they have Regional Health Care Trust budgets to consider, so it’s not always in their control.



  • Damned69
    Damned69 Member帖子:55

    Your conciliatory tone is commendable and I wouldn't diss it for a moment. I fear that personally I am aggressively cynical and believe that professional relationships are about different agendas that aren't always on the same page. If I get official resistance, rudeness or incompetence, I'm going to wave my metaphorical club in the air and make it quite clear I've no scruples about wielding it. Give me my way or expect grief - that's how things get done. However there's a Yin to my Yang - I'm reasonable in my demands and gushingly appreciative when I'm helped.

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