Problems with a private company delivering medication

Aberjonest 成员Posts:10
edited 6. Jun 2022, 15:11 inLiving with arthritis

Anyone had experience of getting - or rather NOT getting meds from a private company whose name begins with S? They are impossible to contact, their App does not work, and they don't answer the phone or emails. Why the NHS has contracted out to them is beyond me. Is there any way round the problems?



  • Frogmorton
    Frogmorton 成员Posts:27,878

    I'd get on to my rheumatologist and let them know the trouble you're having. You can't go without essential medication!!

  • this does not fill me with confidence at all as I am awaiting a call about 1st delivery of cimzia which I am due 2 go on, I was told 3 wks wait from the nurse I had a chat 2 about it, I really hope I'm not waiting months, I can't, I'm in agony every morning when I wake up.

  • @Aberjonest得知您也正在与Sciensus一起度过噩梦,我感到非常抱歉。我在Instagram上发布了有关它的信息,两个人取得了联系,说他们没有问题,但是我听说有更多的人!我认为您已经阅读了有关它们的帖子,他们基本上撒谎了几次打电话给我,取消了交货,没有打扰我,找不到我在系统上,给了我错误的交货插槽...。他们当天唯一的公鸡是他们没有带一个夏普的盒子,几天后他们分别寄来了。

    I was cursing privatisation after this experience with Sciensus and then I had even MORE of a nightmare trying to get my methotrexate from the NHS... which I am HOPEFULLY going to pick up tomorrow, 8 days late for my dose, but I don't quite believe that's going to happen either. So I have every sympathy, it's horrible not being able to trust these companies that have so much power and control over us. I hope you can take some comfort from the fact that I did, somehow, eventually get through to them and my medication is now in my body! I even got a text with a date for my next delivery in a few weeks' time, so I'm hoping it's going to be easier from then on.

    @loopylouI hope you hear something from them soon. I was told 2-4 weeks by the nurse and I waited 5, then another week or so of back and forth with them. I read about so many dreadful experiences with them and I was just despairing. However, they hugely surprised me by actually turning up with my medication in the end.

  • Logged on just now in order to write a post about this very same issue.


    在最后一周,我在手机的队列中花了2 x 30分钟 - 最终挂断了

    Every time they’ve attempted to call me in the past, the phone rings twice and then cuts off. That does not allow time to get there and answer it!

    An email I sent them a week ago still hasn’t been answered, beyond the automated response

    The live-chat function has disappeared - which is a pity because it did work quite well - and the new app isn’t yet up and running

    我最终在旧公司应用程序上找到了一个联系表格 - 从H开始,并要求对此进行回电。不屏住呼吸!

    Have also messaged them via Twitter - again, not holding my breath for a quick response.


    Not sure if there are teething problems re the change from H to S - or maybe they’re short staffed like everyone else - but we rely on them to deliver our important and heavy-duty meds so I hope they get things a bit better organised v soon

  • loopylou
    loopylou 成员Posts:175

    @CuriousSquirrelso do I, I called the rhuemy helpline again on thurs the woman on the other end was more helpful than the last 1 I spoke 2 when I called, she was just rude. The woman this time made notes (I cud hear her tapping away on her keyboard) and sent it off 2 the rhuemy nurses with a note 2 call me. They did fri at 2:35, 5 mins after I left my house 2 go 2 work so I missed the call, voicemail was left, no number and as it was a private number I cudnt call back so currently still waiting on then 2 call me back. Knowing my luck it will b at 9:05 mon am when I am just driving home from work.

    我只是想要一个swers as the 3wks is up now.

  • Baloo
    Baloo 成员Posts:107

    @Aberjonestgreetings, I work as a customer support technician. If the app doesn't work try the website. I have taken a quick look at the site. Use the menu hamburger if your on a smartphone and navigate to Help | Delivery tracker. The tracker looks like a good place to start.

  • Hi

    I had the same problem with them, they take almost 4wks to deliver my injection. They claimed that they could not find the prescription that the hospital sent them. They gave me the complete run around

  • Ellen
    Ellen ModeratorPosts:1,122

    Apologies for the Hijack everyone I just wanted to welcome@cassandra66_到在线社区。


    如果您愿意,请介绍自己说“你好”, but if not do have a look around the rest of the forum and join in wherever you feel comfortable you are sure to get a warm welcome.



  • My latest update is that I did get a response, but only by using Twitter (tag the company name and your local NHS trust) , and follow up using the[电子邮件保护]电子邮件地址。我最终还设法进入了该应用程序 - 再次,最初没有从一般电子邮件地址(或IT电子邮件地址)进行响应,但是在发推文后,我成功地响应了。但是 - 该应用程序并不总是可靠的 - 在许多情况下,我会获得“连接丢失”,因此必须注销并重新注销。我还必须至少等待45分钟,才能让任何人接听电话。拜访我(两次)的护士确实很有帮助且专业,但是我必须问,当我知道如何注射时,某人每次访问(两次)的旅行(两次)是否有价值(两次)旅行(两次)我使用甲氨蝶呤已有2年以上。因此 - 我的建议是,不要沉默的服务不良 - 登上Twitter并使您的观点知道。

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