


  • 艾伦
    艾伦 主持人职位:1122年



    \nI hope you are all well \":)\"<\/img>

    \nI saw my surgeon last night for my recovery assessment. I'll start with the positive news, the surgeon was very pleased with how well the THR is doing and he was glad to see me down to one crutch. He also said I was looking so much better then I was when I saw him 3 weeks earlier. He wasn't concerned about the raised plasma viscosity in my blood test as that is normal in anyone who has had a joint replacement and it can be raised for up to 6 months.

    \nHe was very concerned about the swelling in the knee. He saw me walk without a crutch and noticed that the knee was bowing to one side. There is a lot of fluid in my knee and I was in a lot of pain when he did certain movements. Apart from the early onset of OA he is pretty sure that I have torn some cartilage in the knee. He's arranged for an urgent MRI scan and I am not to attempt to walk unaided. I have to keep using the one crutch until I see him again after the scan. I can still do certain exercises but no twisting of the knee.

    \nI'm off into town with a friend today to get a neoprene knee support which I have to wear everyday until I see him again. If there is some damage to the knee I will have to wear a proper knee brace for 6-8 weeks. But on a positive side, he did say that once I get the knee brace I will be able to drive and come off the crutch as the brace will support the knee fully. Fingers crossed that I will be back at work in 5 weeks time, albeit I will have to cut my hours a little until I am fully fit but anything is better then being stuck at home. Although I have to have the scan done etc, I am feeling so much more positive with my recovery. Everything is going well with the THR and I just need to get the knee sorted \":)\"<\/img>

    \nI also asked the surgeon about the Femoralacetabular impingement and knowing that it was hereditary what chances my son had of having the same impingement. I never knew about the FAI until it was too late and it only came to light once the damage had been done and I was diagnosed with OA in both hips. He said that it is more common in female family members then it is males. He said to get my son xrayed when he turns 18 next year and that will show if there is any impingement. If there is, he will be able to have the arthroscopy done to remove the extra bone spurs and lead an active life, I'm hoping for there to be no FAI but if there is, we know that something can be done about it \":D\"<\/img>

    \nSarah x","bodyRaw":"Morning everyone,\n\nI hope you are all well :)\n\nI saw my surgeon last night for my recovery assessment. I'll start with the positive news, the surgeon was very pleased with how well the THR is doing and he was glad to see me down to one crutch. He also said I was looking so much better then I was when I saw him 3 weeks earlier. He wasn't concerned about the raised plasma viscosity in my blood test as that is normal in anyone who has had a joint replacement and it can be raised for up to 6 months.\n\nHe was very concerned about the swelling in the knee. He saw me walk without a crutch and noticed that the knee was bowing to one side. There is a lot of fluid in my knee and I was in a lot of pain when he did certain movements. Apart from the early onset of OA he is pretty sure that I have torn some cartilage in the knee. He's arranged for an urgent MRI scan and I am not to attempt to walk unaided. I have to keep using the one crutch until I see him again after the scan. I can still do certain exercises but no twisting of the knee. \n\nI'm off into town with a friend today to get a neoprene knee support which I have to wear everyday until I see him again. If there is some damage to the knee I will have to wear a proper knee brace for 6-8 weeks. But on a positive side, he did say that once I get the knee brace I will be able to drive and come off the crutch as the brace will support the knee fully. Fingers crossed that I will be back at work in 5 weeks time, albeit I will have to cut my hours a little until I am fully fit but anything is better then being stuck at home. Although I have to have the scan done etc, I am feeling so much more positive with my recovery. Everything is going well with the THR and I just need to get the knee sorted :)\n\nI also asked the surgeon about the Femoralacetabular impingement and knowing that it was hereditary what chances my son had of having the same impingement. I never knew about the FAI until it was too late and it only came to light once the damage had been done and I was diagnosed with OA in both hips. He said that it is more common in female family members then it is males. He said to get my son xrayed when he turns 18 next year and that will show if there is any impingement. If there is, he will be able to have the arthroscopy done to remove the extra bone spurs and lead an active life, I'm hoping for there to be no FAI but if there is, we know that something can be done about it :D \n\nSarah x","format":"bbcode","dateInserted":"2014-03-29T05:58:27+00:00","insertUser":{"userID":82050,"name":"Sarah01","url":"https:\/\/community.versusarthritis.org\/profile\/Sarah01","photoUrl":"https:\/\/wf.vanillicon.com\/v2\/faf584bab3b53ce4c2d8d1e6b8b56942.svg","dateLastActive":"2014-07-14T13:57:11+00:00","banned":0,"punished":0,"private":false},"displayOptions":{"showUserLabel":false,"showCompactUserInfo":true,"showDiscussionLink":true,"showPostLink":true,"showCategoryLink":false,"renderFullContent":false,"expandByDefault":false},"url":"https:\/\/community.versusarthritis.org\/discussion\/42112\/11-week-update","embedType":"quote","name":"11 Week Update"}"> https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/42112/11-week-update







  • frogmorton
    frogmorton 成员职位:27878年








  • 谢谢你的兴趣,


  • stickywicket
    stickywicket 成员职位:26975年







    我不是医生,但我认为,如果你有OA在膝盖然后截骨术只会推迟这一问题。如果你没有在你的膝OA -显然造成刺什么造成任何问题。


  • 你好Stickywicket(名称)





  • 哦*& * % *!






  • Stickywicket,非常感谢与我分享你的旅行,我真的很感激。也许是时候回到我的医生。


