How can strengthening and stretching help your arthritis?

4月22日il 2022
Lady stretching, a group doing stretching exercises and Leon from our Let's Move with Leon programme.

Keeping moving and making regular movement part of your week is important. By doing strength and stretching exercises you can help to boost your mood, increase mobility (which can help with daily tasks) and ease pain.

Benefits of strengthening and stretching

Strengthening and stretching exercises are beneficial as they:

  • are lower impact and won’t put excess stress on your joints
  • can help blood flow and improve circulation which can help boost energy levels and ease aches and pains
  • can be done at home and you don’t need special equipment
  • can done at a pace and time to suit you.

What type of exercises can you try?

Some people with arthritis findyoga, Tai Chiand Pilates helpful as they focus on gradual movement and muscle strength. They can be adapted to your needs and you can find lots of free resources online, for example:

If you do a class with an instructor, ask them for any modifications to exercises, if needed.

Nafisa’s story

Nafisa is 54 and hasrheumatoid arthritisand she shares how starting gradually with exercise and regularly moving has helped her with her arthritis.

“Start gradually, even if you feel you can’t do it.”

I started with a stress ball, I used to do different exercises whilst I was watching TV. Then over time I could do a little more.

Motivation when you’re in pain is the hardest thing, rheumatoid or any pain is SOOO painful.

It can feel like broken bones, if you’re saying to someone to move more and you have this kind of pain – then you can be asking why?!

“When I noticed my body responding, it gave me motivation.”

I woke up with less pain in my fingers. I could pick up the phone quicker and put it to my ear in 3 seconds, before it took me 15-20 seconds.

I’ve started doing yoga again and I do gentle chair yoga. Yoga isn't just about the downward dog; I do slow movements and stretches.

Let’s Move with Leon is fantastic and there are different options to help you. When I saw the exercises where you had to get on the floor, I freaked out, but there are adaptations to make the movements work for you.

Learn to let go and breathe as part of any exercise, this can really help. If you hold your breath and tense your muscles, this restricts movement.

“My advice to others would be…”

  • Be aware of what your body can do and listen to what your body is telling you.
  • If you feel some days you need to move a little less, do it. You can do stretches in bed!
  • Believe it, movement won’t harm you.

If you are sat in a chair thinking you can’t do this, you can. As I was sat in a chair thinking the same.

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