Treating eye inflammation in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis




Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)是一种痛苦的炎症性关节炎,影响了英国12,000名儿童和年轻人。


Some treatments – includingsteroidsand甲氨蝶呤- 可以提供帮助,但它们并不适合所有人。即使接受治疗,有些人仍然有失去视线的风险。

At Versus Arthritis, we refuse to accept the impact that JIA and uveitis have on young people’s lives, and we want to ensure that they get the most effective treatment possible.

That’s why, in 2011, we funded the SYCAMORE study to find a better option.

What research did we fund, and what did it reveal?


adalimumab是一种生物疗法 - 一种由人体产生的蛋白质或其他物质制成的一种治疗方法。它与称为肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)的人体中的蛋白质结合,该因子会引起炎症。通过与TNF结合,阿达木单抗阻止炎症并缓解关节炎和葡萄膜炎的症状。

How does anti-TNF work?

几十年来,医疗保健专业人员已经使用Adalimumab来治疗患有炎症状况的成年人,但是有很少的证据表明它是否可以帮助年轻人。Sycamore - 由Athimalaipet Ramanan教授和迈克尔·贝雷斯福(Michael Beresford)在大学医院布里斯托尔NHS基金会信托基金会指挥 - 试图找出是否也可以帮助孩子。

在这项研究中,医生给了年轻人lready taking methotrexate additional treatment with adalimumab. Then, they monitored these children for 18 months. Importantly, the team designed the trial to allow children whose symptoms did not improve to stop and to move on to different treatments.





Recruiting the number of patients required to answer the research question is often a challenge, particularly in conditions such as JIA where the number of patients is small. We were aware of the importance of this work, and therefore when recruitment was struggling and it looked like the study would not be able to carry on, Versus Arthritis took action and worked closely with the research team to adapt the recruitment process and improve communication between ophthalmology and rheumatology departments, ensuring that the study could continue.

Sycamore还导致了年轻人如何获得护理的其他重要改进 - 近年来,在同一诊所中看到了更多的风湿病学和眼科服务,因此孩子们可以在同一地方看到他们的健康团队。


Many children and young people treated withadalimumaband甲氨蝶呤have been able to live fuller lives and experience fewer symptoms. And behind the trial’s success are young people who volunteered to take part. One of those young people is Lily, who was diagnosed with JIA when she was just three years old.

Lily’s JIA meant that her joints were too sore and swollen for her to walk to school with her friends, and daily tasks were painful and difficult.

She also had uveitis, and despite her doctors’ best efforts, available treatments weren’t working well enough. According to Lily’s mum, Jane, the family was losing hope – Lily’s options were running out, and she was at risk of permanent damage to her vision.

