What will I be like today?!

Being scientifically minded, I like the orderly idea that A follows B. In every other pathology I've had, that's how it worked - there's a set of rules and a natural progression, you knew what to expect and what to do next with a little experience.

Hip OA isn't like that!! If there is a set of rules, it's so highly sophisticated and complicated that they're impossible to learn! You just don't know what you'll get today.


  1. 会很痛!2.如果您像身体能力一样移动,那将会受到很多伤害。3.您工作的次数越多,疼痛就会逐渐增加,而停止伤害的时间越长。4.如果您坐得足够长的时间,您不会遭受任何疼痛,但是5. 5.坐太久,移动时会比坐着更少的疼痛。6.最佳经验来自经常轻轻移动的时间(如果您没有工作或责任,这很好!)

All fine and dandy. But how much pain you're going to get by doing how much moving, and WHERE exactly it's going to hurt is like British weather. I have found no way of moving guaranteed to minimise the pain. Nothing works for long and some things that worked yesterday don't work today.

有时候,当您醒来时,您只是知道整天都会很糟糕 - 从OFF那里抱怨。其他人开始好起来,变得更糟,有时它开始不好,变得更好,然后再变得更糟,偶尔您会感到有能力 - 大约一分钟。这就像与一个肯定会打动您的恶魔生活一样,但是任何人猜测什么时候和有多难。

Nights are no better. Some nights I sleep OK, others I'm kept awake most of the night. I'm exploring drug options for this one.

I'm having to live now more than ever with uncertainty, and to mentally adapt quickly. If you're not going to go mad, or suicidal, acceptance, adaptability, focus, and knowing pain-management techniques are crucial. Oh and help when you aren't coping.



  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member帖子:26,718

    Actually, if you like order in your diseases I think you're in luck. OA is a much more orderly beast than RA or any other inflammatory form of arthritis. The latter can flare on a whim at any time and, when it's having a serious bite, will not be pacified by exercises (though ROM ones are still essential) or rest (though the fatigue makes this impossible to avoid). What it craves are more or stronger DMARDS and it wants them现在。




    Versus Arthritis has some good tips here//www.wfysxh.com/about-arthritis/conditions/osteoarthitis-oa-oa-of-the-hip/

  • Thank you for a well-thought-out reply. I've no fundamental disagreements with it, just some extra comment.


    具有科学头脑的,我喜欢使用中国ician's pain scale to quantify how bad I'm feeling, and relate that to what I was doing, to inform my efforts to keep it as low as possible! When I was a therapist I used a similar scale called SUDS (subjective units of distress) to assess phobias and trauma to initially assess the problem and then subsequent progress and success in the treatment. This does not mean that I am continually focused on pain, but rather my activities. In fact, people undergoing pain management therapy can then see for themselves by using the pain scale that the therapy is working. For example, under hypnosis I was often able to reduce the experience of pain up at around 8 to around 3, by the clients own assessment.

    我将在随后的文章中讨论疼痛管理本身,并使用疼痛量表,以便人们可以自己看到它有效。对于新手来说,诀窍是让他们追溯地重视痛苦 - “您这样做的疼痛水平是多少?”掌握疼痛管理的人可以看到自己的疼痛实际上减轻了。


  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member帖子:26,718

    I don't think it'd be fair to say RA and inflammatory forms of arthritis are 'worse' than OA because it's all so subjective but I do find it more predictable.

    我对Suds量表一无所知,但由于同样的原因,我确实讨厌疼痛量表。一些Stoics只会承认“ 3”,而一条腿则悬挂,而另一些腿则发现任何疼痛无法忍受,并且始于“ 7”。我从未发现它传达了任何有用的东西,但我会对您的防御感兴趣。

    Versus Arthritis has a very comprehenive and useful page on pain management which you might find helpful.//www.wfysxh.com/about-athritis/managing-symptoms/managing-your-pain/

  • 您是正确的,疼痛量表是主观的 - 三对一的人确实是其他人的7人。它不会给您任何有关病理学的可靠信息 - 当它没有错时,我的膝盖经常得分8-臀部引用了疼痛。

    What it does do is allow therapist/clinician and patient/client to quantify the level of discomfort and any noticeable improvement after treatment. This is the principal objective of an incurable/chronic condition - to make the client comfortable enough for them to live life. So within this limited context it is useful. There is however another factor. If you are associating the pain scale itself with pain, it becomes completely useless, a bit like someone who is anxious about having their blood pressure taken will elevate their blood pressure! If the association cannot be broken, you need to assess pain another way.


  • Damned69, I felt no one and I mean no one could possibly understand what it's like until I read your decriptive masterpiece which I concur with 100% and also your attempts at hobbling on another thread. Well done for being able to express the sheer randomness of the whole thing.
